by miltiades » Sun Aug 06, 2006 9:28 am
The largest religions in the world , Christianity first (2.1 bln ) and Islam second ( 1.3bln ) have survived and in many ways still thriving by putting the fear of God into people. If any one would care to spend a little time reading Exodus , old testament , and specifically the deadly sins that God brought up on the Pharaohs of Egypt in order to scare the shit out of them and let His people GO (Israelites ) Can any body really accept that if there was a creator , a master of Universe , a designer of such diverse and complicated structures , the entire living world , the Moon and the Stars , a revolving earth and millions of other Galaxies , and yet he could not make one Egyptian change his mind and let His people go. What does He do. Sends his Angels down to earth to KILL the first born Egyptian child, but just to make certain that no bloody angel kills a Jew , he asks that the Jews mark with red paint the front of their door. (Passover still celebrated)
As if that was not enough to scare the shit out of the Pharaohs He sends the locusts to destroy their food crops , and as measure of vindictiveness He turns the river Nile into Blood. But still the bastard Pharoes do not let His people go. He decides in his all mighty wisdom to kill all animals etc etc etc AND PIGS DO FLY !
If I offended the believers I humbly apologise I'm merely exercising my right to free expression .
And I do know that the New testament changed all that.
Other Religions doctrines talk of people as if they were vermin and their lives worthless and scaring people to death if they dare question the All mighty.
Every one knows the story of Abraham been asked by God to sacrifice his own son in order to prove his faith to God. What a horrible utterly barbaric request , the poor bastard must have shit him self but went ahead just the same , lucky for the son the bloody angel , who earlier on massacred the Jewish first born , was there in time to save the boy , and we all praise the Lord.
I think I will go to Church and pray for forgiveness , untill next time.