my name is david and iam 16 and was born, raised and live in ontario canada. my mother (who passed away) was cypriot and i am very close to her side. my grandmother has essentially brought me up in a cypriot way. she has fed me all the food and always speaks to me in greek even tho i have just now started taking language lessons.
anyhow right now i am visiting second cousins in cyprus and have been staying in the strovolos area of nicosia and i love it. i have been here for a month and i still have 2 weeks to go and i am in love with cyprus. i am wondering if i can get citizenship automatically considering iam half cypriot, or if i have to live here for a set period of time before obtaining it. if i aquire the citizenship i hope to get my military service over with then go to school in cyprus. this post ran off in a huge tangent but basically i was wondering what the rules/regulations about citizenship and how they apply to my situation. if anyones wondering about the lack of capitals and/or horrible grammar i apologize but lifes to short for caps and punctuation.

thanks for the help