mrfromng wrote:Those responsible, may it be the parents, teachers or priests should all hang their heads in shame.
Couldn't we just hang them?
theresa wrote:Souroul , please dont be so predudiced. If a child is a pick pocket ort hief, they are what they are - a pickpocket or thief. Being a turkish settlers child doesnt make them so. Thats like saying all Irish Catholics are part of the IRA - total rubbish!!! What do you suggest the Turkish Cypriots do - make all the "settlers" wear arm bands - like the Nazis did to the jews?
Natty wrote:Hey, kids live with their parents bitterness over what happened to them 32 years ago, they think 'the Turks caused all this hurt they must be bad', they don't distinguish between TC's and the Turkish Army, how could they, they have never lived with TC's....They just know that the Turkish Army is stopping them from moving freely aroung their own country...
Although I am glad that the GC side is starting to realise that the children need to be more educated about what happened in CY all those years ago...You know I'm glad that the borders opened, because now the young from both cummunities are able to mix and re-build relations!!
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