theresa wrote:I like all meat, and theres a butcher here that does more "english" type cuts, like T bone steak etc. I stopped eating beef in the UK but wouldnt think they would sell "iffy" meat abroad???. Would they..................
Of course they (we) would!
If you are over fifteen years of age then you've probably already been exposed to CJD regardless of wherever you lived.
Read 'Fast Food Nation' by Eric Schlosser and 'No Logo' by Naomi Klein, food for human consumption and animal feeds cross many borders and can be as familier as a burger from any of the fast food outlets or a frozen French chicken sold in the village shop up here in the mountains. Both books were given to me by my son a Doctor of medical science who has worked for the UN and for various government agencies throughout the EU and the US. He continues to eat beef and other meat products except burgers as his belief is that it is already too late for most of the worlds meat eating population and survival will be down to gene structure and luck adding that most of us will die of old age or any one of the other killer illnesses before it is discovered that we carry CJD.
Believe it or not the Japanese were exporting vast quantaties of cheap tinned fish to Europe in the 1950's, only it wasnt fish at all but something that looked and tasted like fish when the preservatives were added.
What was it that was being eaten?........................snake! tasted fine to me in the sandwiches I took to school