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The savages Strike again - part 2

Propose and discuss specific solutions to aspects of the Cyprus Problem

Postby miltiades » Wed Aug 09, 2006 8:52 pm

Precisely why the Jews will resist .You mentioned earlier that the West does not preserve culture in any way shape of form , and that there is much more culture in the M.E , My question is where ? In Iran who will shortly be executing a court's sentence and stone a young woman to death , or perhaps in Iraq where on a daily basis these very cultured and refined civilized individuals are massacring their own people.
May be you had Sudan in mind , or even Syria where the penalty for a rape victim is death .
Wake up , you never left the West , you left part of the West for another part. As far as the Christians that you say are concerned that Hitler did not do a good job , well may their God have mercy on them . My God is right here on this earth , is called People , all bloody people , humans that can live with their fellow humans without the barbaric practices that create DIVISION hatred and lead to more and more and more killings.
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Postby G.Man » Thu Aug 10, 2006 2:15 pm

Militades, I thought maybe you would come back with a coherent arguement, but it seems you cannot even read what I wrote...

I said I left britain.. not the west :roll:

Picking individual aspects of countries to further your arguement does nothing to preserve your credibility.. So I ask you, when was the last time you visited Iran or any other middle east country?

I Visit them all the time for my work, unfortunately I can no longer go to Iran due to US Ofac sanctions prohibiting people from Iran or Syria holding US Dollars anymore, but I am still able to visit Egypt amongst others..

My Point about christians is that these people believe Israel is the terrorist in the ME, the one that invades other neighbouring countries, it is because of the US's support for Israel that the west believes Hezbollah to be terrorists, so lets look at the scores on the doors shall we..

Israel has killed 1000 lebanese so far, almost all civilians, and none (that I have found) confirmed hezbollah members.

Hezbollah have killed around 100 Israelis, most of whom are Soldiers

Iran has supplied long range missiles capable of reaching deep into israel to hezbollah

The US has suplied missiles, including nuclear, that can reach every major city in the ME to Israel

Hezbollah, demand the release of around 1000 lebanese that have been captured and detained over a 20 year period

Israel demand the release of 2 soldiers captured 4 weeks ago..

I dont believe in god, because if there was a god, he would not allow this senseless slaughter of innocents, especially children... muslim/christian and jew alike

And btw, sunnis and shite do not regard each other as their own people.. thats kinda the problem in Iraq!

The biggest practice that creates division in this world today and for many thousands of years is religion! the second is economy..

Bring those together in the ME and you have the recipie for what we see today...

The US doesnt hate Iran because of a few nukes, it hates them because they sell their oil in euros and encourage the rest of the ME to do so, just like Iraq started before it was invaded...

Well wake up Bush, if you prohibit those countries from holding dollars what do you expect them to do??? Whistle for food?

You are brainwashed by western press, perhaps you should adopt a more balanced view and read

Then you can get a better picture of what is really going on...

and read this..

Why the Dollar Bubble is about to Burst

Steve Masterson – IndyMedia UK June 14, 2006

London - 24 May, 2006 - The Voice (issue 264 - 11th May) ran an article beginning, "Iran has really gone and done it now. No, they haven't sent their first nuclear sub in to the Persian Gulf. They are about to launch something much more deadly – next week the Iran Bourse will open to trade oil, not in dollars but in euros." This apparently insignificant event has consequences far greater for the US people, indeed all for us all, than is imaginable.

Currently almost all oil buying and selling is in US-dollars through exchanges in London and New York. It is not accidental they are both US-owned.

The Wall Street crash in 1929 sparked off global depression andWorld War II. During that war the US supplied provisions and munitions to all its allies, refusing currency and demanding gold payments in exchange.

By 1945, 80% of the world's gold was sitting in US vaults. The dollar became the one undisputed global reserve currency -- it was treated world-wide as `safer than gold'. The Bretton Woods agreement was established.

The US took full advantage over the next decades and printed dollars like there was no tomorrow. The US exported many mountains of dollars, paying for ever-increasing amounts of commodities, tax cuts for the rich, many wars abroad, mercenaries, spies and politicians the world over. You see, this did not affect inflation at home! The US got it all for free! Well, maybe for a forest or two.

Over subsequent decades the world's vaults bulged at the seams andmore and more vaults were built, just for US dollars. Each year, theUS spends many more dollars abroad that at home. Analysts pretty much agree that outside the US, of the savings, or reserves, of all other countries, in gold and all currencies -- that a massive 66% of this total wealth is in US dollars!

In 1971 several countries simultaeously tried to sell a small portion of their dollars to the US for gold. Krassimir Petrov, (Ph. D. in Economics at Ohio University) recently wrote, "The US Government defaulted on its payment on August 15, 1971. While popular spin told the story of `severing the link between the dollar and gold', in reality the denial to pay back in gold was an act of bankruptcy by the US Government." (1) The 1945 Bretton Woods agreement was unilaterally smashed.

The dollar and US economy were on a precipice resembling Germany in 1929. The US now had to find a way for the rest of the world to believe and have faith in the paper dollar. The solution was in oil, in the petrodollar. The US viciously bullied first Saudi Arabia and then OPEC to sell oil for dollars only -- it worked, the dollar was saved. Now countries had to keep dollars to buy much needed oil. And the US could buy oil all over the world, free of charge. What a Houdini for the US! Oil replaced gold as the new foundation to stop the paper dollar sinking.
Since 1971, the US printed even more mountains of dollars to spend abroad. The trade defecit grew and grew. The US sucked-in much of the world's products for next to nothing. More vaults were built.

Expert, Cóilínn Nunan, wrote in 2003, "The dollar is the de facto world reserve currency: the US currency accounts for approximately two thirds of all official exchange reserves. More than four-fifths of all foreign exchange transactions and half of all world exports are denominated in dollars. In addition, all IMF loans are denominated in dollars." (2)

Dr Bulent Gukay of Keele University recently wrote, "This system of the US dollar acting as global reserve currency in oil trade keeps the demand for the dollar `artificially' high. This enables the US to carry out printing dollars at the price of next to nothing to fund increased military spending and consumer spending on imports. There is no theoretical limit to the amount of dollars that can be printed. As long as the US has no serious challengers, and the other states have confidence in the US dollar, the system functions." (3)

Until recently, the US-dollar has been safe. However, since 1990 western Europe has been busy growing, swallowing up central and eastern Europe. French and German bosses were jealous of the US ablility to buy goods and people the world over for nothing. They wanted a slice of the free cake too. Further, they now had the power and established the euro in late 1999 against massive US-inspired opposition across Europe, especially from Britain - paid for in dollars of course. But the euro succeeded.

Only months after the euro-launch, Saddam's Iraq announced it was switching from selling oil in dollars only, to euros only -- breaking the OPEC agreement. Iran, Russia, Venezuela, Libya, all began talking openly of switching too -- were the floodgates about to be opened?

Then aeroplanes flew into the twin-towers in September 2001. Was this another Houdini chance to save the US (petro)dollar and the biggest financial/economic crash in history? War preparations began in the US. But first war-fever had to be created -- and truth was the first casualty. Other oil producing countries watched-on. In 2000 Iraq began selling oil in euros. In 2002, Iraq changed all their petro-dollars in their vaults into euros. A few months later, the US began their invasion of Iraq.

The whole world was watching: very few aware that the US was engaging in the first oil currency, or petrodollar war. After the invasion of Iraq in March 2003, remember, the US secured oil areas first. Their first sales in August were, of course, in dollars, again. The only government building in Baghdad not bombed was the Oil Ministry! It does not matter how many people are murdered -- for the US, the petrodollar must be saved as the only way to buy and sell oil -- otherwise the US economy will crash, and much more besides.

In early 2003, Hugo Chavez, President of Venezuela talked openly of selling half of its oil in euros (the other half is bought by the US). On 12 April 2003, the US-supported business leaders and some generals in Venezuela kidnapped Chavez and attempted a coup. The masses rose against this and the Army followed suit. The coup failed. This was bad for the US.

In November 2000 the euro/dollar was at $0.82 dollars, its lowest ever, and still diving, but when Iraq started selling oil in euros, the euro dive was halted. In April 2002 senior OPEC reps talked about trading in euros and the euro shot up. In June 2003 the US occupiers of Iraq switched trading back to dollars and the euro fell against the dollar again. In August 2003 Iran starts to sell oil in euros to some European countries and the euro rises sharply. In the winter of 2003-4 Russian and OPEC politicians talked seriously of switching oil/gas sales to the euro and the euro rose. In February 2004 OPEC met and made no decision to turn to the euro -- and yes, the euro fell against the dollar. In June 2004 Iran announced it would build an oil bourse to rival London and New York, and again, the euro rose. The euro stands at $1.27 and has been climbing of late. See the European Central Bank history of the euro/dollar: ... .html#1999

But matters this month became far, far worse for the US dollar. On 5th May Iran registered its own Oil Bourse, the IOB. Not only are they now selling oil in euros from abroad -- they have established an actual Oil Bourse, a global trading centre for all countries to buy and sell their oil!

In Chavez's recent visit to London he talked openly about supporting the Iranian Oil Bourse, and selling oil in euros. When asked in London about the new arms embargo imposed by the US against Venezuela, Chavez prophetically dismissed the US as "a paper tiger".

Currently, almost all the world's oil is sold on either the NYMEX, New York Mercantile Exchange, or the IPE, London's International Petroleum Exchange. Both are owned by US citizens and both sell and buy only in US dollars. The success of the Iran Oil Bourse makes sense to Europe, which buys 70% of Iran's oil. It makes sense for Russia, which sells 66% of its oil to Europe. But worse for the US, China and India have already stated they are very interested in the new Iranian Oil Bourse.

If there is a tactical-nuclear strike on - deja-vu - `weapons of mass destruction' in Iran, who would bet against a certain Oil Exchange and more, being bombed too?

And worse for Bush. It makes sense for Europe, China, India and Japan -- as well as all the other countries mentioned above -- to buy and sell oil in Euro's. They will certainly have to stock-up on euros now, and they will sell dollars to do so. The euro is far more stable than the debt-ridden dollar. The IMF has recently highlighted US economic difficulties and the trade deficit strangling the US -- there is no way out.

The problem for so many countries now is, how to get rid of their vaults full of dollars, before it crashes? And the US has bullied so many countries for so many decades around the world, that many will see a chance to kick the bully back. The US cannot accept even 5% of the world's dollars -- it would crash the US economy dragging much of the world with it, especially Britain.

To survive, as the Scottish Socialist Voice article stated, "the US, needs to generate a trade surplus to get out of this one. Problem is it can't." This is spot on. To do that they must force US workers into near slavery, to get paid less than Chinese or Indian workers. We all know that this will not happen.

What will happen in the US? Chaos for sure. Maybe a workers revolution, but looking at the situation as it is now, it is more likely to be a re-run of Germany post-1929, and some form of extreme-right mass movement will emerge.

Does Europe and China/Asia have the economic independence and strength to stop the whole world's economies collapsing with the US? Their vaults are full to the brim with dollars.

The US has to find a way to pay for its dollar-imperialist exploitation of the world since 1945. Somehow, eventually, it has to account for every dollar in every vault in the world.

Bombing Iran could backfire tremendously. It would bring Iran openly into the war in Iraq, behind the Shiite majority. The US cannot cope even now with the much smaller Iraqi insurgency. Perhaps the US will feed into the Sunni v Shiite conflict and turn it into a wider Middle-East civil-war. However, this is so dangerous for global oil supplies. Further, they know that this would be temporary, as some country somewhere else, will establish a euro-oil-exchange. Perhaps in Brussels.

There is one `solution' -- scrap the dollar and print a whole new currency for the US. This will destroy 66% of the rest of the world's savings/reserves in one swoop. Imagine the implications? Such are the desperate things now swimming around heads in the White House, Wall Street and Pentagon.

Another is to do as Germany did, just before invading Poland in 1938. The Nazis filmed a mock Polish Army attack on Germany, to win hearts and minds at home. But again, this is a finger in the dam. So, how is the US going to escape this time? The only global arena of total superiority left is military. Who knows what horrors lie ahead. A new world war is one tool by which the US could discipline its `allies' into keeping the dollar in their vaults.

The task of socialists today is to explain to as many as possible, especially our class, that the coming crisis belongs purely to capitalism and (dollar) imperialism. Not people of other cultures, not Islam, not the axis of evil or their so-called WMDs. Their system alone is to blame.

The new Iranian Oil Bourse, the IOB, is situated in a new building on the free-trade-zone island of Kish, in the Persian Gulf. It's computers and software are all set to go. The IOB was supposed to be up and running last March, but many pressures forced a postponement. Where the pressure came from is obvious. It was internationally registered on 5th May and supposed to open mid-May, but its opening was put off, some saying the oil-mafia was involved, along with much international pressure. Just google `pertroeuro', and the story lies before you.

From now on, anyone in the know will wake up every morning and, even before coffee, will check out the latest exchange rate between the euro and dollar.

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Postby G.Man » Thu Aug 10, 2006 2:16 pm

Militades, I thought maybe you would come back with a coherent arguement, but it seems you cannot even read what I wrote...

I said I left britain.. not the west :roll:

Picking individual aspects of countries to further your arguement does nothing to preserve your credibility.. So I ask you, when was the last time you visited Iran or any other middle east country?

I Visit them all the time for my work, unfortunately I can no longer go to Iran due to US Ofac sanctions prohibiting people from Iran or Syria holding US Dollars anymore, but I am still able to visit Egypt amongst others..

My Point about christians is that these people believe Israel is the terrorist in the ME, the one that invades other neighbouring countries, it is because of the US's support for Israel that the west believes Hezbollah to be terrorists, so lets look at the scores on the doors shall we..

Israel has killed 1000 lebanese so far, almost all civilians, and none (that I have found) confirmed hezbollah members.

Hezbollah have killed around 100 Israelis, most of whom are Soldiers

Iran has supplied long range missiles capable of reaching deep into israel to hezbollah

The US has suplied missiles, including nuclear, that can reach every major city in the ME to Israel

Hezbollah, demand the release of around 1000 lebanese that have been captured and detained over a 20 year period

Israel demand the release of 2 soldiers captured 4 weeks ago..

I dont believe in god, because if there was a god, he would not allow this senseless slaughter of innocents, especially children... muslim/christian and jew alike

And btw, sunnis and shite do not regard each other as their own people.. thats kinda the problem in Iraq!

The biggest practice that creates division in this world today and for many thousands of years is religion! the second is economy..

Bring those together in the ME and you have the recipie for what we see today...

The US doesnt hate Iran because of a few nukes, it hates them because they sell their oil in euros and encourage the rest of the ME to do so, just like Iraq started before it was invaded...

Well wake up Bush, if you prohibit those countries from holding dollars what do you expect them to do??? Whistle for food?

You are brainwashed by western press, perhaps you should adopt a more balanced view and read

Then you can get a better picture of what is really going on...

and read this..

Why the Dollar Bubble is about to Burst

Steve Masterson – IndyMedia UK June 14, 2006

London - 24 May, 2006 - The Voice (issue 264 - 11th May) ran an article beginning, "Iran has really gone and done it now. No, they haven't sent their first nuclear sub in to the Persian Gulf. They are about to launch something much more deadly – next week the Iran Bourse will open to trade oil, not in dollars but in euros." This apparently insignificant event has consequences far greater for the US people, indeed all for us all, than is imaginable.

Currently almost all oil buying and selling is in US-dollars through exchanges in London and New York. It is not accidental they are both US-owned.

The Wall Street crash in 1929 sparked off global depression andWorld War II. During that war the US supplied provisions and munitions to all its allies, refusing currency and demanding gold payments in exchange.

By 1945, 80% of the world's gold was sitting in US vaults. The dollar became the one undisputed global reserve currency -- it was treated world-wide as `safer than gold'. The Bretton Woods agreement was established.

The US took full advantage over the next decades and printed dollars like there was no tomorrow. The US exported many mountains of dollars, paying for ever-increasing amounts of commodities, tax cuts for the rich, many wars abroad, mercenaries, spies and politicians the world over. You see, this did not affect inflation at home! The US got it all for free! Well, maybe for a forest or two.

Over subsequent decades the world's vaults bulged at the seams andmore and more vaults were built, just for US dollars. Each year, theUS spends many more dollars abroad that at home. Analysts pretty much agree that outside the US, of the savings, or reserves, of all other countries, in gold and all currencies -- that a massive 66% of this total wealth is in US dollars!

In 1971 several countries simultaeously tried to sell a small portion of their dollars to the US for gold. Krassimir Petrov, (Ph. D. in Economics at Ohio University) recently wrote, "The US Government defaulted on its payment on August 15, 1971. While popular spin told the story of `severing the link between the dollar and gold', in reality the denial to pay back in gold was an act of bankruptcy by the US Government." (1) The 1945 Bretton Woods agreement was unilaterally smashed.

The dollar and US economy were on a precipice resembling Germany in 1929. The US now had to find a way for the rest of the world to believe and have faith in the paper dollar. The solution was in oil, in the petrodollar. The US viciously bullied first Saudi Arabia and then OPEC to sell oil for dollars only -- it worked, the dollar was saved. Now countries had to keep dollars to buy much needed oil. And the US could buy oil all over the world, free of charge. What a Houdini for the US! Oil replaced gold as the new foundation to stop the paper dollar sinking.
Since 1971, the US printed even more mountains of dollars to spend abroad. The trade defecit grew and grew. The US sucked-in much of the world's products for next to nothing. More vaults were built.

Expert, Cóilínn Nunan, wrote in 2003, "The dollar is the de facto world reserve currency: the US currency accounts for approximately two thirds of all official exchange reserves. More than four-fifths of all foreign exchange transactions and half of all world exports are denominated in dollars. In addition, all IMF loans are denominated in dollars." (2)

Dr Bulent Gukay of Keele University recently wrote, "This system of the US dollar acting as global reserve currency in oil trade keeps the demand for the dollar `artificially' high. This enables the US to carry out printing dollars at the price of next to nothing to fund increased military spending and consumer spending on imports. There is no theoretical limit to the amount of dollars that can be printed. As long as the US has no serious challengers, and the other states have confidence in the US dollar, the system functions." (3)

Until recently, the US-dollar has been safe. However, since 1990 western Europe has been busy growing, swallowing up central and eastern Europe. French and German bosses were jealous of the US ablility to buy goods and people the world over for nothing. They wanted a slice of the free cake too. Further, they now had the power and established the euro in late 1999 against massive US-inspired opposition across Europe, especially from Britain - paid for in dollars of course. But the euro succeeded.

Only months after the euro-launch, Saddam's Iraq announced it was switching from selling oil in dollars only, to euros only -- breaking the OPEC agreement. Iran, Russia, Venezuela, Libya, all began talking openly of switching too -- were the floodgates about to be opened?

Then aeroplanes flew into the twin-towers in September 2001. Was this another Houdini chance to save the US (petro)dollar and the biggest financial/economic crash in history? War preparations began in the US. But first war-fever had to be created -- and truth was the first casualty. Other oil producing countries watched-on. In 2000 Iraq began selling oil in euros. In 2002, Iraq changed all their petro-dollars in their vaults into euros. A few months later, the US began their invasion of Iraq.

The whole world was watching: very few aware that the US was engaging in the first oil currency, or petrodollar war. After the invasion of Iraq in March 2003, remember, the US secured oil areas first. Their first sales in August were, of course, in dollars, again. The only government building in Baghdad not bombed was the Oil Ministry! It does not matter how many people are murdered -- for the US, the petrodollar must be saved as the only way to buy and sell oil -- otherwise the US economy will crash, and much more besides.

In early 2003, Hugo Chavez, President of Venezuela talked openly of selling half of its oil in euros (the other half is bought by the US). On 12 April 2003, the US-supported business leaders and some generals in Venezuela kidnapped Chavez and attempted a coup. The masses rose against this and the Army followed suit. The coup failed. This was bad for the US.

In November 2000 the euro/dollar was at $0.82 dollars, its lowest ever, and still diving, but when Iraq started selling oil in euros, the euro dive was halted. In April 2002 senior OPEC reps talked about trading in euros and the euro shot up. In June 2003 the US occupiers of Iraq switched trading back to dollars and the euro fell against the dollar again. In August 2003 Iran starts to sell oil in euros to some European countries and the euro rises sharply. In the winter of 2003-4 Russian and OPEC politicians talked seriously of switching oil/gas sales to the euro and the euro rose. In February 2004 OPEC met and made no decision to turn to the euro -- and yes, the euro fell against the dollar. In June 2004 Iran announced it would build an oil bourse to rival London and New York, and again, the euro rose. The euro stands at $1.27 and has been climbing of late. See the European Central Bank history of the euro/dollar: ... .html#1999

But matters this month became far, far worse for the US dollar. On 5th May Iran registered its own Oil Bourse, the IOB. Not only are they now selling oil in euros from abroad -- they have established an actual Oil Bourse, a global trading centre for all countries to buy and sell their oil!

In Chavez's recent visit to London he talked openly about supporting the Iranian Oil Bourse, and selling oil in euros. When asked in London about the new arms embargo imposed by the US against Venezuela, Chavez prophetically dismissed the US as "a paper tiger".

Currently, almost all the world's oil is sold on either the NYMEX, New York Mercantile Exchange, or the IPE, London's International Petroleum Exchange. Both are owned by US citizens and both sell and buy only in US dollars. The success of the Iran Oil Bourse makes sense to Europe, which buys 70% of Iran's oil. It makes sense for Russia, which sells 66% of its oil to Europe. But worse for the US, China and India have already stated they are very interested in the new Iranian Oil Bourse.

If there is a tactical-nuclear strike on - deja-vu - `weapons of mass destruction' in Iran, who would bet against a certain Oil Exchange and more, being bombed too?

And worse for Bush. It makes sense for Europe, China, India and Japan -- as well as all the other countries mentioned above -- to buy and sell oil in Euro's. They will certainly have to stock-up on euros now, and they will sell dollars to do so. The euro is far more stable than the debt-ridden dollar. The IMF has recently highlighted US economic difficulties and the trade deficit strangling the US -- there is no way out.

The problem for so many countries now is, how to get rid of their vaults full of dollars, before it crashes? And the US has bullied so many countries for so many decades around the world, that many will see a chance to kick the bully back. The US cannot accept even 5% of the world's dollars -- it would crash the US economy dragging much of the world with it, especially Britain.

To survive, as the Scottish Socialist Voice article stated, "the US, needs to generate a trade surplus to get out of this one. Problem is it can't." This is spot on. To do that they must force US workers into near slavery, to get paid less than Chinese or Indian workers. We all know that this will not happen.

What will happen in the US? Chaos for sure. Maybe a workers revolution, but looking at the situation as it is now, it is more likely to be a re-run of Germany post-1929, and some form of extreme-right mass movement will emerge.

Does Europe and China/Asia have the economic independence and strength to stop the whole world's economies collapsing with the US? Their vaults are full to the brim with dollars.

The US has to find a way to pay for its dollar-imperialist exploitation of the world since 1945. Somehow, eventually, it has to account for every dollar in every vault in the world.

Bombing Iran could backfire tremendously. It would bring Iran openly into the war in Iraq, behind the Shiite majority. The US cannot cope even now with the much smaller Iraqi insurgency. Perhaps the US will feed into the Sunni v Shiite conflict and turn it into a wider Middle-East civil-war. However, this is so dangerous for global oil supplies. Further, they know that this would be temporary, as some country somewhere else, will establish a euro-oil-exchange. Perhaps in Brussels.

There is one `solution' -- scrap the dollar and print a whole new currency for the US. This will destroy 66% of the rest of the world's savings/reserves in one swoop. Imagine the implications? Such are the desperate things now swimming around heads in the White House, Wall Street and Pentagon.

Another is to do as Germany did, just before invading Poland in 1938. The Nazis filmed a mock Polish Army attack on Germany, to win hearts and minds at home. But again, this is a finger in the dam. So, how is the US going to escape this time? The only global arena of total superiority left is military. Who knows what horrors lie ahead. A new world war is one tool by which the US could discipline its `allies' into keeping the dollar in their vaults.

The task of socialists today is to explain to as many as possible, especially our class, that the coming crisis belongs purely to capitalism and (dollar) imperialism. Not people of other cultures, not Islam, not the axis of evil or their so-called WMDs. Their system alone is to blame.

The new Iranian Oil Bourse, the IOB, is situated in a new building on the free-trade-zone island of Kish, in the Persian Gulf. It's computers and software are all set to go. The IOB was supposed to be up and running last March, but many pressures forced a postponement. Where the pressure came from is obvious. It was internationally registered on 5th May and supposed to open mid-May, but its opening was put off, some saying the oil-mafia was involved, along with much international pressure. Just google `pertroeuro', and the story lies before you.

From now on, anyone in the know will wake up every morning and, even before coffee, will check out the latest exchange rate between the euro and dollar.

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Postby Apollonios » Fri Aug 11, 2006 11:24 pm

I totally agree with the Israel invasion because in politics you mast choose the bud from the worst (all most always).

Israel and behind him the NATO wanted to limitable Hezbollah before it will be to late and to not let the fanatics of Islam (Iran, Syria etc) to gain power in the area.

Islam and religion trash have no culture and I can’t discuss about it. Theocracy was never did any good to humanity and there is no sense to discuss about this trash even if they are called Byzantium or Islam or anything.

Hezbollah had nothing to do with EOKA because:


EOKA had a logical cause (freedom and even enosis was logical back then).

Hezbollah just want to destroy Israel and there ideology is not negotiable.


EOKA was illegal because some foreigners were ruling them.

Lebanon has his own legal government and they act illegally even by gain power over the legal government.

There is no logical person who can excuse this madness.

Hezbollah is something like Akritas, a paramilitary organization with the support of government ware wants to act with out any legal face.

These paranoiac organizations can be supported from pure stupids from anti-Semitists from anti-Americans from communist’s anti-NATO and from religion trash.

The invasion of Israel was 100% justified and was totally success to limit the Hezbollah power, even if they didn’t manage to limit the fanatics but is stupid to have such aim between god trashes. The first and the only aim it was to limit their strategically power and they manage this 100% and this become officially through the voting of the UN that will send NATO powers to control the area and this is only can happen because of the invasion who proves the Israel fears about their armory (from Iran) and expose their terrorist organization and beacouse the 20 miles that is open now for the NATO powers.

About the Oil in Iraq I can’t say but I consider idiot anyone who belives what Ahmabinezant is not a madman and a problem for America and generally for west.

He is even supporting Hitler and Nazi anti-Semitism and his total lunatic.

The economy interests exist but there not then main reason of the religion trash problem.

And I’m glad that they manage to destroy Sadam.
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Postby miltiades » Sat Aug 12, 2006 12:02 am

Apollonios , no doubt you are from Limassol and a supporter of the great football team of Apollon . I'm a fan of Apollon too , though the last time I saw them play was in 1959 when PANIKOS was playing and Zangylos was the Pele of Cyprus football. Zangylos , along with Kouvis , Shailos and Papiros of course played for Anorthosis.
They were good old years !!

I like your sensible views on the M.E !
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Postby Apollonios » Sat Aug 12, 2006 11:19 am

Hi Miltiades.

I’m afraid what I’m an opponent for your team because I’m a fan of Anorthosis. My nick name as my ideology is based in agent Greece history and philosophy is just a protest against the Judaist religions and their madness. Apollo is my favorite god. I’m not a nationalist or a Hellenist like some stupid neo Hellenes like to see it, I’m a Hellenist in ideology because I know what there was not a nationalist or race teaching and because I know what Hellenism is an idea with no borders or colors and because I’m discussed from the Balcano-arabo-judaist-grecos who trying to exploit the western heritage as their own with out the ability even to understand it.
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Postby miltiades » Sat Aug 12, 2006 11:50 am

Just before I left Cyprus , I supported Anorthosis .Those years we had following players.
Zaggylos , Kouvis , Shailos , Aspros , Papiros , Shailis , cant remember all of them .
I lived in Ayios Loucas in Famagusta and you either supported Salamina or Anorthosis .
I agree with Apollo being your favourite God , as for me I prefer Artemis she was very sexy and would have loved to have been one of her faithful subjects but I was too bloody busy fighting the Persians at the time !!!
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Postby Eliko » Tue Jan 09, 2007 8:30 pm

miltiades, what are you doing living in the U.K.? surely you should be in America, I'm sure they must have the equivalent of 'Speaker's Corner' there, you could spend all your leisure time spouting your nonsense till your hearts content. :) :) :) :) :)
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Postby Kikapu » Tue Jan 09, 2007 9:05 pm

Eliko wrote:miltiades, what are you doing living in the U.K.? surely you should be in America, I'm sure they must have the equivalent of 'Speaker's Corner'. :) :) :) :) :)

Yeh, it's called Guantanamo Bay or just plain "GITMO". The only problem is, that's where you're likely to end up, if you do speak up. :lol:

But seriously, there is no free speech in the USA, under Bush. Yes you can say almost anything you want, but be prepaired to pay the price. Just look what they did to the "Dixie Chiks", after they said in the UK, that they were embarrassed about Bush going to war in Iraq. FOX NEWS has targeted anyone who spoke against the war. They have been the "Hit Man" for the Bush Administration. I can't wait until we get this " Born again Idiot, Son of a Bush" out of office, then perhaps we can go back to "America the Great", once again.

So much for free speech. :cry:
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Postby miltiades » Tue Jan 09, 2007 9:42 pm

Eliko , do tell me , why this unprovoked attack , the last time I was attacked was about 15 years ago by a bunch ignorant savage robbers who wanted to separate me from my briefcase .

"""miltiades, what are you doing living in the U.K.? surely you should be in America, I'm sure they must have the equivalent of 'Speaker's Corner' there, you could spend all your leisure time spouting your nonsense till your hearts content. """"

I suppose my views on Cyprus and its people are considered by you to be nonsense , or is it my commitment to the values of our Western world , I wondered what motivated you .
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