Hey Rolo, I have never read the book 'The Genocide Files', so I can't really say too much about it, however from what I can see (and I could be wrong), it presends a very 'one sided' view on the Cyprus problem...The Cyprus Issue however, was never the fault of one 'side' (I hate that word, especially when it's used to describe what happened in Cyprus ) completely, or should I say 'party', or even 'community', so a book that appears to suggest this (again I could be wrong), can not, in my opinion, tell the full truth of what really happened in Cyprus all those years ago...An insult and a grave misjustice to all Cypriots...
There are plenty of books, that I believe present a more 'balanced', and 'well researched' view of the turbulent political history of our beautiful island, Cyprus, I really recomened you check them out.....
"The conventional picture, of a dogged and narrow battle of Greek against Turk, has become, with further and better knowledge, simplistic and deceptive..." ('Hostage to History: Cyprus')