My point was this. Your option is the same or very similar to the constitution of 1960. We tried that and for reasons we all know failed miserably.
The main reasons were:
1) The 1960 agreements were not a result of the democratic wish of Cypriots, but they were instead imposed on us with no alternative option given.
2) The Ottoman/British way of dividing Cypriots along ethnic lines was incorporated by them into the 1960 constidution.
3) It had problems of functionality
4) It allowed foreign intervention and foreign troops which led to the events of 1974. (by Greece and Turkey, and UK in the background)
Therefore if we are going to change something from the 1960 agreements we need to make them better if its going to have a chance to survive.
Of course those that wanted the Annan plan didn't care for how long it would survive. In fact it was the opposite. They wanted to make that plan as bad as possible so it would fail as fast as possible since the result after its failure would be 2 separate countries, what their aim has always been.
Therefore the solution of the Cyprus problem will not be anything similar to the Annan plan. Cyprus will remain de facto divided for as long as Turkey has the power to enforce this illegality. Then it would be returned to RoC and the necessary changes to the RoC constidution will be applied as per the EU acquis to make it more functional and democratic.
Meanwhile we will be forced to live in a divided country, but at least we will have democracy and we will not be treated as second category citizens by our own government.