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What is Cyprus for you?

Postby Niyaz2137 » Tue Jul 25, 2006 5:57 am

Hey everyone... I was wondering...

For all those who have been to Cyprus...

What is Cyprus for you? What does it mean to you? Can you describe it? Can you compare it to anything else? What does it meant o be "Cypriot" for you?

I'll try and answer my own questions, lol

Cyprus for me is the most beautiful place in the world. For such a small island nation and yet it has everything, from sandy beaches to snowy mountains. It's something unique. It's hard to compare it's culture to anything as. (as I've only been to the south) The only other culture I can compare it to is that of Greece, and the only reason for that is because they speaka form of Greek and the majority has the same religion. ("Greek") Cypriots may be Hellenised but they are NOT Greeks. They are Cypriots. Cypriots seem to have this beautiful mix of culture where they can say they are truely Middle Eastern and truely European, and yet Cypriots seem to have this aura of class around them uncomparable to any other nation. One of my best friends lives in Larnaca and when I went there I loved everything about that place. Another one of my best friends is half Cypriot (lol, it seems there is only like 700,000 Cypriots and yet majority of my friends are Cypriot) and whenever he says something like "Well yeah I'm Greek" I tell him "No, bro your Cypriot... your more than that. BETTER than that".

No wonder its one of the most fought over nations in the world (next to the holy land).

Plus the girls are... WOW...

I CAN'T WAIT to return in July 2007.

I'm interested to hear answers from you all...
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Postby unique_earthling » Tue Jul 25, 2006 6:26 am

Welcome Niyaz to the forum, so where are you from?
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Postby Niyaz2137 » Tue Jul 25, 2006 6:50 am

Me? lol, I'm from New Jersey.

Thankyou for the welcome :)
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Postby miltiades » Tue Jul 25, 2006 8:15 am

I welcome you also to the forum Niyaz and also welcome your comments """ and whenever he says something like "Well yeah I'm Greek" I tell him "No, bro your Cypriot... your more than that. BETTER than that".
Well said.
We have a number of issues that we hope the many Brits on Cyprus will help to alleviate, mainly cruelty to animals which is endemic in Cyprus and is a stain on our Island.
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Postby unique_earthling » Tue Jul 25, 2006 11:41 am

I also believe your right both of you, that the sooner the island gets its own identity and stops trying to be a poor relation to greece the better it will be. I think Cyprus has an identity crisis and has become the Cyprus problem, I say move on, be unique, and create something better than Greece, whats so great about Greece anyway? You have everything you need, to do that right here. All you need to do is to give your island something back, create a beautiful place instead of destroying it with rubbish and ugly buildings, keep the character of the place and stop making it into a Blackpool, quaint is in, and will always be in, People will come to see ethnicity, and marvel at the culture. If they want a bar street they can do that at home. Your doing it all wrong, and no one listens or understands that keeping your art and cultural heritage is better for everyone. Cobbled streets and old fashioned houses, full of character, pretty green areas, parks this will attract more visitors and all for the right reasons, not lagar louts and hooligans. But i guess green areas is begging for a block of ugly flats and even more villas in this get rich quick place till it looks like an english counsel estate and sod the consequences.
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Postby Natty » Tue Jul 25, 2006 10:39 pm

unique_earthling wrote:I also believe your right both of you, that the sooner the island gets its own identity and stops trying to be a poor relation to greece the better it will be. I think Cyprus has an identity crisis and has become the Cyprus problem, I say move on, be unique, and create something better than Greece, whats so great about Greece anyway? You have everything you need, to do that right here. All you need to do is to give your island something back, create a beautiful place instead of destroying it with rubbish and ugly buildings, keep the character of the place and stop making it into a Blackpool, quaint is in, and will always be in, People will come to see ethnicity, and marvel at the culture. If they want a bar street they can do that at home. Your doing it all wrong, and no one listens or understands that keeping your art and cultural heritage is better for everyone. Cobbled streets and old fashioned houses, full of character, pretty green areas, parks this will attract more visitors and all for the right reasons, not lagar louts and hooligans. But i guess green areas is begging for a block of ugly flats and even more villas in this get rich quick place till it looks like an english counsel estate and sod the consequences.

Hey unique_earthling, I agree with you almost completely on what you said, although I think most GC's don't want to be 'a poor relation to Greece' I think their pretty confortable with their indentity, they are 100% proud of being both Greek and Cypriot, and they wouldn't have it any other way!! It's hard for people to let go of 'Greece' so to speak, there's such a huge connection.. I guess you can't ask people to deny that...(although I'm not saying people want enosis, thats the last thing they want!! :)) Plus it's true, there are some truly horrible concrete buildings, although many were built, as far as I know to house the GC refugees....However now that the republic has more money it should concentrate on restoring old houses and preserving the culteral heritage of the Island...which I believe they have started to do to a certain extent...

Peace! :)
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