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This is sad

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby MR-from-NG » Wed Jul 26, 2006 1:05 am

How absolutely right you are Viewpoint. I know for a fact that the likes of you and I would have no problem in our neighbours claiming their land back and fighting for a just and meaningful settlement. But the way Kifeas is doing it totally wrong, how can he expect our support?

Perhaps other level headed GC's should show him the right way to fight a good and a fair fight.
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Postby Kifeas » Wed Jul 26, 2006 1:09 am

Kikapu wrote:Kifeas and others,

I know we have beaten the Cyprus issue to death by now, but would like to pose this question anyway. If there were no 40,000 Turkish troops in the northern Cyprus, but instead there were UN peace keepers to keep the two sides apart. Now, the majority (GC's) would like to make a peace offer to the minority (TC's) that they (TC's) will find it very hard to refuse. What would be that offer, that the majority will be willing to make, to resolve the past 43 years. Bear in mind, what ever is offered and accepted, at the end of the day, it will be for Cyprus and Cypriots.

Kikapu, you know my opinion on most aspects of the Cyprus issue. You know very well what I support and that I am not an extremist but instead one that wants to reach a compromised, fair and decent solution on the Cyprus issue, one that will take into consideration the well intended, legitimate and genuine interests, desires and concerns of both communities. I think there is no point going further into this discussion. If you want a deeper discussion on any of all the issues and aspects pertaining to a solution, I will be glad to discuss them with you. I believe you want the same like I do. However, it is about time in this forum that you the moderate TCs start handpicking those little thieves, opportunists, fanatics and provocateurs from your community such as Mrfromng and viewpoint, and start telling them off because they deliberately try to ruin any discussion, simply because they do not care for a solution but only how to consolidate the illegal and illegitimate fait accomplices that Turkey provided for them in Cyprus. They come here and in the most cynical way try to defend and promote the “TRNC” recognition; simply because in this way they will enjoy the spoils of the war they invited Turkey to declare on us. It is about time you the peace loving TCs start isolating those opportunists from your community, if there is a hope to peacefully solve the Cyprus problem one day, and not just seat back and let them provoke with their obscenities.
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Postby MR-from-NG » Wed Jul 26, 2006 1:13 am

Here it is:

There are more than 500 UN documents on Cyprus, since the beginning of 1964. All the Cyprus SC resolutions, all the UN Secretary General reports and all the UNFICYP reports from Cyprus back to their headquarters. Find me one single such document or even a paragraph out of all these 500+ documents that supports your theories that we have attempted to ethnically cleanse you. Find me one single international organization or court ruling that you have taken your case at, and you have proved your allegations. None! Absolutely none!

Kifeas, I will be the first to admit our so called politicians have failed us miserably on that subject. As I said before had it been you guys your politicians would have done a much better job.

Their excuse is "we are an Islamic nation, the christian world does not listen to us" that is bollocks they are just useless, they are more interested in personal gain and personal issues than the nations. That's a fact.
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Postby Kifeas » Wed Jul 26, 2006 1:28 am

mrfromng wrote:
Here it is:

There are more than 500 UN documents on Cyprus, since the beginning of 1964. All the Cyprus SC resolutions, all the UN Secretary General reports and all the UNFICYP reports from Cyprus back to their headquarters. Find me one single such document or even a paragraph out of all these 500+ documents that supports your theories that we have attempted to ethnically cleanse you. Find me one single international organization or court ruling that you have taken your case at, and you have proved your allegations. None! Absolutely none!

Kifeas, I will be the first to admit our so called politicians have failed us miserably on that subject. As I said before had it been you guys your politicians would have done a much better job.

Their excuse is "we are an Islamic nation, the christian world does not listen to us" that is bollocks they are just useless, they are more interested in personal gain and personal issues than the nations. That's a fact.

In other words you continue to insist that we tried to ethnically cleanse and annihilate you, but the UN that was here full time all these years, just pretended they saw nothing to report, simply because you were Turkish Cypriots. Do you know from which country most of the UN forces in Cyprus used to come from? They were your British friends! The British that all along Cyprus history since 1955 have been trying to find ways to backstab the GCs, and they still do! And you want to say that they saw us plotting and attempting to ethnically cleanse you as you say, but just pretended they did not see anything. No chance that what you have been told and taught from your side’s propaganda may have just been exaggerations and even machinations and lies!
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Postby Natty » Wed Jul 26, 2006 2:52 am

Okay, I think we need to calm down...this forum is turning into another forum I visited some time ago, when it was just attack, after attack after attack....Please, we need to unite instead of fight each other, only then can we sort the "Cyprus Problem" out!!

Peace!! :)
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Postby Natty » Wed Jul 26, 2006 3:02 am

Hey Kifeas, I visited the UN website but I couldn't find the documents on Cyprus, do you know how I can read them? Thanks! :)

Peace!! :)
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Postby Kifeas » Wed Jul 26, 2006 8:07 am

Natty wrote:Okay, I think we need to calm down...this forum is turning into another forum I visited some time ago, when it was just attack, after attack after attack....Please, we need to unite instead of fight each other, only then can we sort the "Cyprus Problem" out!!

Peace!! :)

Unite with whom Natty? Unite with those propagandizing and promoting the right to steal your country, your properties and your history and run away? Unite with those defending the ethnic cleansing their side committed against us, and even feel proud about it and brag their "achievements?" No Natty, we do not need to unite with such people, but only to prepare ourselves to fight them. These people have no morality on which to base any friendship with them. They have no respect for other people’s rights, more so for the GC’s rights. Their aim is to gain on our loss, and they even disclose and declare it without any hesitation and in the most provocative and audacious way.
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Wed Jul 26, 2006 8:42 am

wrote: The losers are you, we are not the winners by any means but at least we walk with our heads high and not as second-class citizens. Those days are over, history, end of.

Hey Froggy Fraud

I heard your mother is still breast feeding you, so when did you learn to walk and keep your head up high?

:P :P :P :P

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby miltiades » Wed Jul 26, 2006 8:49 am

Viewpoint wrote:
"A chain of events occured where both sides made big mistakes resulting in what we have to day. "

Precisely that ! Both sides made mistakes. G/Cs were killed by T/Cs and visa verse . As far as the ethnic cleansing of the T/Cs by the G/Cs , this phraseology became popular in view of the events of 1974 . No one can honestly suggest that the UN concealed in their reports the "Ethnic cleaning of T/Cs" because they are Muslims and we are Christians , it is a preposterous suggestion .Turkey invaded in 1974 as a direct result of the military coup ousting Makarios which Turkey read as a move towards ENOSIS. Does any one have any substantiated figures as to how many T/Cs were killed from let us say six months before the invasion.Perhaps Viewpoint or mrfrong can point us to such evidence, and please do not include events that occurred days before the invasion.
I will be very very concerned to find out that from January to June 1974 T/Cs were killed or ethically cleansed.
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Postby Kikapu » Wed Jul 26, 2006 9:00 am

Kifeas wrote:
Kikapu wrote:Kifeas and others,

I know we have beaten the Cyprus issue to death by now, but would like to pose this question anyway. If there were no 40,000 Turkish troops in the northern Cyprus, but instead there were UN peace keepers to keep the two sides apart. Now, the majority (GC's) would like to make a peace offer to the minority (TC's) that they (TC's) will find it very hard to refuse. What would be that offer, that the majority will be willing to make, to resolve the past 43 years. Bear in mind, what ever is offered and accepted, at the end of the day, it will be for Cyprus and Cypriots.

Kikapu, you know my opinion on most aspects of the Cyprus issue. You know very well what I support and that I am not an extremist but instead one that wants to reach a compromised, fair and decent solution on the Cyprus issue, one that will take into consideration the well intended, legitimate and genuine interests, desires and concerns of both communities. I think there is no point going further into this discussion. If you want a deeper discussion on any of all the issues and aspects pertaining to a solution, I will be glad to discuss them with you. I believe you want the same like I do. However, it is about time in this forum that you the moderate TCs start handpicking those little thieves, opportunists, fanatics and provocateurs from your community such as Mrfromng and viewpoint, and start telling them off because they deliberately try to ruin any discussion, simply because they do not care for a solution but only how to consolidate the illegal and illegitimate fait accomplices that Turkey provided for them in Cyprus. They come here and in the most cynical way try to defend and promote the “TRNC” recognition; simply because in this way they will enjoy the spoils of the war they invited Turkey to declare on us. It is about time you the peace loving TCs start isolating those opportunists from your community, if there is a hope to peacefully solve the Cyprus problem one day, and not just seat back and let them provoke with their obscenities.


Hand picking individuals against the masses is not the answer. I believe picking the masses against individuals is the answer. The GC's need to make the offer that the masses cannot refuse, and the individuals we'll be taken care of. Offer them the, full security, equal voice in running the country, partnership in everyway, prosperity to all and so on. How can anyone refuse such offers, as long as it can be trusted.

I also share your concerns, that Turkey wants to hold on the northern Cyprus, but every country has it's limitations on how far they can push people against their will. Right now TC's believe Turkey is their best option, therefore will not insist on changing the current situation. But if a better and more prosperous offers were to be made, then things may become different. Time is the worrying factor however. Longer the present situation continues to be, the harder the "TRUST" is going to be trusted.
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