Solveit wrote:Kifeas wrote:I would like to ask to all the GCs to stop responding to “viewpoint” and any other cynical and audacious person that posts in the forum, so that eventually they either change their attitude or stop posting and move away.
Oh no, we wouldn't want people to continue contradicting the law according to Kifeas would we!!!! God forbid anyone that holds an opposing view!! How dare anyone question your fixed and pedantic beliefs!!
In a post that you made the other day, I felt some sympathy for you, but realize now that you were simply having a very rare ''pink and fluffy'' moment, but this didn't reflect the REAL you. Oh no, nothing has changed there, you are still, and always will be, a first rate self-opinionated Tw@t.![]()
There, how does it feel to be the reciever of insults, as opposed to dishing them out all the time?![]()
Solve it! The Cyprus problem is all about Turkey wanting to conquer (or re-conquer as they have it in their secret plans since the mid 40's) all or part of Cyprus, simply because they view it as an “extension” of Turkey, or a “lost” territory from the years of the ottoman empire. It is all about land crabbing and consolidation and legalization of it by all means. 1974 is simply the epitomizing of this mission and objective. All the rest you will hear from anyone is all plain rubbish. The TC community was and is simply used as the coach for these broader megalomaniac and irredentist objective. The Turkish version of the "magaly idea!" The TCs were used and exploited by Turkey for this purpose. Denktash once said that “if the TCs have never existed in Cyprus, Turkey should have done its outmost to invent them.” You will hear all kinds of stories, accusations, excuses, justifications and claims -some of the real and fair but most complete lies and machinations; nevertheless, they all boil down to the above fact. And this is also why the Cyprus problem remains unsolved up to this day. Turkey, once stepped foot here, it doesn't want to lose what it so hardly succeeded, no matter how illegitimate it is. All the rest is rubbish!
Before you come here and try to defend the TC cause, at least learn first what kind of country Turkey is, and what kind of state manufactured ideology the people are conditioned with!