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This is sad

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby miltiades » Tue Jul 25, 2006 7:02 pm

The RoC belongs to all Cypriots. It is not referred to as Greek Cyprus and neither should the occupied part be referred to as Turkish Cyprus. Unofficially such distinction is often made but in the international arena Cyprus is always referred to a just Cyprus , and at least to me it means all of Cyprus.
It is understandable that the T/Cs feel that they must also count and they do count enormously , there are reasonable arguments for and against the AP. Meetings have already commenced with the aim of finding a more acceptable Plan in order to satisfy the concerns of the vast majority. Unless the vast majority is comfortable with any plan produced no agreement will ever be reached.Also the minority must be made to feel comfortable with any solution. Some give and take has to occur , we rely on the Cypriot culture and a sense of fairness to achieve the utmost . I personally feel that the T/Cs are far too attached to their " perceived motherland " the main reason been that only Turkey they feel cares for them .What can we do to change this attitude.Strenghen our National Identity , that of CYPRUS.
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Postby Kifeas » Tue Jul 25, 2006 7:16 pm

mrfromng wrote:Pyrpolizer,

The ROC belongs to you, you claim the north of the island also belongs to you.

Do you ever give a thought to the TC's who are now living in the north and have no desire to change things in the foreseeable future? A vast majority of TC's are of the opinion "if its not broken don't fix it".

The RoC doesn't belong to the GCs only, but it belongs to all Cypriots, including the TCs, and this is proved by the fact that 70% of the TC individuals are now rightful holders of RoC and EU passports and id cards. When the TC leadership decides to end the maintenance and promotion of the secessionist illegalities and the stealing and usurping in the north, and decide that they recognize the RoC as their government, then they will also get their political rights, according to international legality.

With whose right do you hold the by now 250,000 ethnically cleansed Greek Cypriots away from their ancestral and illegally occupied homeland, so that that you may supposetly establish your secessionist and ethnically based Turkish state for the only 130,000 TCs (18% of Cypriots) and the other 130,000 illegal colonizers that you brought from Turkey in order to take the ethnically cleansed GC's properties and places?

With whose right have you stolen the houses, properties and the 3,000 years old cultural and historical heritage and presence of 250,000 GCs in order to create your own separate racially based exclusively Turkish (mainland Turkish and TC) based country?
With whose right do you want to do all these on the basis of other people's stolen homes, properties, churches, historical landmarks, and cemeteries? Why have you stolen all our properties which are 4 times more than what you community relinquished in the south? Why have you stolen our churches and monasteries, some of which we have built almost 2,000 years ago? Why have you stolen our country in which we have been existing in it for more than 3,500 years?

Who gave you such a right?

Who gave you such a right to steal our country, the country of 250,000 GCs, in order to establish your own Turkish only state of 130,000 TCs? Where did you find this right? Was it written on one of the firmans that the Ottoman Sultans left for you? Is it your kismet? Is it because you think you "won" the war in 1974? Tell me what?

Your preaching and aims are a cause of war, and if you insist on such illegalities and violations of our human and historical rights, and the continuation of the theft of our country, this is exactly what you are going to get one day, when we get the right opportunity will arise. Do you realize this?

Why did you steal my home and properties in the occupied north (Lapithos) and you claim that they are yours now? Why do you support the constinuation of this theft and the constinuation of violating my human rights? Why? Did I steal anything from you? Thief! Lawless vagabond! Pirate!

I suggest to everybody, at least all the self respecting GCs, to stop responding to such vagabonds like Mrfromng and Viewpoint that want to continue supporting and promoting the maintenance of our ethnic cleansing and the theft of our country, and the recognition of their pirate state on the grounds of our stolen ancestral homeland. Any GC that continues talking to such individuals has absolutely no respect for himself!

These people are vagabonds, opportunists, thieves and usurpers, and if all TCs share their immoral views and objectives then we should continue preparing for a war, since it is inevitable and the only possible solution.
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Postby MR-from-NG » Tue Jul 25, 2006 8:41 pm

My, my we are dramatic aren't we? No need to post such long boring rubbish. let me put it to you in layman's terms, in a language even the most stupid person will understand.

Everything that you complain about is the direct result of the actions of your own community, not mine, yours. Everything that you complain about is happening all around the world on daily basis, so you are not a unique case.

Do you think you are the chosen ones and god loves you more? if it did it would have looked after you and the outcome of the Cyprus issue would have been different.

Your elders, the ones who tried to kill us all for the sake of ENOSIS should have thought about the consequences of their actions before carrying them out. Blame your fathers and grandfathers. Now get out of my face, you loser.
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Tue Jul 25, 2006 8:49 pm

mrfromng wrote: The ROC belongs to you, you claim the north of the island also belongs to you.

Do you ever give a thought to the TC's who are now living in the north and have no desire to change things in the foreseeable future? A vast majority of TC's are of the opinion "if its not broken don't fix it".

The RoC by the definition of everyone in the world except of course the occupiers includes ALL the part of the island .

If you think it’s not broken then fine, carry on as always. The properties for sale will some day be over and then what?
For us however it is broken and we will fix it. Patience.
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Postby MR-from-NG » Tue Jul 25, 2006 8:57 pm

Wise words my friend. Yes, patience is a virtue. Happy waiting to you and Kifeas. (wait long enough and who knows, today Kyrenia tomorrow Istanbul))
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Postby Natty » Tue Jul 25, 2006 8:58 pm

My, my we are dramatic aren't we? No need to post such long boring rubbish. let me put it to you in layman's terms, in a language even the most stupid person will understand.

Everything that you complain about is the direct result of the actions of your own community, not mine, yours. Everything that you complain about is happening all around the world on daily basis, so you are not a unique case.

Do you think you are the chosen ones and god loves you more? if it did it would have looked after you and the outcome of the Cyprus issue would have been different.

Your elders, the ones who tried to kill us all for the sake of ENOSIS should have thought about the consequences of their actions before carrying them out. Blame your fathers and grandfathers. Now get out of my face, you loser.

Hey Mrfromng, I don't mean any disrespest, but I really think you should read a less 'Biased' and 'propaganda' based history of Cyprus, then you might understand the Cyprus situation slightly better...Again I mean no offence, and I hope I don't sound rude...

Kifeas is simply angry and frustrated with how people think about the "Cyprus Problem", he lost his ancestrial homeland, somewhere he evidently loves dearly, I can see it has a special place in his heart......the, wounds it seems are still pretty open...and raw....We need to look to the future, and the future for many GC's and TC's is a reunifide Cyprus, where everyones human rights are safe guarded!!

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Postby MR-from-NG » Tue Jul 25, 2006 9:12 pm

Natty, I appreciate your comments, my words are directed at a few individuals on the forum and is not intended to offend.

It would be foolish of me to depend on others to educate me on the Cyprob when I lived it. And lived it I did. I will never forget the hatred in the eyes of the Greeks attacking our village and advancing towards our house. Some were just yards from our house and hiding behind the olive trees in the grounds of Dr Kucuks farm. We waited until the last moment and then jumped into cars and lorries and escaped to the next village. Had we stayed I wouldn't be here writing this post now.

So please forgive me for being a tad angry at my Greek friends now. Maybe in time we will all forgive and forget.
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Postby Natty » Tue Jul 25, 2006 9:49 pm

Hey Mrfromng, I completely understand, although I can't help but think that the people who attacked your village were extremists, which both communities had, and were thankfully in the minority, or GC (or even mainland Greek members) of EOKA B, who not only attacked innocent TC's, but also innocent GC's, in fact many GC's fought against them! The majority of GC's, 99.9%, did not want 'enosis' so they could 'kill the TC's', I promise you that! Although I can completely understand why the TC's were suspicious of the idea, if we flip this round, and make the GC's the minority and the TC's the majority, and the majority wanted 'enosis' with Turkey, I as a GC would be very wary of the idea.....I truly believe that the GC Leadership made mistakes when it came to enosis, they did not explain the idea properly to the masses, what would happen if it was to occur, how it was to happen, what form it would take, etc.....which only fueled the suspicion, and the intercommunal fighting obvioulsy didn't help....

"138. The question of Enosis itself has several aspects. If its imposition in present circumstances would be judged from the Turkish side as tantamount to an attempt at annexation to be resisted by force, it is also a question which, to the best of my understanding, does not enjoy unqualified support among the Greek-Cypriots as a whole. It is true that among them, as among many people in Greece, the word and the thought of Enosis have a highly emotional quality: it serves to some as a symbol of Pan-Hellenistic ideals, to others as the battle-cry of the resistance against colonial rule, and in the worst times of the present crisis it seemed like a banner under which the Greek-Cypriot community as a whole found their rallying-point. But as a practical step in the political evolution of Cyprus it has struck me, in discussions with a wide range of Greek-Cypriot opinion, as having a much less united and imperative driving force behind it.

139. This may be in part because there have been few precise indications of the form which Enosis should take and of the economic, social and political consequences which would flow from it. I understand Enosis to mean in its literal sense the complete absorption of Cyprus into Greece, but I would hesitate to say that this is what every Greek-Cypriot favouring it intends it to mean."

I took the above quote from the Galo Palza UN report on Cyprus.

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Postby Kifeas » Tue Jul 25, 2006 10:31 pm

All people are free and may have all kinds of varying and dissenting views on any subject on the book -including political ones, and they are all entitled to express and may also freely debate them with others, as long as they comply and respect the same basic and minimum universal rules and principle of civility and morality. What are these basic and minimum universal rules and principles of civility and morality? Respect for tha laws -national and international, and respect for the universally established fundamental human rights of other people –of all other people, regardless of their nationality, ethnicity, religion, etc.

Viewpoint, Mrfromng (and some others here) do not share and /or respect the above minimum fundamental civility values and principles! They claim and propagandize that complete disrespect and violation of the international law is something normal and appropriate. They claim and propagandize that complete disrespect and violation of other people’s human rights is equally normal and appropriate. They claim and propagandize that they have the right to theft and usurping of other people’s properties and cultural and historical heritage is a legitimate cause, contrary to what international law and human rights provide. They claim and propagandize that ethnic cleansing of people from their ancestral homeland is a legitimate case, again contrary to what international law and human rights provide. They claim that they have or should have the right to establish their own separate and exclusively Turkish Cypriot ethnically based state on the for the for more than 3,000 ancestral lands of people they have previously ethnically cleansed by an act of aggression, after they have subsequently stolen and usurped all their properties and their cultural heritage, and after they have illegally transferred and colonized it with foreigners from the country that committed the aggression and the ethnic cleansing.

Can someone tell me why it is appropriate to discuss anything with such people whatsoever? Is there a meaning in sharing ideas and discussing anything with such vagabonds? What can you possibly discuss with such people? The only appropriate way one can possibly deal with people having such an ideological basis and display such vagabond attitude and behavior, is through violent expulsion or arrest, trial and imprisonment, for being complete outlaws and lawless.

Certainly, the last thing one should want to do it to discuss and /or negotiate with such people, in the same way that no one negotiates and discusses with pirates, hijackers and hostage takers that do so in order to blackmail, extort and hold on ransom. I am very glad and hopeful that not all Turks and Turkish Cypriots belong to the above category of vagabonds, and hopefully we can discuss and negotiate with them and reach a peaceful solution, and that we will not have to resort one day to a war in order to re-establish and re-institute our violated human rights that the above said vagabonds completely disrespect and want to continue violating for purely opportunistic reasons.
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Postby MR-from-NG » Tue Jul 25, 2006 10:47 pm

It is true that our fucking politicians are useless when it come to lobbying and arguing on a global platform. Almost every TC will complain with the fact that had what happened to us had happened to you GC's you would have had the whole world supporting and sympathising with you. So we failed miserably in doing this. I mean look at you now, you must have the fucking skin of a pig to come on this forum and deny that ethnic cleansing of the TC's never happened and that this is all a product of my imagination. And do you know what? some of the readers will probably believe you.

Anyway its a cruel fucking world. O. J. Simpson is living proof of this.

BTW, you Greeks are a jammy bunch of bastards, you will probably get it all back one day, including Istanbul.

This post was in response to what Kifeas had just posted. But for some strange reason he has deleted the post and replaced it with the one above , typical Greek dirty politics.
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