1. settlers : we are willing to accept a logical number of settlers staying after the solution. a number that will exceed the number of Turkish Cypriots is not accepted
2. quarantor rights " its not clear in AP how exactly the guarantor rights are interpreted"
3. Armies : the time for the withdrawal os the armies is too long , while in the end some will stay permanently
4. return and property : the timeline for return for no reason is too long , ,and those who will have the right of return will only receive 1/3 of their properties. there are so many "roofs" that return appears to be rather an exception , and not the rule
http://www.politis-news.com/cgibin/hweb ... rticles&-p
comments :
1. finally some clear position!!
2. the "functionality" of the plan doesnot appear to be a great concern. nor does a state that turns itself into community , etc etc.
3. their points are imo , quite logical. the only one that appears rediculous is two years after the NO , to speak about long timelines of return. the roofs and the rest of the points could indeed be improved.
4. if their concerns are indeed these , it makes me wonder what prevents negotiations to begin ? why are we wasting time ?
any comments on AKELs position (if indeed their position is this one ) ?