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Refugees from Lebanon

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Postby Sotos » Sat Jul 29, 2006 12:03 am

cypezokyli wrote:perhaos it will do as some good.
isnt our best athlete half lebanese ? :wink:

I heard Markos was coming to Cyprus for some event. Anybody knows if it is related to the crisis in Lebanon?
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Postby JustAnAmerican » Sat Jul 29, 2006 9:58 am

The American government wants the evacuees out of Cyprus as soon as possible. I mean within a few days! The ones that used the evacuation to leave Lebanon, but cannot travel to the US (they hid their history of drug convictions, criminal conduct, rape and murder and now have been identified), those will have to find a home somewhere else in the world. Not in Cyprus and not in the US.

As for the American people – they want the destruction of a terrorist organization at any cost. We see the whole action as Israel eliminating an enemy. If it draws Syria and Iran in the war so what, 14,000 or 1,400,000 refugees, they could really care less if the nearby regions are affected.
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Postby Sotos » Sat Jul 29, 2006 7:05 pm

If it draws Syria and Iran in the war so what, 14,000 or 1,400,000 refugees, they could really care less if the nearby regions are affected.

:shock: :shock: :shock: You also think like that? Its a shame I think!
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Postby Sotos » Wed Aug 02, 2006 6:06 am

Sotos wrote:not sure ... about 4% i think.

It is higher than that :(

The unemployment rate in Cyprus during June 2006 reached 5.6% from 5.4% according to a report by Eurostat, at a time when the euro-zone area jobless rate stood at 7.8% in June 2006 compared to 7.9% in May and 8.6% a year ago. The EU25 unemployment rate was 8.1% in June 2006, compared to 8.2% in May. It was 8.8% in June 2005.

In June 2006, the lowest rates were registered in the Netherlands (3.8%), Denmark (3.9%), Ireland (4.4%), and Luxembourg (4.7%). Unemployment rates were highest in Poland (16.0%), Slovakia (15.1%), Greece (9.6% in the fourth quarter 2005), France (8.7%), and Malta (8.5%).

Amongst the Member States, seventeen recorded a fall in their unemployment rate over a year and seven reported an increase. The largest relative falls were observed in Estonia (8.0% to 4.9%), Lithuania (8.4% to 5.4%), Denmark (5.1% to 3.9%), and the Netherlands (4.8% to 3.8%). The highest relative increases were registered in Malta (7.2% to 8.5%), the United Kingdom (4.6% in April 2005 to 5.3% in April 2006), Slovenia (6.2% to 6.5%), and Cyprus (5.4% to 5.6%).

The unemployment rate for males fell from 7.5% to 6.8% in the euro area between June 2005 and June 2006 and from 7.9% to 7.3% in the EU25. The female unemployment rate declined from 10.1% to 9.1% in the euro area and from 9.8% to 9.1% in the EU25.

In June 2006, the unemployment rate for under-25s was 16.5% in the euro area and 17.4% in the EU25. In June 2005 it was 17.4% and 18.4% respectively. The lowest rates for under-25s were observed in the Netherlands (5.8%), Denmark (7.4%), Ireland (8.1%) and Estonia (9.2% in May 2006), the highest in Poland (32.3%), Slovakia (29.7%) and Greece (26.4% in fourth quarter 2005).

Eurostat estimates that, in June 2006, 11.5 million men and women were unemployed in the euro area and 17.7 million in the EU25. These are seasonally-adjusted figures in line with ILO criteria.

In June 2006, the US unemployment rate was 4.6% and the Japanese rate was 4.2%.
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