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Postby lysi » Fri Jul 21, 2006 2:56 pm

I wonder if the brave israeli air force pilots feel proud of themselves for murdering lebanese women & children by dropping huge bombs on civilians ? bombs that there master the USA gives to ISRAEL for free, it must be like shooting fish in a barrel because they face no threat in the sky.
Israel will always face problems because everyday they murder palestinians in the west bank & gaza and they think they can get away with these war crimes .
When SERBIA & the BOSNIAN SERBS were attacking the bosnian muslims & kosovo albanians, the USA & other countries were very keen to put a stop to the fighting, but the USA lets there pet ISRAEL carry on with the bombing in LEBANON. Even the ARAB league has no balls to stand up to ISRAEL. :cry:
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Postby EUropean666 » Fri Jul 21, 2006 3:21 pm

The Arab League? Are you joking. Arab Leage and OIC are terrorists, they want to create muslim countries in EUrope. Lebanon had 5 years to get rid of the muslim terrorists but it didnt, somehow israel gotta send those muslims to hell. Israel has used leafltets calling the civilians to leave south is upon them to leave the area and go somewhere else. it not good to kill civilians, civilians shall get their arms and kill muslim terrorists
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Postby miltiades » Fri Jul 21, 2006 3:23 pm

Lysi , go join the Hezbollahs of this world , no has the ball s perhaps you do.
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Postby theresa » Fri Jul 21, 2006 3:24 pm

I agree with you Lysi. It will take years to put this right - if ever. The cost both financially and emotionally will be enormous. The French are calling for safe passage of humanitarian aid and humanitarian corridors. i just heard that Israel hit a UN building. Thank God no-one was hurt - unlike 1996 when over a 100 civilians were killed after Israel bombed the UN. To think they fled there for safety!! It seems that Israel want to wipe out the Lebanese and no-one is helping - I feel sickened by our so called Western CIVILISATION.
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Postby Kikapu » Fri Jul 21, 2006 4:04 pm

You see, that's what happens when the USA & UK launches a unilateral and illegal war against Iraq, and the UN is by-passed, it gives the "green light" to everyone else to do the same. Shame on those who support illegal wars, and one day , they themselves will become the victims of such actions...enjoy.
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Postby lysi » Fri Jul 21, 2006 4:11 pm

miltiades wrote:Lysi , go join the Hezbollahs of this world , no has the ball s perhaps you do.

You agree with the bombing of lebanese women & children MILTIADES. You really think that israel can go around killing & kidnapping palestinian & lebanese people every day and that there will be no reprisals ?
Its the ISRAELIS that cause the trouble because they have the political & military backing of there master the USA.
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Postby miltiades » Fri Jul 21, 2006 4:46 pm

I support fully and unconditionally the right of Palestinians to have their own state with secure borders and the same for Israel .I dislike the religious element involved , from both sides , that is the poison that creates so much bloodshed and suffering. The Hezbollah are a bunch of fanatics who have as their agenda along with Hamas and Iran , may be Syria too , the destruction of Israel , and if they had the power they would kill every woman man and child and impose their theocratic lunacy on the entire area. Remember the Hezbollah braves started this whole thing by entering Israel killing 6 and abducting 2 . Israel would not capitulate to this provocative action.The force used against Hezbollah is perhaps disproportionate but it will get worse just as soon as the brave warriors of Iran and Syria join in , and they will !

I do not condone murder of innocents by any one. The killing of the innocent Lebanese is a crime against humanity and the fuse that started this mad war was lit by Hamas and Hezbollah. Israel has on its hands the blood of many innocents , but it takes two to tango , so don't demonise Israel and glorify the fanatics that started this. Even the name of their organization is reprehensible , what god would create a party dedicated top the destruction of an entire nation ?? No wonder the bloody religious bullshit started from the part of the world where violence and hatred is rampant.
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Postby anastasiaC » Sat Jul 22, 2006 12:30 am

graphic images so dont open if u dont like seeing dead people!
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Postby anastasiaC » Sat Jul 22, 2006 12:32 am

we all know the USA has a great influence over Israel but are doing nothing to stop this violence!
I believe its the US trying to escalate and get to syria/Israel!!!
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Postby Sotos » Sat Jul 22, 2006 2:01 am

This is the USA - Turkey - Israel plan to murder everybody that opposes their rule and take over the area. Wait and see that the Israel - Lebanon war will be linked to Iran soon and then Americans will start bombing them also. :(
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