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Postby miltiades » Tue Jul 25, 2006 9:00 pm

Kikapu , I have never in my 60 years participated in any public forum , although I list as my hobbies , politics , debates and some music .I say some music because when you reach 60 a lot of the music around is not of interest . What prompted me to start with this forum was to air my views and let those that tune in as it were get a different perspective from the usual anti American views expressed so widely both in Cyprus and Greece. I believe in the American constitution I sincerely believe that any other super power would have contributed far greater grief and misery in the world than people incorrectly credit America with . I love what America stands for , that is why millions of people from around the globe have become Americans , with thousands more jostling for that valuable green card. Utopia does not exist , and neither does paradise. The States is afflicted just as much or even more than other nation by greed , corruption , crime , drugs and much more unpleasantness , yet people from all over the world are dying to get there. Does it say something ? My Cypriot brothers blame America for all our problems , the junta gave the green light for the coup that prompted the Turkish invasion. The junta is the culprit responsible , it was made up after all by adults .
Israel has enjoyed Americas support since its birth in the 40s , it will continue to be the recipient of Americas support for as long as no other M.Eastern country has true democracy as their form of government. The wets leads the world whether you or any one else likes it or not.
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Postby Natty » Tue Jul 25, 2006 9:15 pm

Natty wrote:Hey Miltiades, I could be wrong, and i'm not saying that Greece, the junta, weren't at the very, very least partly responsible for what happened in Cyprus, but I read that just before EOKA happened, Greece actually approached the UN on the "Cyprus Issue"...although again I could be wrong....

Peace! :)

No I completely agree, although the US, well Henry Kissenger also has some responsibility when it some to the "Cyprus problem" I believe he supported the Junta, and he was the only "outside leader to 'flirt' with the idea of recognizing Nicos Sampson as president of Cyrpus"....Although it is one man, and not the whole of the US...

Peace! :)
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Postby Natty » Tue Jul 25, 2006 9:19 pm

miltiades wrote:Natty you wrote:
"""Hey Miltiades, I could be wrong, and i'm not saying that Greece, the junta, weren't at the very, very least partly responsible for what happened in Cyprus, but I read that just before EOKA happened, Greece actually approached the UN on the "Cyprus Issue"...although again I could be wrong....
Natty we are talking about 1974 and the invasion of Cyprus by Turkey having been given the green light by the actions of the Junta who was not as you state above " at the very, very least partly responsible""
They were totally responsible they orchestrated the military coup that overthrew Makarios they installed Sampson the man that the Turks held accountable for many killings of T/Cs , and Turkey had the perfect excuse to invade. The junta bears the blame 100%.

Sorry I meant to quote what Miltiades wrote.... :oops:
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Postby lysi » Wed Jul 26, 2006 11:11 am

Today the brave ISRAELI military killed 4 UN PEACEKEEPERS in LEBANON, when will the israeli government stop the mass murder that they are commiting in LEBANON, WEST BANK & GAZA ?
All they are doing is making more & more people around the world hate israel, there FINANCIAL backer the USA supports GENOCIDE when it suits them.
Also the USA PUPPET BLAIR will still keep selling weapons to ISRAEL. :cry:
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Postby Iran Forever » Thu Jul 27, 2006 5:59 am

[quote="miltiades"]Kikapu , I have never in my 60 years participated in any public forum , although I list as my hobbies , politics , debates and some music .I say some music because when you reach 60 a lot of the music around is not of interest . What prompted me to start with this forum was to air my views and let those that tune in as it were get a different perspective from the usual anti American views expressed so widely both in Cyprus and Greece. I believe in the American constitution I sincerely believe that any other super power would have contributed far greater grief and misery in the world than people incorrectly credit America with . I love what America stands for , that is why millions of people from around the globe have become Americans , with thousands more jostling for that valuable green card. Utopia does not exist , and neither does paradise. The States is afflicted just as much or even more than other nation by greed , corruption , crime , drugs and much more unpleasantness , yet people from all over the world are dying to get there. Does it say something ? My Cypriot brothers blame America for all our problems , the junta gave the green light for the coup that prompted the Turkish invasion. The junta is the culprit responsible , it was made up after all by adults .
Israel has enjoyed Americas support since its birth in the 40s , it will continue to be the recipient of Americas support for as long as no other M.Eastern country has true democracy as their form of government. The wets leads the world whether you or any one else likes it or not.[/quote]

Miltiades, I may disagree with your views and you with mine.....but I just wanted to apologize for my share of having been mean to you...I don't like being mean to anybody...just wanted to end it on that note.
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Postby unique_earthling » Thu Jul 27, 2006 6:18 am

I am really beginning to like this man more and more. Takes a big man to apologise.... Awwww I am filling up.... :bawling: ... I feel a group hug coming on..... :D :D :D
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Postby unique_earthling » Thu Jul 27, 2006 6:19 am

I am really beginning to like this man more and more. Takes a big man to apologise.... Awwww I am filling up.... :bawling: ... I feel a group hug coming on..... :D :D :D
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Postby miltiades » Thu Jul 27, 2006 8:31 am

Iran for ever ,we both have the most precious gift and we have made use of it .You have my sincere apologies , also , for the language I used.We have differing views I'm sure and we interpret events accordingly.
sas efhome oti pethimite .
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Postby lysi » Thu Jul 27, 2006 2:15 pm

The BRITISH government are allowing AMERICAN planes to stop off at PRESTWICK AIRPORT in GLASGOW SCOTLAND on there way to ISRAEL to deliver more free AMERICAN made BOMBS to be used to kill more LEBANESE women & children.
The US government and there lap dog the BRITISH government have still not called for a ceasefire, because they support ISRAEL committing GENOCIDE in LEBANON.
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Postby miltiades » Thu Jul 27, 2006 2:29 pm

The bombs are destined to kill the Hezbollah , get a hold of your self .Women and children are been killed and Israel is and will in time be held accountable . THEY ARE NOT DELIBARETELY TARGETTING WOMEN AND CHILDREN.
Every one of your posts is vehemently anti American/British, yet you complain that these countries do not support Cyprus. Should they ?
Every atrocity committed by Israel you are the first to bring it to our attention but you hardly mention the atrocities committed by Hezbollah .They are not as accurate with their rockets as the Israelis are but rest assured that if they could kill 1 million Israelis tomorrow they would not for one minute hesitate. These primitive warriors are hiding in residential areas , they are not a regular army but a terrorist one. And I agree that a ceasefire is long overdue for trhe sake of all the innocents that are suffering as a result of the war.
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