Kikapu , I have never in my 60 years participated in any public forum , although I list as my hobbies , politics , debates and some music .I say some music because when you reach 60 a lot of the music around is not of interest . What prompted me to start with this forum was to air my views and let those that tune in as it were get a different perspective from the usual anti American views expressed so widely both in Cyprus and Greece. I believe in the American constitution I sincerely believe that any other super power would have contributed far greater grief and misery in the world than people incorrectly credit America with . I love what America stands for , that is why millions of people from around the globe have become Americans , with thousands more jostling for that valuable green card. Utopia does not exist , and neither does paradise. The States is afflicted just as much or even more than other nation by greed , corruption , crime , drugs and much more unpleasantness , yet people from all over the world are dying to get there. Does it say something ? My Cypriot brothers blame America for all our problems , the junta gave the green light for the coup that prompted the Turkish invasion. The junta is the culprit responsible , it was made up after all by adults .
Israel has enjoyed Americas support since its birth in the 40s , it will continue to be the recipient of Americas support for as long as no other M.Eastern country has true democracy as their form of government. The wets leads the world whether you or any one else likes it or not.