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Postby dancingbear » Thu Aug 10, 2006 6:15 pm

If the West had a good working relationship with others in the Middle East, respecting their culture and customs, including not being able to buy alcohol (Miltiades), then there would be no worry as to them hating us. The push by the West to impose our values on them, is nothing more than to increase our products on them, which boils down to MONEY, and not so much about their Democratic Rights.

Most of this I would agree, respecting customs, but it has to be two way living here in the UK most of the time it seems like we have to bend over backwards to accomodate those that are not of our culture. Regarding the money never met an Arab yet who's not looking to make money out of tourism/me and I enjoy the bartering side of it.

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Postby Kikapu » Thu Aug 10, 2006 7:23 pm

dancingbear wrote:Kikapu.
If the West had a good working relationship with others in the Middle East, respecting their culture and customs, including not being able to buy alcohol (Miltiades), then there would be no worry as to them hating us. The push by the West to impose our values on them, is nothing more than to increase our products on them, which boils down to MONEY, and not so much about their Democratic Rights.

Most of this I would agree, respecting customs, but it has to be two way living here in the UK most of the time it seems like we have to bend over backwards to accomodate those that are not of our culture. Regarding the money never met an Arab yet who's not looking to make money out of tourism/me and I enjoy the bartering side of it.


When the West chooses to make laws that protects the culture, religion, and other important aspects of a person from another country, is very admirable, but do not forget, that these people make a major contribution to the countries they live in, so nothing is for free. Of course, this does not mean they will or should do the same for the Westerners in their own country. Instead, they would want to trade and cooperate on many fronts, as good neighbours, without having to invite us into their homes.
Anyone who does not see money as a tool for survival, are already dead.!!
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Postby miltiades » Thu Aug 10, 2006 7:24 pm

Kikapu , those who on their own accord make the decision that their birth country is preferred less to live in than
the UK , Europe or other Western nations , and go through the process of obtaining permanent stay in the West , have a fundamental decision to make. They either stay in their chosen country and adapt , assimilate and integrate or piss off back to Bangladesh , Pakistan , Afghanistan , India , China , Poland or even Cyprus.
They have no right whatsoever to make demand that the host nation should adapt its way of life so that they feel at home. I came to the UK in 1961 knowing bloody well that I was going to England and had to learn English and respect the laws of the country. I made no absurd demands as these people are now making. They have been given by the Western world a chance to better them selves and improve the living conditions of their families , instead they , some of them want to introduce Sharia law into the UK , what a bunch of lunatics.
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Postby Landis » Thu Aug 10, 2006 7:47 pm

Some customs can be accommodated others cannot. Honour killings are a custom to many Muslims and cannot be tolerated. Many time western courts have imposed lighter sentences to men who kill their female family members and that to me is entirely unacceptable. About 13 years ago a man in New York killed his 14 year-old daughter for being out until eight pm without his permission. He was tried and given life in prison without parole. The Muslim community howled in protest that this 'poor' man be treated so harshly. In 2001, a man in Massachusetts killed his 17 year-old daughter. The girl was walking home, was grabbed by three men, pulled into bushes and raped repeatedly. The three men who raped the girl were given life sentences, which is just. The father of the girl received only five years, which is absolutely dispicable and it was all in the name of being sensitive to Islamic culture.

It must be a two way street. I have seen very little respect in the Middle East for any culture other than their own. The Middle East has used the supply of oil many times to control price and play games with the west. Iran is now using its nuclear potential to play games. Respecting many cultures is a characteristic of western countries. That is why Europe and North America have so many different cultures within their borders. The west allows one retain culture and customs but also offers opportunities in ways that are simply not allowed in other parts of the world. Everyone talks so much about China's economic potential but it is the Chinese government that is prospering, not its people.

Kikapu, I must respectfully disagree with your belief that the west imposes its culture on anyone. Western products go and stay in places where they sell. If they do not sell then the products are not there. The west does not force anyone to buy its goods.
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Postby Kikapu » Thu Aug 10, 2006 7:51 pm

miltiades wrote:Kikapu , those who on their own accord make the decision that their birth country is preferred less to live in than
the UK , Europe or other Western nations , and go through the process of obtaining permanent stay in the West , have a fundamental decision to make. They either stay in their chosen country and adapt , assimilate and integrate or piss off back to Bangladesh , Pakistan , Afghanistan , India , China , Poland or even Cyprus.
They have no right whatsoever to make demand that the host nation should adapt its way of life so that they feel at home. I came to the UK in 1961 knowing bloody well that I was going to England and had to learn English and respect the laws of the country. I made no absurd demands as these people are now making. They have been given by the Western world a chance to better them selves and improve the living conditions of their families , instead they , some of them want to introduce Sharia law into the UK , what a bunch of lunatics.

These people make use of the laws that are already in place by the host country, so they are adapting, assimilating and intergrating, as well as following the rules of law. Now, if the fanatics wants to turn London into downtown Baghdad, then I will join you in telling them to piss off.
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Postby miltiades » Thu Aug 10, 2006 9:14 pm

The we agree , Kikapu , that the West will my culture and yours and any one else's provided it is acceptable in law.The honour killings may are part of a backward medieval culture. Such hedious practices have no place in our world.The eating of Ape brains while the creature is still alive may be " culture" to some nations , not in my UK OR YOURS.
Forced marriages are culture in some countries , it is an abhorrent practice that ought to be eliminated from our world. The foreigners , and I'm one of them , have a perfect right to make the choice .Accept our rules and laws , our culture , our schools or frankly piss of and let us enjoy our lives without the fear of some lunatic blowing himself up on our trains.
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Postby unique_earthling » Thu Aug 10, 2006 10:04 pm

yes uninlightened cultures that damage others with their mind sets and unethical behaviours are abhorrent, they hurt people and think they are right in their practices, their elitism and xenophobia. What do they say......................... 'we dont want no poles taken our work' so lets smash up their bikes and beat them and get our mates in the police force to help. And lets stick a few dogs in the metal boxes on the back of our trucks to roast with no water and other atrocities. And with the governments blessing lets not allow anyone thats from countries we dont like into the country even if they will suffer death, torture and war in their own. We will keep sending them back only a few will manage to fight it but many wont so its worth doing it... Sorry but i think when you judge the mote in others eyes best to look at your own...
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Postby miltiades » Thu Aug 10, 2006 10:52 pm

This is why unique earthing I sponsored you in another thread as the Minister for Animal welfare with me the Minister of immigration and Culture .
I also believe that the word Xenophobia should be spelled with a Z instead of an X , or at least if the X is kept then it should be pronounced as X not bloody Z .
You see I'm taking my future post seriously.
You wrote :
"Sorry but i think when you judge the mote in others eyes best to look at your own...""

Was in Thailand some years back and witnessed the extreme cruelty , seen in the markets selling dogs , not hot dogs , but Dogs.
I was very judgemental and fiercely critical of such cruel cultures.
I also believe that to have allowed in the UK the hijackers of an Afghanistan flight into London is a bloody disgrace, they should have been sent back to face the justice of their native land.

You had no problem arriving in Cyprus , and to be eclectic as in who arrives in your land is dictated by the immigration laws of the land . I honestly think that you ought to make an effort to understand the local culture and take the advice that I gave the foreigners in the UK , failing that you would run the risk of making yourself a recluse in total isolation of the local community.There are practises in Cyprus that are abhorrent , and you are quite right in offering criticism unreservedly. I criticise many aspects of UK life , but UK is my country , my allegiance is to my country first and foremost , AND WHEN FACED WITH OBSENE PRACTISES i SPEAK MY MIND .

Finaly I hereby withdraw my offer to take you for a ride on my bike >
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Postby andri_cy » Fri Aug 11, 2006 12:42 am

unique_earthling wrote:Sorry but i think when you judge the mote in others eyes best to look at your own...

Yes we all should look at our own before we judge others. That unfortunately does not exclude you. :twisted:
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Postby unique_earthling » Fri Aug 11, 2006 8:04 am

But isnt it true? I am the first to judge what England does, infact i dont feel i have a loyalty to a country or a culture, but i also judge the sin, and am not judging a person as i do understand its ignorance, but i had to smile when the things that are said are happening here too and in England, the only difference is the scale of the problem as i have said before, per capita... if you asked 100 people here for a truthful answer on how they feel about certain malpractices, how many would answer in ignorance for it? I also know and understand that countries who have been taught to hate will be a waring people, and wars dont have to be with guns and bombs, here its passive aggressive mostly, making life very difficult for any outsider to survive from the top level to the bottom...

And no i wont be discluded here because in truth most foreigners feel the same, frustrated and unsupported, but many dont have the courage to say so. Ask anyone who has been here say.. 5 years or more what they feel about how they are treated in the workplace, and lets forget the xpats who are retired because they dont have to deal so much with the governmental system, and have private care and mainly live for pleasure. No.. lets ask those who work and battle daily with the disrespect and predjudices. Who fight to succeed in business and have every obstacle put in their way. And are actually frightened to speak out because they fear reprisals. And please dont think this does not happen, bombs put under cars etc, I have a friend a dear friend who is going through a courtcase now, and no the law isnt on her side because it turns out the judge is a relative and is not being fair now she is trying to get the EU involved but listen to this, she has been told that they are absolutely inundated with these types of cases in Cyprus and it will take a long time to get to her. Dont you tell me i am being paranoid and untruthful, i walk with my eyes open, and often its into a brick wall of denial arrogance and predjudice. The only difference is i dont need to be liked and have more courage to say it as it is...
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