by unique_earthling » Fri Aug 11, 2006 8:04 am
But isnt it true? I am the first to judge what England does, infact i dont feel i have a loyalty to a country or a culture, but i also judge the sin, and am not judging a person as i do understand its ignorance, but i had to smile when the things that are said are happening here too and in England, the only difference is the scale of the problem as i have said before, per capita... if you asked 100 people here for a truthful answer on how they feel about certain malpractices, how many would answer in ignorance for it? I also know and understand that countries who have been taught to hate will be a waring people, and wars dont have to be with guns and bombs, here its passive aggressive mostly, making life very difficult for any outsider to survive from the top level to the bottom...
And no i wont be discluded here because in truth most foreigners feel the same, frustrated and unsupported, but many dont have the courage to say so. Ask anyone who has been here say.. 5 years or more what they feel about how they are treated in the workplace, and lets forget the xpats who are retired because they dont have to deal so much with the governmental system, and have private care and mainly live for pleasure. No.. lets ask those who work and battle daily with the disrespect and predjudices. Who fight to succeed in business and have every obstacle put in their way. And are actually frightened to speak out because they fear reprisals. And please dont think this does not happen, bombs put under cars etc, I have a friend a dear friend who is going through a courtcase now, and no the law isnt on her side because it turns out the judge is a relative and is not being fair now she is trying to get the EU involved but listen to this, she has been told that they are absolutely inundated with these types of cases in Cyprus and it will take a long time to get to her. Dont you tell me i am being paranoid and untruthful, i walk with my eyes open, and often its into a brick wall of denial arrogance and predjudice. The only difference is i dont need to be liked and have more courage to say it as it is...