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Postby dancingbear » Wed Aug 09, 2006 10:06 pm

England want to rewrite the map of the middle east

What again we started , Iraq, jordon, Israel.

I am astounded by the sheer stupidity of somemembers on this board who think that Iran and Iraq are not involved in the Lebanon problem, the mind boggles. As for the Oil well guess what no Oil no produtivity no profit, no to just about anything , so ok lets have another great depression then WW3, so get real with the oil I need it, you need it, Yanks need it so on so on.The idiots who demonstrate in London, Paris, New York need it.

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Postby dancingbear » Wed Aug 09, 2006 10:15 pm

Had Japan had the "Nukes" back in 1945, there would not have been "Mushroom Clouds"

Kikapu, how about the thousands of People it saved from being murdered by the Japs and thousands of Soldiers life's saved from an invasion, it helped to shorten the war by months and the Japs like these murdering Iraqis where beheading prisoners.

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Postby MR-from-NG » Wed Aug 09, 2006 10:33 pm

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Postby miltiades » Wed Aug 09, 2006 10:38 pm

Kikapu , my dear friend , If Israel was facing extinction from hostile nations and if the only weapon that could save its people from total annihilation was nuclear your guess as to whether it would use it or not is as good as mine.
There is a massive difference in Iran , Iraq , Syria or any other ME nation possessing nuclear weapons and Israel .
All of these nations are dictatorships bar Iraq that is in chaos as a result of the fanatic religious zealots hell bent on destroying their country and you know what , good luck to them. Until the 323 million Arabs and the 68 million Iranians accept that Israel , like any other nation , has a right to exist Israel will continue to have the upper hand and the destructive weapon monopoly possession. That is reality .

I also wonder what is the reason why almost 400 million people cant accept 6 million to live peacefuly in that region.Could religion have anything to do with it , any suggestions from any one ?
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Postby miltiades » Wed Aug 09, 2006 10:43 pm

dancingbear , where do you do your dancing ? Not in Lebanon I hope !
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Postby dancingbear » Wed Aug 09, 2006 10:51 pm

miltiades Lol no.
I just really cannot understand the logic of their arguments, I have no great Love for any middle east nation, but if somebody entered my house kidnapped one of my family i would/will reap on them armageddon.

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Postby miltiades » Thu Aug 10, 2006 9:23 am

You know what Graham , I visited the M.E once only , went to Jeddah on a business trip , could not get a glass of wine in the hotel , I said to my self f..k that and never went again.
I'm not at all tolerant of cultures that are weird and different from ours. In the UK we were forced by the establishment to become multi culturist , I rejected this notion from the very start , who is NOW promoting multi culture societies. All the idiots who thought it a good idea have now shut up.
As for the conflict in the M. E , I think it will escalate , the solution is negotiation , but who wants to negotiate with so much hatred that is around. Funny thing is the Jews and the Arabs as well as the Iranians are God fearing people buried in their religion , bloody hypocrites , and they expect me to go along with their perverted ideologies. Only one God they say !!!
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Postby Kikapu » Thu Aug 10, 2006 9:26 am

dancingbear wrote:
Had Japan had the "Nukes" back in 1945, there would not have been "Mushroom Clouds"

Kikapu, how about the thousands of People it saved from being murdered by the Japs and thousands of Soldiers life's saved from an invasion, it helped to shorten the war by months and the Japs like these murdering Iraqis where beheading prisoners.


If I heard this argument once I have heard it thousands of times from those who wants to justify by dropping the bombs. OK, lets take your argument at face value. Would you then accepted had Japan dropped couple of Nukes on two major American cities to help"save lives" by killing 200,000 plus lives, and totally destroying the cities.
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Postby miltiades » Thu Aug 10, 2006 9:51 am

Japan was our enemy just as much as Hitler was . The war had to come to an end . Nuclear weapons are the biggest crime perpetrated on planet earth. Lets hope no one else uses them that is why Iran must never be allowed to develop such weapons.
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Postby Kikapu » Thu Aug 10, 2006 10:18 am

miltiades wrote:Kikapu , my dear friend , If Israel was facing extinction from hostile nations and if the only weapon that could save its people from total annihilation was nuclear your guess as to whether it would use it or not is as good as mine.
There is a massive difference in Iran , Iraq , Syria or any other ME nation possessing nuclear weapons and Israel .
All of these nations are dictatorships bar Iraq that is in chaos as a result of the fanatic religious zealots hell bent on destroying their country and you know what , good luck to them. Until the 323 million Arabs and the 68 million Iranians accept that Israel , like any other nation , has a right to exist Israel will continue to have the upper hand and the destructive weapon monopoly possession. That is reality .

I also wonder what is the reason why almost 400 million people cant accept 6 million to live peacefuly in that region.Could religion have anything to do with it , any suggestions from any one ?

The whole Middle East is against Israel, partly to do with religion, but also years of injustices done to the Palestinians and Arabs since the formation of the State of Israel in 1948. Had the US and UK at the same time formed a Palestinian State, to live side by side with Israel and given aid, I do not think we would be having the problems we're having today. Today we have the so called "road map" which is nothing more than a joke and a insult to the Palestinians, because it will never achieve a Palestinian State, because Israel needs to keep the Palestinian land they have already stolen, and want's to keep the option to take more land in the future.

Pakistan, China, North Korea, are not a Democracy, and Russia is hardly a Democracy, but they have the "Nukes". Do you lose sleep by knowing this. I don't, because, all these Nations know, that if they ever decided to push the "Nuke" button, they will infact be committing suicide. Individuals commit suicide, not Nations, unless they are cornered like a wild animal, and they don't have anything to lose by pusing the "Nuke" button. So lets not put other Nations in the "corner" and work with them instead. Iran has the right to develop Nuclear Energy, and with that right, they will no doubt will explore and advance their knowlede in building Nuclear weapons, it is "the nature of the beast".

Countries in the Middle East who have the oil, by and large is their only commodity to sell to generate income to their nation, so why would they hold back the oil. There are times, the West imposses sanctions on other nations for what ever reason, so the oil producing countries have the same right to reduce or increase their production, that serve their purpose. This should not give the right for us to tell them what to do or worse use force against them, just because you want to fill up your car with petrol (Miltiades).

If the West had a good working relationship with others in the Middle East, respecting their culture and customs, including not being able to buy alcohol (Miltiades), then there would be no worry as to them hating us. The push by the West to impose our values on them, is nothing more than to increase our products on them, which boils down to MONEY, and not so much about their Democratic Rights.
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