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Postby Kikapu » Wed Aug 09, 2006 12:59 pm

andri_cy wrote::D yes but I am OCD and I want to make sure that it is sent in...

What's "OCD" ??
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Postby andri_cy » Wed Aug 09, 2006 1:07 pm

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder :D
I am not really but I think Charles thinks I like to control everything which kinda makes me that way....
Anyway, hopefully my papers will come in on time so I can vote too!
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Postby Kikapu » Wed Aug 09, 2006 1:28 pm

andri_cy wrote:Obsessive Compulsive Disorder :D
I am not really but I think Charles thinks I like to control everything which kinda makes me that way....
Anyway, hopefully my papers will come in on time so I can vote too!

Good luck in your "New Citizenship". I was in a group of over few hundred being sworn in, in San Francisco, in becoming a US citizen. It probably won't be that crowded where you live, or do you need to travel to a "major immigration hub". It was a special day for me. You'll have people there to sign you up right away to vote, soon as you become a citizen. Bring a camera.!
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Postby miltiades » Wed Aug 09, 2006 1:32 pm

Kikapu , Iran is governed by a system that has as its agenda the destruction of Israel . The West will not allow Iran to have nuclear weapons not because I or You agree or disagree but because common sense prevails in such situations. Iran along with the other 323 million Jew haters will never be permitted to obtain these weapons , you know why , some maniac will load one on a plane and crash it on London , New York , Paris , and he will perish happily too in the knowledge that Paradise is beckoning. I don't think Israel poses such a treat , do you ?
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Postby miltiades » Wed Aug 09, 2006 1:50 pm

Andry , the Israelis are faced with an enemy that daily fires indiscriminately up to 200 rockets , this enemy does not operate as a regular army would , but uses civilian buildings to fire rockets and quickly move on. The Israelis continue to drop leaflets and issue warnings to the civilians of impending attacks. No Israeli would specifically target civilians intentionally to kill , but they would fire on civilian targets used by the Hezbollah to fire their rockets.
Yes , America is my friend and any friend of America is also my friend.
There are almost 400 million Arabs and Iranians that consider Israel a nation of 6 . 2 million as their enemy, so when Hezbollah entered Israel killed 6 and captured 2 Soldiers , you think that Israel should not have retaliated do you. And what the hell is Hezbollah doing in Lebanon , the Lebanese are suffering as a result of the actions of Hezbollah.
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Postby Kikapu » Wed Aug 09, 2006 1:57 pm

miltiades wrote:. I don't think Israel poses such a treat , do you ?


No, not to you and me, but I'm sure the Arabs and the Iranians do not feel too comfortable knowing that Israel, as a last resort could use the "Nukes" against them, if need should arise. And what do you think the explanation would be.... well we "Nuked" them for our survival, and I'm sure you would accept that, as an explanation, just as you accepted Israel's destruction of Lebanon and the deaths of 1,000 civilians, because of cross border killings between the Hezbollah and Israeli soldiers, that may have been started by Hezbollah. Sometimes, "equal power" deters nations from using all their weapons, and that would be a good thing. Had Japan had the "Nukes" back in 1945, there would not have been "Mushroom Clouds" over there. Perhaps it would be better to clear the area of such weapons than creating a "one sided" power, over everyone else.
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Postby Landis » Wed Aug 09, 2006 3:44 pm

Equal power is good when parties demontrate responsibility. Iran having nuclear capabilities will not be equal power. Iran states very clearly that it believes in the destruction of Israel, not just the Israeli government but the entire country and the people, specifically the Jews, within it. Iran is unpredictable. Their having nuclear weapons make them more unpredictable.
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Postby MARIKKOU » Wed Aug 09, 2006 4:07 pm

dancingbear wrote:Keep the Syrian's In, Bombs every other day killing their own Brothers(your words) Just think if Syria had their forces in The Lenanon, the Israelis would have probably flattened it by now. Take off your sun shades open your eyes, this is war and in War people get killed. If the Lebanese Goverment had any balls about them they would have sorted out the border security years ago by telling Iran and Syria to go away and fight their little wars on somebody elses Turf namley their own.


[b]I do not believe the Iran and Syrian connection. These are excuses. These are manipulations, propaganda of the American and British governments!

Wake Up.

Since the Bush administration and the neocons came to power the whole of the Middle East is on fire.

Even after they leave "office"...behind them, they will leave a big mess with poor people and children suffering for years.

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Postby theresa » Wed Aug 09, 2006 4:35 pm

You are right Marrikkou. I believe that the USA want to control the oil, its as simple as that and what better way than to let "other countries" create chaos - then they step in as "saviours" - look what happened to Iraq: one minute they were supplying him (Saddam)with weapons the next they move in themselves "for the kill" The USA and England want to rewrite the map of the middle east - BEFORE those countries are strong enough to defend themselves - cant you USA supporters see that? As for this being a war and "in war people get killed" yes - of course - but please tell me why - against international law have they destroyed a countries infrastructure? Why do Hazbollah have to lay down arms and Israel dont? The wording on the proposed resolution in biased - badly biased in complete favour of Israel. - Tess
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Postby miltiades » Wed Aug 09, 2006 6:48 pm

The US wants to control the oil , theresa says. Of course they bloody well ought to control the oil so when I and you get to a petrol station we can fill up.The West would collapse without energy.
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