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Postby lysi » Mon Aug 07, 2006 1:53 pm

miltiades wrote:So what do you propose as a solution so that both the Palestinians and the Israelites live in peace and harmony.
Don't just go on about killings but concentrate on a solution proposal, all you seem to do is spew poison directed at Israel and America , you even rejoice when Hizbollah are on target with their ineffective somewhat rockets.
Can you also elaborate on your statement that the " ISRAEL would go around killing so many women & children & think they could get away with it. "" Why are they doing this , can you tell us , or as our new friend suggested to you "put up or shut up" So please don't be an ignorant little twat and give us your answer.

miltiades, nice reply you gave me, all you can say is to call me a TWAT, all because i dont agree with your pal ISRAEL killing lebanese women & children.
You have no morals.
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Postby NeverSayGoodbye » Mon Aug 07, 2006 2:06 pm

Everybody is aware that the root of the problem is the illegal occupation of Palestine.If Israel really wants peace all that need to be do is to leave the West Bank and Gaza.
Doesnt seem like they are going anywhere does it?
Some would say Im sure "Well they lost the war so they deserve it"
We also lost the "war" in Cyprus so do we deserve it as well?
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Postby dancingbear » Mon Aug 07, 2006 8:42 pm

Trust me (i work with some muslims here in the UK) they could not give two hoots about Palestine and it's people, they are just using these people for their own ends. One told me they class them as the Gypsies of the Arab world(his words not mine).

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Postby miltiades » Mon Aug 07, 2006 9:08 pm

In a civilized world the perpetrators of mass murder in the name of Nationalism and Religion , the two cancers of the world , have no place. Only the barbarians rejoice at the murder of fellow humans. Only barbarian primitive medieval people call the killing of innocents a justified act. The world over , sick ideologies cause nothing but pain and grief. Will they see the light one day ? I doubt it. Over the next few weeks horrific events will occur in the M.East , its a matter of days may be weeks before this sick conflict engulfs most of the protagonists of such ideologies.
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Postby andri_cy » Mon Aug 07, 2006 11:18 pm

So the Lebanese are Barbarians and the Israeli are just fighting for their survival according to you Miltiades? What a bunch of bull. According to statistics, the Israeli have killed apprx 600 people and only 50-60 of them were Hezbolah. On the other hand the total death toll for the dead Israelis is 60 altogether. I have no respect for anyone that goes around killing indiscriminately women and children and I feel like excusing them is even worse. The west is fine and dandy but we need to open our eyes a little bit more and see things for what they are even if that means we will be disagreeing with the great USA.
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Postby RichardB » Mon Aug 07, 2006 11:47 pm

andri_cy wrote:So the Lebanese are Barbarians and the Israeli are just fighting for their survival according to you Miltiades? What a bunch of bull. According to statistics, the Israeli have killed apprx 600 people and only 50-60 of them were Hezbolah. On the other hand the total death toll for the dead Israelis is 60 altogether. I have no respect for anyone that goes around killing indiscriminately women and children and I feel like excusing them is even worse. The west is fine and dandy but we need to open our eyes a little bit more and see things for what they are even if that means we will be disagreeing with the great USA.

According to BBC news tonight (30minutes ago) the figures were 1000 lebonese dead (how many were Hezbellah) and 100 Israeli dead.
Israeli rocket hit apartment block with internet cafe underneath.

Has anyone seen news reel tonight of Lebonese Prime Minister.

This cannot be allowed to go on
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Postby andri_cy » Tue Aug 08, 2006 12:49 am

Yes number change daily and the figures I had were a couple of days old. But you see the difference in numbers no? 10x more lebanese dying than Israeli. US and Uk really need to pull their sh*t together and make Israel stop. If you are going to take it upon yourself to save the innocent people of Iraq, you can save the Lebanese people too no? Or is it that Israel is an ally and we wont tell them to stop? So many stupid excuses....
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Postby anastasiaC » Tue Aug 08, 2006 1:39 am

its all double standards and t hats whats been the problem in the middle east for years!!!
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Postby unique_earthling » Tue Aug 08, 2006 7:09 am

Its all been hidden agendas, thats what politics have the world over, here there and bloody every where, and most of the people in the world put up and shut up or they are too stupid to see it... This is when people of the world should unite and oust governments with a vote of no confidence, unless something is done to stop this. Can you imagine, that as it suits them to allow this to go on and that Cyprus is also an insignificant tiny island, and if the powers that be decided it would be useful to them if turkey were to have it all, or any other country it would be the same for us. Politics power and machinations are really scary.
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Postby miltiades » Tue Aug 08, 2006 8:17 am

Andry wrote>

""So the Lebanese are Barbarians""

You do speak good English so go back and read my post then come back and apologise for the totaly incorrect assumption to what I said.
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