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Postby theresa » Sat Jul 29, 2006 3:36 pm

There was strong criticism in the UK over US planes stopping over in the Uk before shipping weapons to Israel. Nice to see that Israel have declined to have a 3 day ceasefire for humanitarian aid to get through and for cilvilians to be evacuated. They say Hezzbollah are stopping aid getting through - not them! So its a figment of my imagination that the roads are blown up, electricity supply destroyed, communications shattered and UN post blown up together with the inoccent observers? A spokesman for the lebenese government said yesterday "we are a country on its knees" yes indeed, and how long will it be before SOMEONE, ANYONE goes to their aid??? I can see this inhumane murder and stupidity on the Iraelies part escalating in a huge middle east war, dragging thousands more into death and destruction.
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Postby cypezokyli » Sat Jul 29, 2006 3:49 pm

simon wrote:
USA supported the coup Militiades, yes or no?

what exactly do you mean by "supported" ?
not prevented ? initiating ? or apporving ?

simon wrote:
I'll say again, Cyprus was never offered to Greece in circumstances where Greece could ever realistically accept.

well it depends what you mean by "could realistically accept". hat the greek king be not pro-german , perhaps greece would have entered WWI sooner.

besides, it is only obvious the Britain would demand sth in return.

and let us not forget harding proposals :wink:

simon :
So what the junta made up the army and had the backing of the Church, does this mean it was representative of Greece? Do you even know about the student riots to get them out? They were not democratically elected, were not popular to the citizens and did not represent the citizens.

You mention the student demonstrations in Athens against the Junta ,yes they demonstrated , they also demonstrated constantly during the Vietnam war , the Chilean dictatorship , in support of Fidel of Cuba , in Iraq and Palestine. Well done I say to all those participants.

@simon ,
yes there were students "riots" (i am not sure if riot is the correct word). the reality is also , that the greek junta didnot really receive any significant resistance, besides nov 1973. one of the main reasons, was that (with US financial support) the left in greece was so much suppressed already before the junta came along. nevertheless , the majority of the greeks didnot oppose junta either.

@ miltiadis.
look you can make fun of students, demonstrating against the Iraq war. but it would be good if you showed some respect for those students who died in polytehnio. it is different for me to go to two hours demonstration and come home safe , and those students who gave their lives against junda.
i believe they deserve some respect (even if they were leftists)

miltiades wrote:
"""In a further attempt to gain Greek support for Serbia, Sir Edward Grey offered, on October 16, to transfer Cyprus to Greece. But eight days later the new Greek government of Alexander Zaimis, backed by the king, formally refused the offer. The British foreign secretary's initiative, agreed upon at an informal meeting of the 'War Committee', was criticised both in the cabinet and in the House of Commons for having been taken without proper cabinet consultation. But, in fact, as Roy Jenkins points out in his biography of Asquith, the Cyprus offer had been thoroughly discussed by the cabinet in January 1915. George V's secretary, Lord Stamfordham, had then written to Asquith:

The King desires me to express the earnest hope that the Government will, on further consideration, decide to support Sir E. Grey's proposal and offer Cyprus to Greece on condition of her joining the Allies. . .. Financially Cyprus is I suppose a loss to this country. Strategically, HM understands that it has proved a failure, the harbours impracticable and ships obliged to lie off six miles from the coast."

miltiadi , as kifeas said : when you quote sth from the internet please provide the link. :wink:

nevertheless the above statement is interesting (assuming it is true).
a number of studies have shown that imperial powers actually were loosing economically from the colonies. which completely destroys lenins arguments about the colonialists. the motives were likely other than that.

the above quote , shows , once again by how far we tend to overestimate our "strategic position".
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Postby miltiades » Sat Jul 29, 2006 4:09 pm

Zypezokyli , I did not offer the source of the "BRITISH OFFER " I was under the impression that it was a well know fact and saw no need to add further.However this site will help understand the first time this offer was made in 1915 . The second time was in 1923. Thank you for mentioning the King /Royalty of Greece which were no more Greek than Viewpoint , or Kemal Ataturk These were the Kings our beloved motherland forced us to pray for in Churches,visit this site if you"control-f "searchCyprus until you come the the relative article.

Why are you assuming this statement might not be true ???
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Postby cypezokyli » Sat Jul 29, 2006 4:24 pm

like thomas said : if i dont see i dont believe :wink:

i didnot say the statement is untrue.
all i am saying is , just provide a link next time.

I, for example heard before about the offer in 1915 , but i never read that statement of Roy Jenkins. i dont even know who this guy is. that is why, providing the sources is helpful.

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Postby lysi » Sun Jul 30, 2006 1:46 pm

Today the brave ISRAELI military killed 50 or more women & children in the lebanese village of QANA, many of the children were DISABLED.
The USA & BRITAIN have still not called for a ceasefire & they are still giving ISRAEL the green light to carry on with the MASS MURDER in LEBANON.
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Postby miltiades » Sun Jul 30, 2006 7:51 pm

A very sad day for humanity, more innocents killed and many more will perish until this madness comes to an end.
The Israelis are expressing regret , the Hezbollah on the other hand rejoice at their rocket's success in hitting an Israeli hospital .The rockets used by the Hezbollah are being fired from civilian areas , this also has to stop , it only gives the Israelis the excuse to target these areas.

On a different subject Lysi , it is well known that you despise America as well as Britain enormously. May I just ask you to pay some serious attention to this.
Do you realize that there are thousands of G/Cs who are lobbying their respective Parliamentary decision makers both here in the UK and in the States ? Do you realize that IF and consider this carefully , IF the USA and Britain were to recognise the "TRNC" the rest of the world would follow , and we have for ever lost that part of Cyprus .
Do you understand that American recognition will be the end and Partition will be permanent.Hating a nation as powerful as the States is not doing Cyprus any good .
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Postby unique_earthling » Sun Jul 30, 2006 9:13 pm

I personally see it as inevitable that the divide will be made permanent, with the bitterness, predjudices and childish mentallity, there is no solution other than a change in the hearts of men. And this isnt going to happen, and i can see that the powers that be whether its the Greek side, Turks, USA, or Europe, actually doesnt want or believe it will happen. I do study and read many peoples articles on the subject, i also have my personal feelings on it too.

Rebecca Bryant Bryant is assistant professor of anthropology at George Mason University and author of Imagining the Modern: The Cultures of Nationalism in Cyprus (London: I. B. Tauris, 2004). She writes from Cyprus, where she is conducting research on place and memory since the opening of the checkpoints. She wrote this article.

Everyone will have a view point, everyone will agree or disagree, many will decry or put down what someone else believes, many with have the need to be right. But at the end of the day, Cyprus is just a small puddle in a big sea, and others bigger than you, have machinations that suit their purpose. The Cyprus mentallity is going to ruin chances of reconciliation. Bitterness, predjudices, and revenge will never bring the two together and neither will those that have an invested interest in keeping the two apart. To reconcile is to share power, is to accept everyone as equals, to be transparent, and show care and respect for all cyprians.. You tell me... is that going to happen??? There will be a few of you who are more emotionally mature but you are a minority. Every one must look at the bigger picture and not just about how some of you feel... Even those who feel they have dealt with it, and even if you believe you can cohabitate and forgive and move on will come up against issues that will go against a complete reintergration with the other side. I know you will all argue till eternity for and against but at the end of the day too much water has gone under the bridge and too much resentment lingers on either side. I would put money on it that old wounds will never heal and Cypres will continue to be divided.
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Postby unique_earthling » Sun Jul 30, 2006 9:17 pm

Its the same world wide, the Israelis also believe they are right as do the Lebanese, its the same scenario, just in a different place and different time... everyone believing they are right and just destroying others to prove it.. And humanity is thrown out of the window to prove a point..
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Postby miltiades » Sun Jul 30, 2006 10:00 pm

I most certainly hope that the division will come to an end and Cyprus will again be one nation.
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Postby cypezokyli » Sun Jul 30, 2006 10:54 pm

unique_earthling wrote:I personally see it as inevitable that the divide will be made permanent, with the bitterness, predjudices and childish mentallity, there is no solution other than a change in the hearts of men. And this isnt going to happen, and i can see that the powers that be whether its the Greek side, Turks, USA, or Europe, actually doesnt want or believe it will happen.

you are so right unique_earthling.
so right :( :( :(

but as a cypriot activist sais in his website :

if there is no road to peace
we are going to construct one
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