cypezokyli wrote:littlemiss wrote:Well I admit im not really up to date on the reasons behind all the blood shed at the moment, but i caught something on the news about the bible and the jews returning to isreal and the second coming! I mean come on!!!! I am a strong believer of no religion = no wars. How can so many innocent ppl die over something that no one can prove is bloody real in the first place! Im not on Isreal side over this one i think its awfull. I really avoid the news cos i find it so upsetting but was it not so long ago isreal pushed all the jews out of their country.. and now this. Please i know im probably wrong on my facts and there is a hell of alot more to this than i will ever know about but will it ever stop! All these religions going on about the end of the world and they are the ones causing it by fighting all the bloody time. Grrrrrr!!!!
Dear littlemiss.
i am sorry that i am intervening to your beliefs.
but, there are hardly any wars in history that took place for religious reasons. the primary motive was always either last for power or economic benefits. not even the crusades , were not religious (or at least they were not only religious).
the threory : no religion = no war , cannot explain the biggest wars in history i.e. WWI and WWII.
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