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Postby Sotos » Sat Jul 29, 2006 12:07 am

Religion is given as an excuse to attract the support of the masses. :(
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Postby andri_cy » Sat Jul 29, 2006 12:16 am

cypezokyli wrote:
littlemiss wrote:Well I admit im not really up to date on the reasons behind all the blood shed at the moment, but i caught something on the news about the bible and the jews returning to isreal and the second coming! I mean come on!!!! I am a strong believer of no religion = no wars. How can so many innocent ppl die over something that no one can prove is bloody real in the first place! Im not on Isreal side over this one i think its awfull. I really avoid the news cos i find it so upsetting but was it not so long ago isreal pushed all the jews out of their country.. and now this. Please i know im probably wrong on my facts and there is a hell of alot more to this than i will ever know about but will it ever stop! All these religions going on about the end of the world and they are the ones causing it by fighting all the bloody time. Grrrrrr!!!!

Dear littlemiss.
i am sorry that i am intervening to your beliefs.

but, there are hardly any wars in history that took place for religious reasons. the primary motive was always either last for power or economic benefits. not even the crusades , were not religious (or at least they were not only religious).

the threory : no religion = no war , cannot explain the biggest wars in history i.e. WWI and WWII.

The crusades and many other wars might have not be done for religion as an ultimate reason, but they WERE done in the name of religion. So maybe the motives of the ones that were the leaders werent religious, but they did tell the masses that it was.
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Postby cypezokyli » Sat Jul 29, 2006 12:27 am

very few wars were even done in the name of religion .

the masses will always die for reasons unknown to them , bc they are precisely that : masses.
they will do that for their "nation" , for their "religion" , for their "ideology" and for any other stupidity their leaders come up with. they just follow.

a great book about that is "the psycology of the masses" gustav le bon
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Postby Simon » Sat Jul 29, 2006 2:08 am

Cypezokyli, for once I agree wth you. Wonders shall never cease! :wink:
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Postby miltiades » Sat Jul 29, 2006 9:45 am

Simon , I know nothing about politics and yet here you are telling a sixty year old who lists as his hobbies , politics, that he is ignorant of the political events that led to Cyprus being invaded. Are you aware that on two occasions , in 1915 and 1923 Britain offered your motherland my country and your motherland refused , ok they had good reasons to but did not have the gust to accept. The junta was made up by the overwhelming majority of the army had the full support of the Greek Orthodox Church and was promoted as "ELLAS ELLINON XRISTIANON "
The Americans supported the Junta purely because of the existing circumstances of the time , ie the cold war with the Soviet Union. The curse of the Greek world is their obsession with persistently denying their responsibilities for their actions and blame America for all evils .Greece was responsible for the mess that Cyprus found it self in1974. They run like chickens , Karamanlis was the only politician to be found and he was living in France at the time.
What is it with Cyprus that you dislike so much and you cling to the nation that caused the Cyprus catastrophe. Greece not America, America intervened on two occasions prior to the 1974 invasion and stopped Turkey invading. America like all super powers , and like all nations , except Cyprus , supports its interests , and it is about time that we wake up in Cyprus remove the Middle Eastern " ferege "and begin looking after the interests of out nation.
Finally what message are you sending to the Turkish Cypriots by flying the flag of Greece , is it to say that Cyprus is exclusively Greek ? Why are embarrassed to show the Cyprus flag .
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Postby farahato » Sat Jul 29, 2006 12:10 pm

who doesnt agree with me here that israel should have no rights at all in anything, they came to palestine against their will and boom they made this their country although it the palestenians country, and over that palestenians should not fight for the sake of their stolen country or they would be terrorists, also in lebanon israel is jus killing children and civilians all of that for nothing just cause two israelian soldiers were kidnapped so they kill more than 400 lebenese innocent and destroy the whole country, while america says that it doesnt like that situation and despite that they send free bombs to israel just to continue the attacks ,
what in hell makes sense through all this, and we still say that they have rights, damn it the israelians are the real terrorist and they stole the palestenian country and destroying lebanon aint there any sense here.
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Postby Simon » Sat Jul 29, 2006 1:18 pm

Militiades, you simply are ignorant. USA supported the coup Militiades, yes or no? Or is that simply too hard for you to accept about your beloved USA.

I'll say again, Cyprus was never offered to Greece in circumstances where Greece could ever realistically accept. If you know to the contrary, prove it? Where are your sources? I have mine if you want me to quote them?

So what the junta made up the army and had the backing of the Church, does this mean it was representative of Greece? Do you even know about the student riots to get them out? They were not democratically elected, were not popular to the citizens and did not represent the citizens. The problem with people like you is that you are very naive about what happens behind the scenes and you can't handle the truth, in case it destroys your ideal perfect little 'western world.'

I am not clinging onto anybody, I do not hate Cyprus. I simply state the truth. The USA is the cause of many problems around the world. Of course we had our part, but trust me, we could not have got into this mess ourselves without their help.
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Postby miltiades » Sat Jul 29, 2006 1:40 pm

Simon , if you go to Google and search Cyprus conflict you will find numerous articles on the offer by the British to Greece of our island. The first was as I posted earlier was in 1915 , the following is from one such entry on Google.

"""In a further attempt to gain Greek support for Serbia, Sir Edward Grey offered, on October 16, to transfer Cyprus to Greece. But eight days later the new Greek government of Alexander Zaimis, backed by the king, formally refused the offer. The British foreign secretary's initiative, agreed upon at an informal meeting of the 'War Committee', was criticised both in the cabinet and in the House of Commons for having been taken without proper cabinet consultation. But, in fact, as Roy Jenkins points out in his biography of Asquith, the Cyprus offer had been thoroughly discussed by the cabinet in January 1915. George V's secretary, Lord Stamfordham, had then written to Asquith:

The King desires me to express the earnest hope that the Government will, on further consideration, decide to support Sir E. Grey's proposal and offer Cyprus to Greece on condition of her joining the Allies. . .. Financially Cyprus is I suppose a loss to this country. Strategically, HM understands that it has proved a failure, the harbours impracticable and ships obliged to lie off six miles from the coast."

You are , as I said earlier , very typical of the stereotype Greek or Greek Cypriot mentality , that all our problems are caused by the AMERIKANICO DAXTILO . America has offered a great deal of help to Greece more so after the war and the disastrous civil war that followed. America is the home of thousands up on thousands of Greeks , and Greek Cypriots. The efforts by the Hellenic communities in America are being hampered by the likes of you wirh the stereo type imaginary theories on American involvement in procuring the various catastrophes that the Hellenic world had to endure. You mention the student demonstrations in Athens against the Junta ,yes they demonstrated , they also demonstrated constantly during the Vietnam war , the Chilean dictatorship , in support of Fidel of Cuba , in Iraq and Palestine. Well done I say to all those participants.
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Postby lysi » Sat Jul 29, 2006 2:52 pm

Hey marathon man, do you think it is wrong for BUSH and his poodle BLAIR to not call for a ceasefire ?
If it was ISRAEL being attacked non stop by WAR PLANES, TANKS, & NAVY SHIPS then the USA & BRITAIN would be calling for a ceasefire or going to the aid of there pal ISRAEL.
Then again the USA & BRITAIN are supplying weapons to ISRAEL everyday to be used to kill more & more lebanese women & children.
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Postby miltiades » Sat Jul 29, 2006 3:23 pm

I think there should be an immediate ceasefire which should lead to peace talks in the area. I do not think there will be one , on the contrary Marathon man thinks that the Persians are coming along with the Syrians.
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