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Postby theresa » Fri Jul 28, 2006 11:32 am

So does that mean that any member of the UN that commits acts of indescriminate murder of civilians get away with it because they may have been "good guys" 60 yrs ago? Why is the USA supplying more arms to Israel despite World protests, and why did Israel lie and say they had the green light from World leaders at a meeting in Rome to carry on? This was a blatant lie - and they are getting away with it!
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Postby miltiades » Fri Jul 28, 2006 11:48 am

No it does not mean that at all .Israel did not suddenly decide to go and kill innocent Lebanese women and children. Israel decided once and for all to eliminate the threat from Hezbollah .Hezbolah seeks refuge amongst civilians , it is not a regular army , and do you not think that if Hezbollah could unleash 1000 accurate rockets into indiscriminate targets in Israel they would stop to consider civilian casualties ? The world leaders want to see cessation of the conflict immediately and so do I.
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Postby lysi » Fri Jul 28, 2006 2:10 pm

miltiades wrote:No it does not mean that at all .Israel did not suddenly decide to go and kill innocent Lebanese women and children. Israel decided once and for all to eliminate the threat from Hezbollah .Hezbolah seeks refuge amongst civilians , it is not a regular army , and do you not think that if Hezbollah could unleash 1000 accurate rockets into indiscriminate targets in Israel they would stop to consider civilian casualties ? The world leaders want to see cessation of the conflict immediately and so do I.

MILTIADES do you support the killing of lebanese women & children by you pal ISRAEL ?
Its the USA, BRITAIN & ISRAEL that are the real terrorists, they think they can bomb, murder & occupy other peoples countries and get away with it, dont be surprized when people like HEZBOLLAH & HAMAS hit back.
IF anyone wants to complain about the attacks on LEBANON then EMAIL the ISRAELI GOVERNMENT. [email protected] or [email protected]
You can also show your support for LEBANON by sending a message of support to the LEBANESE embassy in washington. [email protected]
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Postby farahato » Fri Jul 28, 2006 4:07 pm

come on eliminating hezbo allah wont be ever by that way
lebanon is detroyed and hundreds of innocents arekilled israel just attacks without any mind backed up by america
children and civilians die every day and lebanon has been teared up economically and politically think of this country how it became
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Postby unique_earthling » Fri Jul 28, 2006 4:37 pm

Well if there were no men there would be no wars, all that testosterone anger and ego, i think a dose of vallium and bromide may do the trick. And they need a good smack bottom. But then again perhaps its the parents who need to teach kids to live and let live. And how ever simple this all sounds, as far as i am concerned no war is a good war, and religion should be banned everwhere.. And thinking a bit further perhaps its not about religion maybe its about the mentallity to hate anyone thats different and not in their gang.. And so i conclude, its the mentallity of children, and not of emotional intelligence... And now you can all shout at me and tell me differently.. I dont care, now give me my ball back!!!
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Postby littlemiss » Fri Jul 28, 2006 7:51 pm

Well I admit im not really up to date on the reasons behind all the blood shed at the moment, but i caught something on the news about the bible and the jews returning to isreal and the second coming! I mean come on!!!! I am a strong believer of no religion = no wars. How can so many innocent ppl die over something that no one can prove is bloody real in the first place! Im not on Isreal side over this one i think its awfull. I really avoid the news cos i find it so upsetting but was it not so long ago isreal pushed all the jews out of their country.. and now this. Please i know im probably wrong on my facts and there is a hell of alot more to this than i will ever know about but will it ever stop! All these religions going on about the end of the world and they are the ones causing it by fighting all the bloody time. Grrrrrr!!!!
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Postby Simon » Fri Jul 28, 2006 8:34 pm

Militiades, you make me laugh. You clearly do not understand politics. Who do you think supported the junta? Who do you think encouraged the junta to perform the coup, telling them it was the way to get what they wanted? THE USA. PLEASE WAKE UP. The USA played them like fools. They supported the coup, because they knew it would lead to the invasion and partition - WHAT THEY WANTED ALL ALONG FOR TURKEY.

Let me explain something else to you - the junta did not, and does not represent Greece. They were not elected, and were not popular. You really are completely brainwashed. Makarios did not dance to the USA's tune because is practically meant surrendering independence, something Cyprus had very little of anyway. Makarios tried to use the Soviet Union to preserve independence, because he knew that the USA only had Turkey's best interests at heart. Unfortunately, the junta was too stupid to realise this also.

Finally, every book I have read discusses the length that Greece went to, to try to annex Cyprus, including near war. Never have I read that Britain actually offered Cyprus to Greece, and Greece refused. Indeed, I always hear the opposite. So can you please provide proof for this? I have solid sources that say that Britain never offered Cyprus to Greece, and never intended to. So where are your sources from?
Last edited by Simon on Fri Jul 28, 2006 9:07 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby unique_earthling » Fri Jul 28, 2006 8:45 pm

Come on Miltiades its your turn... :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Simon » Fri Jul 28, 2006 9:18 pm

[quote]The world leaders want to see cessation of the conflict immediately and so do I.[/quote]

Militiades, if you listened to just the news on ITV or BBC, you would realise this is not the case (for the USA and Britain at least). The USA has given Israel the green light to continue the attacks for at least the time being. They really care about civilians don't they? :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Postby cypezokyli » Sat Jul 29, 2006 12:01 am

littlemiss wrote:Well I admit im not really up to date on the reasons behind all the blood shed at the moment, but i caught something on the news about the bible and the jews returning to isreal and the second coming! I mean come on!!!! I am a strong believer of no religion = no wars. How can so many innocent ppl die over something that no one can prove is bloody real in the first place! Im not on Isreal side over this one i think its awfull. I really avoid the news cos i find it so upsetting but was it not so long ago isreal pushed all the jews out of their country.. and now this. Please i know im probably wrong on my facts and there is a hell of alot more to this than i will ever know about but will it ever stop! All these religions going on about the end of the world and they are the ones causing it by fighting all the bloody time. Grrrrrr!!!!

Dear littlemiss.
i am sorry that i am intervening to your beliefs.

but, there are hardly any wars in history that took place for religious reasons. the primary motive was always either last for power or economic benefits. not even the crusades , were not religious (or at least they were not only religious).

the threory : no religion = no war , cannot explain the biggest wars in history i.e. WWI and WWII.
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