Iran must never be allowed to develop nuclear capabilities. The entire world agrees on that .If negotiations do not achieve this , then the free world will do all it can to ensure that this regime never achieves its ambition .
The reason that so many people hate the USA is because america goes around causing trouble in other peoples countries because america has too much money & power, this is why there where attacks on 9/11.
And still the USA and its poodles ISRAEL & BRITAIN think they can go around attacking other countries and get away with it, the latest excuse for these attacks is to blame the so-called WAR on terrorism.
Why should people complain about HEZBOLLAH when all they are doing is fighting ISRAELI state terrorism.
America seems to have been spoiling for a war with Iran for a long time. America seems to hate and distrust any country that dares to rule without their "help". This is just an excuse to inflame the whole middle east into war. And guess who will come along to help rebuild and redirect the oil fields - The good old gas guzzling USA, with his puppy dog Blair begging and slavering at his heels for scraps!
miltiades wrote:You forgot to mention the 7/7 in London . The only complain I have on Hezbollah is that they are still around
The reason london was attacked was because PRESIDENT TONY BLAIR sent BRITISH troops to attack & invade & occupy IRAQ. And after the london bombings blair had the nerve to tell us all that the IRAQ war was nothing to do with the attacks on london, what a compleat liar he is.
Miltiades , you say that Iran should never develop a nuclear bomb. Who gives any one country the right to say what another country can do? America - self appointed (self opinionated and selfserving) police force of the world ? may I remind you that the ONLY country ever to use nuclear bombs to deliberately kill and maim as many civilians as possible was AMERICA? Why no outcry on Israel having the bomb? They are a volatile people arent they? Quick to take massive uncontrolled revenge on those that they consider enemies, they have now destroyed most telephone lines and more roads - handy that isnt it - soon no one will be able get OUT to safety and aid wont be able to get IN to help those poor people. Yeah three cheers for the cilvilised Isralies and the cilvilised USA.
Because the mad Mullahs of Iran that live in the stone age mentality , would use the bomb to wipe out any one who does not share their sick and perverted interpretation of an ideology that the civilised world finds revolting.
Even Turkey does not have nuclear weapons why should a bunch of lunatics who openly stated that another nation should be wiped off the map be allowed to possess the ultimate weapon.America was forced to use the bomb in the 40s to stop another nutter from continuing on it, mission of destruction.Look at Japan now.
Never mind the Mullahs, the USA, Iran or anywhere else for that matter, Israel had NO moral right to do what they've done to Lebanon.
I've always admired the Israelis and the way they stand up for themselves but now I don't give a shit if they are wiped off the map.