unique_earthling wrote:Well here are mine..
The Lord of the rings trilogy
The Matrix trilogy
One flew over the cuckoos nest
Forest Gump
The green mile
Shawshank Redemption

Sorry thats six, but could definately go to ten easily.
I have not seen 1 & 2, but all the others are great films.
These days when the Multi-Complex cinemas have anywhere from 6-12 screens, it's almost like watching it on a large TV screen with perhaps 50-100 people. I don't think these small screens do justice to some of the great films. In the 70's, most cinemas had ONE large screen which seated up to 2,000 people per showing, so a film like the "one flew over the cuckoos nest" would get great energy from the audience and vise versa. If you ever watched the ending of the film "Carrie" with 2,000 people in the theater, you know what I'm talking about. It use to be fun going to the movies, but now, it's a minor difference than watching it on your home wide screens.