avyixy your story isnt the first i have heard and wont be the last, many women are treated with disrespect here, i was in my last job and eventually left. So take a weeks holiday and go look for another job, preferably not with a neandathal for a boss...
Apart from the disrespect to women, it's also a case of self interest with these neanderthals - the longer an employee stays at a company, the more rights they have. The first milestone is the 6 months trial period, the second is the 2 years redundancy qualification (after two years at a company you're entitled to redundancy payment if you're let go). It gets more expensive for the employer the longer you're there. No wonder they behave like that, these kinds of people have no honour whatsoever.
I have already started looking at ads for work and have even been to two interviews, where conditions were more or less the same as where I am now, so I will not rush into anything but have definitely decided to look for something better.