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How will the conflict affect Cyprus?

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How will the conflict affect Cyprus?

Postby dixi » Mon Jul 17, 2006 3:45 pm

Apparently, evacuations to Cyprus are imminent. Do you think Cyprus in other ways given Cyprus' proximity to Lebanon and Syria. What are your thoughts?
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Postby miltiades » Mon Jul 17, 2006 4:18 pm

In the last war in Lebanon in 1982 , thousands of Lebanese descended on Cyprus , financially many Cypriots benefited not least the Landlords who immediately pushed the rents up. And before any one calls the Cypriots greedy , this is perfectly normal in a supply and demand situation . Restaurants , Hotels , Food shops and practically every business in Cyprus will benefit financially , and I don't want a smart Alex lecturing me on morals.
At times of conflict unfortunately some people suffer and some benefit.
My advice to any one with money to invest right now would be in property , as expensive as it might look at the moment , the Middle East conflict will be not over to morrow. We must brace our selves unfortunately for worst to come.
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Postby dixi » Mon Jul 17, 2006 4:36 pm

Wow, I really should have proofed my question before posting. Anyhow...prices always go up in relation to demand. Simple economics. Except gasoline, which goes up in relation to speculation.

Do you think tourism will be go down though? Especially if the fighting is lengthy?
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Postby dms007 » Mon Jul 17, 2006 5:11 pm

My advice to any one with money to invest right now would be in property , as expensive as it might look at the moment , the Middle East conflict will be not over to morrow

it is not a war, just an incursion. will be over soon!
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Postby miltiades » Mon Jul 17, 2006 5:22 pm

I'm of the opinion that unfortunately the conflict will escalate to a full war with Iran and Syria taking part.
The Iranian situation has been brewing for quite some time now , and as we know the USA would have taken action sooner rather than later in order to knock out any nuclear capabilities that Iran might at this moment possess. The Iranian President made the now notorious statement , stating as his country's aim the annihilation of Israel . In Lebanon Hezbollah are getting their support from Iran and I do not see the Israelis in any harry to contain military action in Lebanon alone.
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