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Help needed with Kit Car registration

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Help needed with Kit Car registration

Postby G.Man » Mon Jul 17, 2006 3:14 pm

I have for the last 7 months been trying to get my Kit Car registered in Cyprus, and I am on the verge of right to the EU court reporting cyprus for yet another failure under EU law relating to freedom of movement..

Lets take it step by step...

Last April I bought a Lotus 7 Style Kit car, I built it last year and got its final registration in dec 2005...

It is then shipped to cyprus where I planned to use it as a weekend only driver.

Customs give me a list of requirements as long as your arm to prove that I had owned and used the car in the UK for 6 months, which I of course didnt have, so I said, no worries I will pay the duty (engine is 1200cc motorcycle so duty was only £600 odd)... They say I must consult with the registrations dept to confirm that a registration is not an issue, which I did, and spoke with a very nice man, a Mr Nicholau... He said I would need an MOT and an inspection at the SVA centre...

We duly carried this out, and the sva/registration centre were gonna deal with the new registration but they reached a stumbling block, my vehicle make was not shown on the system.. No problem they said, just go to the main office and they will add the car and register it at the same time...

No worries I say, and off I go with my Nicosia Traffic cop who is my translator in these matters...

Get to the regsitration/licencing centre in nicosia and they say we cant register your car as it says date of first regsitration 1990 and date of first registration in UK 2005.. I need to provide the registration doculemnt for the scrapped car used to provide the axles and suspension components... Obviously this is impossible to provide, and is completely irrelevant as the vehicle I am registering has a perfectly adequate UK reg doc and a type approval certificate...

Is there anyone who reads these forums who works with the vehicle registration and licencing centre who can help me here...

If not I have no option but to go to the EU court and report the govt here for making it impossible for me to import my car, or final option, leave it on UK plates and insure it at the border 3 months at a time...

This place is so godamn frustrating, its like they are stuck in the dark ages sometimes... well in govt offices anyway...
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Postby G.Man » Tue Jul 18, 2006 12:16 am

Well, i managed to get insurance at the border for 12 months, 3rd party only... Better than the ACT cover pancyprian were offering anyway...

Car is legal, UK plates, UK Road Tax, Cyprus insurance...

Only people missing out are the Cyprus govt who will not get a registration fee and road tax each year..
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Postby andri_cy » Tue Jul 18, 2006 12:25 am

G.Man, Kit cars are not common in Cyprus. Maybe one day they will catch up. Till then you are gonna do what you have to do.
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Postby G.Man » Tue Jul 18, 2006 12:35 am

andri_cy wrote:G.Man, Kit cars are not common in Cyprus. Maybe one day they will catch up. Till then you are gonna do what you have to do.

Yeah I know Andri, they are supposed to have a policy, they also have a kit car expert, but once the technical team see the docs it all goes to shit..

The point is, I have a valid reg doc, I have a valid Type Approval certificate and I have a valid CY Sva test certification and MOT...

What more does a car actually need before it gets a registration number??

Except a bomb dropping on a certain govt office

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Postby andri_cy » Tue Jul 18, 2006 5:10 pm

:P I don't know. Rest assured that I am Cypriot and I have had a lot of problems with gvt offices before I moved. Once I went to the place where you get your birth certificates and the guy yelled at me cause I needed 3 and he had to handwrite them. Unfortunately, working for the gvt doesnt mean you are the best, the smartest, or the hardest working person.
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Postby G.Man » Tue Jul 18, 2006 9:59 pm


The govt workers are well known amongst the cypriots to be real jobsworth people...

I dont judge the cypriots by the govt workers, thankfully...


PS if anyone is interested...


200bhp tuned kawasaki zx12r motorcycle engine
0-110km/h 3 seconds

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Postby fox » Tue Jul 18, 2006 11:10 pm

Offer to sell it to the Govt guy he prob has his beady little eye on it...............
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Postby G.Man » Tue Jul 18, 2006 11:14 pm

He hasnt seen it..

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Postby andri_cy » Tue Jul 18, 2006 11:25 pm

My husband is in love with Kit cars. Puts them together and sells them and then on to the next one...
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Postby blondophile » Tue Jul 18, 2006 11:36 pm

Amazing car !! :)
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