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what do you think of cyprus?

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what do you think of cyprus?

Postby willy_d » Mon Jul 17, 2006 11:22 am

what do you think of cyprus

and culture.......

im writing a book for those who want to move overseas but just haven't got around to doing so...

i would like to feature real life comments on what people actually think please.........

regards willy........
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Postby Ivanka » Mon Jul 17, 2006 12:25 pm

Weather is nice and pleasant, I like a very hot and sunny weather. I think that it will be mor ehotter:-)
People are very friendly and focused on family.

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Postby dms007 » Mon Jul 17, 2006 2:08 pm

weather........ Hot summers and cool winters. the temperatures in the summer reach 42 C, but it drops down in the evenings. The sea breeze sets in towards the evening and cools down things a bit. In the winters the temperatures fall to 3 C or 4 C during the night. The winters are very windy, it feels like the temperature is lower than what is because of the winds.

people...........there are lots of people from different parts of the world in cyprus. greek cypriots are the majority here, naturally. they are closely followed by the british(?) and then there are people from lebanon, syria,former ussr, philliphines, srilanka, india, bangladesh, egypt, israel, and so on. These are not the tourists, there is also a sizeable population of the tourists who come from all over the world.

and culture.......the culture in the south is a variation of the greek culture. the cypriots have evolved their own culture which is greek yet distinct. the greek cypriots identify themselves with the greeks. sometimes i have a feeling that cyprus is a part of greece! food is very important part of the cypriot culture, there is lots of meat to be consumed, lots of meat, mostly pork with beef, chicken and lamb. the cypriots have extened families. they are one big family, infact cyprus is one big village where everyone knows everyone else, which can be either an advantage or disadvantage depending on where and who you are with! the cypriot men like foreign women and for the cypriot women most of the foreign women are prostitutes or cabret dancers. the cypriots like black. they wear black clothes anytime anywhere. formal dressing means wearing black clothes. the women are mobile makeup stalls. they wear all the makeup they can lay their hands on. most of the time they are in the coffee shops drinking frappe. life moves at a very slow pace in cyprus but the cypriots tend to wake up only when they are driving. most of the youngsters drive without regard for others on the road. music is an important part of the cypriot culture. there is not celebration without music and dance. the two dance forms that are widely used are the circle dance and the other one where the dancer dusts his shoes. flowers are thown, plates are broken in appreciation of the dancer.

there is so much to write, i shall stop here.
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Postby miltiades » Mon Jul 17, 2006 2:45 pm

Spot on ! Like the bit on shoe dusting .
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Postby Svetlana » Mon Jul 17, 2006 3:34 pm


Where do you live?

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Postby dixi » Mon Jul 17, 2006 3:40 pm

very very relaxed pace. Maybe you should mention (or warn) :D how much attention Cypriot men give to female tourists. Also, when I was there, I did all of the normal touristy things but the best experience was the off-the-beaten-path sort of things. Like the smaller villages, I can't name them all, there were just so many we went to and I would probably get the names wrong anyway. I met some very interesting people. One family in Zygi invited us to their mezze and then into their home. Such warm people.
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Postby unique_earthling » Mon Jul 17, 2006 5:04 pm

i am keeping my mouth shut......
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Postby unique_earthling » Mon Jul 17, 2006 5:07 pm

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Postby dms007 » Mon Jul 17, 2006 5:10 pm

i am keeping my mouth shut......

that does not help anybody!
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Postby dixi » Mon Jul 17, 2006 5:59 pm

unique_earthling wrote:i am keeping my mouth shut......

C'mon earthling, if you have something to say, say it. Give us your unique insight.
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