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Postby unique_earthling » Tue Jul 18, 2006 10:51 am

Actually Miltiades, thanks for your candid reply but i think you misunderstood me, i have never decried the peasants in fact as i said, the older generation who were poor were far better than those who got rich quick, i prefer the simpler people to those whose arrogance and me first attitudes have changed the opinions of those who have come to the island to live. You have been anglosized Miltiades, and even though you are from Paphos you do as those in england do, and when you were in Paphos you followed the ways here and killed birds and threw stonesat cats, and maybe those who did it as a child here will continue to treat animals badly as grown ups because they know no different. I agree mainly out of ignorance, but setting fire to a dog is not ignorance, that takes an aweful lack of emotion to do such a thing and they were not children. I stand by that and nothing will change my mind on it, it was wilfull cruelty. And you talk about foreigners spitting in the street and shouting loudly, many times here i have seen the disgusting habit of putting a finger to the side of the nose and snotting in the street and out of the car window, and if you think Cypriot women dont scream like banshees then you have not been in yeroskipou lately.. I can condone these things they dont affect my life, what does effect it is the blatent abuse and unfairness, not only to me but others who are Cypriot born and bred, i understand how econimic migrants and those who suffer in their own countries should want to find somewhere safer and more prosperous for their families, i dont have a problem with it, so long as they respect themselves and others. Unfortunately it also comes from mentallities that have not developed suffinciently, enabling them to give something back, but i dont hate them, though you seem very irritated by pontians, greek russians and those that have come to seek a better life Miltiades. I think there is room in the world for everyone, but i know i have to wait till the rest of the world grows up so we can share common values and care about all life.
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Postby dms007 » Tue Jul 18, 2006 1:04 pm

the English ladies always appealed to the locals

does not matter if they are english or not.
if female will stare.!
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Postby miltiades » Tue Jul 18, 2006 1:28 pm

Yes but the English ladies also have charm and good manners !!
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Postby Ivanka » Tue Jul 18, 2006 1:28 pm

I think that Cypriot people are closed to the other nationality if they aren't tourists.

If others non-Cypriot would like to live, work, breath air and use their sea in the Cyprus, they become competitors and unfriendly.

Cypriots are friendly to you if you don't would like to live here permanent.

I mean this things (above) not in global of course..
Believe me I had chance to try this exactly on my body.. :-(
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Postby unique_earthling » Tue Jul 18, 2006 2:09 pm

Its a sad fact that the attitudes of the locals here do not have a good name, i cannot speak for those in Nicosia Larnaca or further afield, but the Paphians i know well, having lived here for some time now, and i dont know anyone who has lived here for a similar amount of time who dont feel exasparated and spiritually low by the mentallity and subsequent treatment from them. Its not just a whiney old brit whose always complaining, but it does get to you eventually, and its just a matter of time when the Newbies see the cracks start appearing. I have never worked so hard in my life and been valued least as i have here, not in the job i have now, but when i have worked for the Cypriots. In fact most tell me they will never work for one if they can help it. So something isnt quite right now is it? How about people start listening and instead of veheminantly denying it, take a step back and see if there is any truth in it all, and then make some changes, we cant all be wrong...
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Postby dms007 » Tue Jul 18, 2006 3:05 pm

ofcourse everyone knows that cypriots are xenophobic.
but i dont really know why. even if you get to know someone very well, they still have this odd behaviour.
they would not want to be seen with a foreigner unless it has got something to do with money.
sometimes make me think if they are snobs.
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Postby theresa » Tue Jul 18, 2006 3:20 pm

dms007 I think you are right! There is definately a snobby air about a lot of Cypriots - here in the North too!!!
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Postby simonwjones » Tue Jul 18, 2006 3:27 pm

There's good, bad, ugly, tall, small, snobbey, polite and friendly people everywhere.

My experience of Cypriot people is they are very friendly folk and have never had anything bad happen. I've been to Spain a few times and find the Spanish people (in tourist areas) very rude indeed.
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Postby miltiades » Tue Jul 18, 2006 3:30 pm

ue and dms007 , please can you give some insight into your experiences with the Cypriots . I haven't lived in Cyprus since 1960 , but visit mostly once a month , health permitting. I know what you mean about the money aspect , but on the whole I find them much friendlier than my next door neighbours that I have known since 1991. In fact I live in a part of London that is so typical of London , that is you can live in a street for 20 years and still not know your neighbours.
Of course having been born in Paphos you may naturally presume that I'm biased , but my wife who is ,and looks 100 % English , has never been bothered by Cypriots in any way what so ever apart from the sneering look and a little overcharging which is quite normal in all parts of the world. Of course we don't permanently live in Cyprus but prior to my wife becoming ill , she would spent 3 - 4 months at a time in our Limassol appartment with out any hassle.
But really I would love to hear some specific incidents affecting your every day lives in Paphos.
I'm aware that the influx of so much money has indeed influenced the behaviour of some Cypriots.
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Postby Freddy » Tue Jul 18, 2006 7:51 pm

Possibly Earling cannon spell CRAP! But it obviously your opinion depends on as to whether or not you are building houses or selling houses!
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