Kikapu wrote:[That is the worry, that unless a long lasting peace is found sooner rather than later, this part of Cyprus may one day become part of Turkey. Lets hope for peace, because praying for one, won't do.
Yes lets hope that a solution is close by...
viewpoint wrote:[boomerang you cannot say this for certain although the numbers of british buyers has decreased other nationalities are still showing great interest.
Yes we know that these other people are the Europeans...and the same will apply to them
viewpoint wrote:[In the meantime TCs just view this as just another way to keep us economically hostage until they decide whether they want a solution or not or is their leader just paying lip service to seeking a solution.
What are you talking about...on one hand you set up a commission for compensation and giving homes back, as to satisfy the ECHR and on the other hand you are selling their properties to foreigners...Have you got any idea as to how underhanded this sounds?...You are making a mockery out of everyone...You want more money put your hand up and ask Turkey...They have been doing it from day one..What has changed the last two years?...Allow me to tell you, and this exactly why Dektash, didn't want the borders opened...Because the TC took one look at the South and said what the hell is going here, we have been cheated the last 32 years...What can I say you had a great leader...So now you are screaming that the South is holding you hostage...
Viewpoint wrote:[The judgement can go against you, and you can run to the ECHR and EU will it be worth the gamble? The years it will take you to resolve this problem will mean the continuation of sales.
My personal thought is that the damage is done regardless as to what the judgement will be from the British courts...For one the decision won't be final, and there will be appeals from the side that looses the hearing...The more it goes the more it gets highlighted that the properties in question are sold with out titles...and the sellers are immune from prosecution...And in this case would you trust any seller with your life long savings?
Viewpoint wrote:[GCs should be putting this effort into reaching a comprehensive solution so that as many GCs as possible can get back their properties.
Are you tellingl me that you subscribe to the thought that thought the GC would have voted for the Annan plan?...Blind Freddy could see the referandum would have been voted down before it went up for vote...YOu think Turkey didn't know that?...The question is why did Turkey wasted this opportunity for an everlasting peace...Not mentioning that Erdogan comes out of the negotiations saying I got everything I asked for...But hang on, to get everything you want some will miss out...
So the way I see it Turkey is holding the TC for ransom and is contriuting to your isolation...maybe you should be a bit more critical and demanding more of the Turkish government...What have you done to voice your concerns...