cypezokyli wrote:pyrpolizer, may i ask you how many tcs have you met up to now in your life ?
Viewpoint , would you think it would be proper for the Prime ministers' wife to defend Osama ? Of courser not , not for any money. The same applies to the orams case since it is a political hot potato that could have wider implications than an ordinary civil case, she obviously has an ulterior motive.
Pyrpolizer wrote:Cypezokyli,
Since you like asking personal questions, first ask yourself whether Viewpoint represents the average TC.
Viewpoint wrote:I would still say she has the right to take on which ever case she wishes...
Viewpoint wrote: from his answers I would guess a big fat zero.
Cypezokyli wrote: i mean ( and i hope you agree with me) it makes a whole big difference if you reached such conclusions from an often interaction with tcs , or from listening to lazaros mavros morning show
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