3. EOKA also attacked tcs (collaborators and not). i might be wrong on this one , but i believe that the tcs casualties were bigger than the british ones. ask any tc in this forum to tell you what they think about EOKA.
The majority of Turkish Cypriots killed by EOKA were members of the police force made up, by the British, completely of Turkish Cypriots, to crush EOKA, therefore the GC's considered that they were fighting the British where as the TC community saw it as a direct act agains't them. However some fantical nationalistic members, as far as I can tell, killed people they regarded as being collaborators with The British, and it didn't matter whether they were GC or TC, although the majority only targeted the British.
The first Turk to be killed by EOKA was killed on 21 June 1955, when a Turkish policeman in the service of the British was killed. This was not an attack on Turks, but against British colonialism.
(Taken from Wikepedia)
EOKA B, however were different as far as I could tell they targeted civilians, again both GC and TC, infact many GC's fought agains't them.
EOKA-B was a Greek Cypriot right-wing pro-enosis paramilitary organisation formed in 1971 that was supported by the ruling Greek junta which came to power in 1967 overthrowing the legitimate Greek government of Panayiotis Kanellopoulos. The organization is commonly referred as a terrorist organization by Turkey and United Kingdom.[1] because EOKA B engaged in the killing of civillians, this terminology is shared by President Makarios on his speech at UN following the coup.[2]
Whereas EOKA (1955-59) were seen by the majority of the Greek Cypriots as anti-colonialist freedom fighters[citation needed], the EOKA-B did not have the overwhelming support of the Greek Cypriot population, who where skeptical over the organisation's involvement with the unpopular Greek dictatorship. They did not want to swap their newly found independence for direct rule from Athens. The organisations unpopularity increased after attacks on Greek Cypriot socialists and supporters of independence, while public outrage followed the murder of government minister Polycarpos Georgadis and a botched assassination attempt on Makarios.
When Grivas died from heart failure in January 1974, the new leadership of EOKA-B increasingly came under the direct control and influence of the military junta in Athens. On July 15, 1974, the EOKA-B with approval of the Greek Dictator Ioannides and the help of the National Guard, launched a military coup, overthrowing Makarios and installing Nikos Sampson as President of Cyprus. This action served only to provoke a Turkish military invasion on July 20, 1974 leading to the subsequent de facto division of the island.
(Again taken from Wikepedia, which seems pretty fair)