Thanks Miltiades! From what i've read the majority of EOKA members were honourable men, who were fighting for their self determination rights that the British for years had denied them, however their were a few extremist nationalists who decided anyone closely linked, or who supported greatly the British or communists, were also the'enemy', they lost site of the real 'battle' so to speak, and those few are what has made EOKA such a contraversial organistion, as far as I can tell those were the people that made up EOKA B, an organisation which tainted the name of the originaly EOKA....Although it's interesting when you say that the British exploited differences within the Comunities, both GC and TC, it seems they did that many times..
If that makes any sense, although thats just the opinion that I have formed from research as I never actually lived through those times..

Although my grandparentsdid myGrandfather actually was arrested by the British and held prisoner without a trial for many months, he wasn't involved in EOKA, something they realised which is why they let him go, although it's quite sad that he was arrested when you think that only a few years before he fought along side the British in WW2 (I was shocked when I read that the British, to get men to sign up to fight, issued recruiting posters coloured in the Hellenic blue and white which said 'Fight for Greece and freedom'! I don't know what they were up to there!)
My Grandmother was actually pregnant with my mother at that point and when she went to the prison to show my Grandfather the new baby (My Grandmother always tells me about how she used to sew little things, like playing cards, or shaving cream, into the the blanket that she used to take my mother to see my Grandfather in, as the female guards never used to search the babies, somehow she managed to give them to my grandfather!), the british guard who was watching them, showed them a picture of his family as if to say 'I know what your going through being away from your family', my Grandmother has never forgotten that, as she always says 'they were only doing their jobs'.....
Okay Ithink I went a bit off track there, although it IS a good story...and everyone loves one of those!!