astroboy wrote:Not much of a personal experience, its just that I find myself fitting in more with the American way of life rather than the Cypriot. I find living at the States much more challenging and interesting than Cyprus.
The Cypriots need to learn how to be "independent". Here, everything is about "what my neighbor does, I will do 10x!" The Americans are more like "I mind my own business, if my neighbor needs my help, Ill help them"
Its just my humble opinion that the U.S. sets the standards that all nations should adopt to and follow but at the same time keeping their individuality...
Like I said, I want Cyprus to make its people admire their country and love their country the way the Americans feel about theirs..
unique_earthling wrote:Welcome to the forum ExNicosia, i too have a relative who was stationed out here 35 years ago, he now lives in Australia in Melbourne, and has written a novel about his experiences. He also says Kyrenia and Bellapaise was one of the most beautiful places he had ever been too. I have never been there, but after reading Bitter lemons of Cyprus, i have promised myself i will go and visit it.
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