i see , once again you dont reply to all the things i write and we are back to london for which i answered a thousand times up to now , that it is a different story and i condemn it.
it seems that is the only argument you have and you recycle it every second post. ...no comment on the geneva convention , miltiadi ? or did you forget that ? how about annans call ? no mention on that either ?
now what do you think makes someone a suicide bomber miltiadi ?
give me your wildest guess.
lets see if you can go , beyond a simple argument "islam makes them like that" . but that doesnot fit to our western understanding of a human being , either from an economic point of view or psycological point of view.
could it be socioeconomical reasons ?
could it be revenge ?
could it nothing left to loose ? (remember the 300 parapoulia of the poet)
did you know that the leader of hizpollah (whom you were celebrating his death yesterday - was it confirmed ? ) lost his 18 year old son , from an israeli attack ?
not to mention , that you are differentianting between those who have the guns and those who dont. do you think they would have used suicide bombers if they had the military capabilities of israel ?
the japanese used suicide bombers only when they runed out of amunition. because they had no other choise.
at this point hizpollah , has missiles and shoots as blindly as israel does.
for me someone who has a gun and shoots and kid , is no different from someone who wears a gun and kills a kid. both are sick , and at least the second cannot repeat it anymore. while the "civilized" can repeat it till there are no more children anymore.
i am a guy.
and i am against violence , anyform of violence , state or nonstate, islamistic or american, hizbollah or israeli violence is for me the one and the same. as a concequence i dont qualify to join hizpollah. i dont have a problem condemning there actions as i do with israel. i dont see any fundamental difference between them.
i would like to see them dissapearring , but your buddy state , is spreading the seeds for many new of them
"amma xere pos ylantron ontas kopei kavatji trigiro tou petassounte trakosia parapoulia,
to nyn , anta na troei ti gi , troei ti gi tharkete , ma panta tjiino troete tjai tjino katalyete"
put it in your head for a while. try to get its meaning, and why israel will fail in the long run.....and a month ago abbas was pushing for a referendum to recognise them...but then they thought....lets "accidentally" shoot a missile and wipe out a whole family....they will collect exactly what they are now planting : blood and revenge.