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Cypriot kindness and hospitality

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Re: Cypriot kindness and hospitality

Postby Bill » Tue Jul 11, 2006 9:44 am

bambina wrote:
maybe its just your personality? :) are you kind and always in good mood? :P

Yes -- I suppose you could say that --- plus I'm always willing to help others :D

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Postby miltiades » Tue Jul 11, 2006 9:57 am

Was not aware of this , will do a little research , just to make sure that the Cypriot authorities are not out of line with EU directives. The authorities at times can be very difficult to deal with , having myself experienced situations where you wonder if indeed we are now in the EU.
When my daughter was negotiating to have her British car taken out of customs and paid the duty required , she was given a list of requirements , that included : copies of mother and father passports, birth certificates of both parents , and to top it all 3 months copies of my Personal bank account. I saw red , and flew out to Cyprus and confronted this individual in Nicosia who was using illegal forms going back to the 60s .This form listed items required and finished off by stating :"" And any other documents that the authority may require"" !!! . So in effect they could have asked for my grandparents marriage certificate along with their birth certificates.
These type of forms were specifically introduced , and exist in many corrupt nations , in order to enhance the role played by buearocracy , and of course corruption.
These type of open - ended forms can be challenged in the courts who would be found illegal.
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Postby Bill » Tue Jul 11, 2006 10:35 am

miltiades wrote:When my daughter was negotiating to have her British car taken out of customs and paid the duty required , she was given a list of requirements , that included : copies of mother and father passports, birth certificates of both parents , and to top it all 3 months copies of my Personal bank account.

I thought about bringing my car over to Cyprus when I retire next year -- but after hearing so many horror stories from those who have done it I don't think I'll bother.

One couple I know were being charged so much that they shipped the car back to the UK and bought one in Cyprus as it worked out much cheaper.

It seems every effort is made by the authorities to discourage bringing cars to Cyprus .

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Postby unique_earthling » Tue Jul 11, 2006 1:05 pm

so much is illegal in Cyprus, i have heard of many incidences of corruption and illegallities here, and the non recognition of EU laws, these are the things that drive us crazy and frustrates you here... They dont play fair, which is an old fashioned word that means being treated equal, another word for it is predjudice, one rule for one and another for cypriots. And in the end it can only mean one thing, that they dont actually like foreigners here, and much of it is an abuse of power, they have a long way to go..
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