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Postby Marz » Fri Aug 11, 2006 4:54 am

Here in Aus. we treat animals fairly well, i got BullyXgreyhoundXPoiter dogs, i care for them very well, and i do use them for hunting they are naturals at it, i dont consider using them for hunting cruel, th dogs love it, and i cant forvce them to do it because i want them to, if im in the middle of a paddock and leave them in the car they cry to be let out and run.
Also to those opposed to dog racing, then think of horse racing where people and horses get injured but nobody ever wants to stop that do they?

When i was in Cyprus i found people didnt care for animals, and people who have pet are considered dirty. Although some villages do have a feral cat problem where they roam freely and keep breeding, thats why people lay poisons.

here we cant use poisons except farmers in rural areas where 1080poison is laid out, to get rid of pests like foxes and pigs which are not native to Australia. this poison is very bad anything that even licks the bait will die,
even the crows that pexck at the corpse, even maggots will die.
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Postby G.Man » Fri Aug 11, 2006 7:49 am

doglover wrote:My brothers dog died today. She was only five years old. A beautiful Cyprus poodle/terrier. She was poisoned, of course. The vet couldn't save her in time. My brothers wife was in a terrible state and had to be taken to the hospital, as she was having breathing problems. I hope whoever did that to the dog has a horrible death. This sort of thing happens too often here, and they all get away with it! Stupid idiots. This kind of thing makes me want to move back to England. The way they treat animals here is awful. THEY are the animals, not the poor dogs they poison.

I lost 2 cats to poisoners earlier this year so I know how they both feel...

I saw someone tipping something out of a bowl the other day, I didnt have time to investigate it tho, will be checking later...

If its poison meat, I know where they live...

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Postby doglover » Fri Aug 11, 2006 4:51 pm

Sorry to hear about your cats. :( I went to the vet today, and he gave me some syringes and an antidote, and showed me how to use them if someone should decide to poison our dogs. The poison they use is just so strong, that the dog would die before you can get it to the vet. It's horrible that we have to live in fear, and check the garden before we let our dogs out! I'd much rather keep my dogs in the house and clean up their mess all day than have some heartless bastard kill my babies. I called the Paphos dog shelter yesterday, upon hearing about my brothers dog being poisoned. I asked them if there was anything I could do. Apparently, 'lanate' the poison used to kill dogs and cats here, is banned in every European country, EXCEPT Cyprus. They get phone calls every day from people who have had pets that have been poisoned. It's disgusting. THEY are the animals, not the poor dogs and cats they murder.
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Postby doglover » Fri Aug 11, 2006 5:13 pm

Why isn't there an 'RSPCA' in Cyprus? Maybe if there was such a charity here working hand in hand with the police, then maybe Cypriots would realise that animals ARE worth fighting for, and understand how serious the consequences would be if you are caught by the police. Someone really needs to enforce this law over here. I spoke to the government vet yesterday, and he also told me that there are way too many cases of dogs and cats being poisoned here. He actually said that Cypriots only care about materialistic things. Cars, big houses etc. but they will never change inside. Those were his words, not mine, and as much as I hate to generalize... I really can see some truth in that over here. There must be something we can do to help these poor animals. I help as much as I can... I see stray poodles on the road, and I take them to the Paphos dog shelter. I already have three dogs of my own, all of which I found abandoned without a home. It really makes me sad :(

THIS is what we need over here. ... =inspector
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Postby aileen o'donoghue » Wed Aug 16, 2006 2:59 pm

Instead of military service, wouldn't it be great for these young men to do something much more useful - like cleaning streets, parks and along the highways, help the elderly or disadvantaged - anything that will keep them busier, and teach them to think about someone other than themselves.
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Postby doglover » Sat Sep 02, 2006 10:44 pm


what happened to those Cypriot soldiers that murdered those cats? I think they put two cats in an oven, and burnt them alive.

Were they sentenced to prison?
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Postby doglover » Sat Sep 02, 2006 10:48 pm

unique_earthling: How are things in the shelter these days?

I have been thinking about adopting another pet, so I may come down to the shelter to see what cuties have been rescued. I am also interested in helping out at the shelter, by grooming some of the dogs, which would hopefully help get them adopted?

What do you think?
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Postby doglover » Sat Sep 02, 2006 11:17 pm

unique_earthling wrote:Please do miltiades all are welcome, and it will be interesting as have many amazing animals, meet a few of them.Image

Aww, they are absolutely adorable!

Do you have any other recent pictures of dogs that are currently at the shelter? I would love to see them.
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Postby unique_earthling » Sun Sep 03, 2006 6:39 am

Elena, all the dogs that are on the page are still here bar one, the last one the poodle black and white was rehomed last week.. So come along you will be most welcome, have a coffee and a chat. I am there today from 9 till 5.
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Postby doglover » Sun Sep 03, 2006 5:50 pm

Thanks for the invite. I'll make sure to pop in some time next week.
I live in Limassol, so I'll have to check which days I have available.

How many dogs are at the shelter at the moment? Is it easy to find homes for them?

I admire you and everyone else who devotes their time at the shelter.

The main reason I post here, is to hopefully change some peoples minds. Some of my relatives did not like dogs at all before they met me... (they thought they were dirty animals, that should be kept outside) But then they met my dogs, and eventually bonded with them. My mum-in-law was the same... but now she treats my dogs like they are her grandchildren! She will even feed them on her lap at the table. My sister-in-law found a puppy on the street and arranged for someone at your shelter to pick it up from Orphanides in Limassol. She bought him toys, and food etc. It was so nice to see them develop a love for dogs. They are much more aware now, and realise that dogs are lovely creatures, that can love you more than any human could!

I paid a visit to my vet the other day, and there was a Cypriot lady there with her Cyprus poodle. She kept pictures of all her dogs in her wallet, (two of which she rescued.) I was incredibly touched by it, because it gave me some hope, and I realised that there are SOME Cypriots that do love dogs. She kissed my dog on it's head as she walked out of the vets office.

I explained to her that there should be more people like her in Cyprus, and she agreed.

So I don't think it's a hopeless task.
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