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Postby andri_cy » Mon Jul 17, 2006 7:54 pm

Dog races are legal?
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Postby unique_earthling » Mon Jul 17, 2006 10:34 pm

grey hound racing is a world wide sport, and unfortunately so is dog fighting and bear baiting and fox hunts.
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Animal Shelters

Postby annecollings » Fri Jul 21, 2006 5:35 pm

Hi u-e / Lesley :
I could tell many stories about animal cruelty in Cyprus, but I would be here all day!

The most recent was one of my customers (I'm a groomer) who found at very young pup, on the road near Moni Power Station (Limassol) who was tied by her back legs with wire, absolutely leaping with fleas and ticks. She is all cleaned up now and will live a lovely happy life with her English and Polish owners I'm glad to report.

In which area do you help with animal welfare / shelter? I try to do my best to support a few of the animal charities here - Every little bit helps.
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Postby unique_earthling » Sat Jul 22, 2006 8:08 pm

Hi Anne i work for the Paphiakos CCP animal welfare in Paphos, sorry not been on for a few days had PC trouble but hopefully its fixed now, really need a new one, but on the meagre pittance foreign women earn here, its a struggle to save much. Anyway i digress, i have seen a lot of animals in a terrible state with ticks and fleas, one i had in on Thursday, she was a tiny terrier, with 4 sick pups of about 6 weeks old, they were covered in ticks, hundreds just inside their ears, let alone on their thin emaciated bodies, its heart breaking, that they are left like this, i guess they didnt want her after she had pups, and she is so small and adorable, will take a picture of her tomorrow and post it, she can be my rehome of the month, unfortunately i dont think her pups will make it, but hopefully she will and maybe i will find her a home. So watch this space....
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animal welfare

Postby annecollings » Sun Jul 23, 2006 9:24 am

Hi Lesley

I am already a member and supporter of Paphiakos. May be one day I will see you at one of the hot dog shows, as I live a long way from Paphos. I admire anyone helping these poor animals. Keep up the good work.
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Postby unique_earthling » Sun Jul 23, 2006 4:46 pm

I never get to go to the hot dog show as i am always working at the shelter, i work christmas and new year and any other holidays you can think of... Unfortunately you cant tell animals to wait a day or two and i will be back to care for you soon. Weekends are our busiest times as well for visitors so i have to be there to do PR and hopefully rehome.
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Postby doglover » Thu Aug 10, 2006 2:36 pm

My brothers dog died today. She was only five years old. A beautiful Cyprus poodle/terrier. She was poisoned, of course. The vet couldn't save her in time. My brothers wife was in a terrible state and had to be taken to the hospital, as she was having breathing problems. I hope whoever did that to the dog has a horrible death. This sort of thing happens too often here, and they all get away with it! Stupid idiots. This kind of thing makes me want to move back to England. The way they treat animals here is awful. THEY are the animals, not the poor dogs they poison.
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Postby twinkle » Thu Aug 10, 2006 3:49 pm

My heart goes out to your sister in law. I'd be devastated. My dog is my baby.

Ghandi said that you can tell how civilised a country is by the way it treats its animals....

I rest my case!
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Postby unique_earthling » Thu Aug 10, 2006 5:03 pm

sorry to hear of your loss, its very sad that people here resort to poisons to get rid of what they consider a nuisance, i dont like my neighbours kids but it doesnt mean i would try to poison them... I dont think they have any empathy of how we love our animals. Because to them they are worth nothing..
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Postby Landis » Thu Aug 10, 2006 5:28 pm

When we in the US, we adopted retired racing greyhounds, cared for them, and then found good homes for them. They make excellent pets. My wife lobbied for years against dog racing and cock fighting (roosters fight to the death) but the races and fights continue.

- Until we have the courage to recognize cruelty for what it is, whether its victim is human or animal, we cannot expect things to be much better in this world... We cannot have peace among men whose hearts delight in killing any living creature. By every act that glorifies or even tolerates such moronic delight in killing we set back the progress of humanity. - Rachel Carson
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