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Postby G.Man » Fri Jul 14, 2006 11:20 pm

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Postby andri_cy » Fri Jul 14, 2006 11:31 pm

What the hell is going on with the generation of today? Is it maybe that spankings are not given like the used to be? How do people end up raising little polied brats that are becoming cruel bastards? I thought it was only in Cyprus as it is widespread-I know its not right, but we have to change things one stap at a time. But would you really have expected to see this in the UK, or the US? I sure would have hoped not but it seems so. Maybe we need to think why?
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Postby unique_earthling » Sat Jul 15, 2006 6:21 am

Thank God in England its a not common, and usually done by psychopathic yobs like that, or senile old ladies who think they are doing good keeping 200 dogs and cats couped up in a house, but per capita its few and far between, here its almost endemic considering the population on the whole island is less 800,000 compared to Englands 70,000,000. Thats the reason i dispair, we all know it goes on in the world, but to what extent is the problem. Of course if you think animal cruelty is only when a cat is thrown out of a window, or a dog is set light too and dont count sticking dogs in ovens on the back of trucks for hunting starving them and keeping them in filthy cages fed on bread and beating them into submission, because practically every dog i get in the shelter and thats around 60 a week flinch and cower. So heavy handedness is used a lot to get the animals to obey. Just walk round with your eyes open and you will see what methods are used here. And i am not saying all treat their animals like it, but most do..
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Postby andri_cy » Sat Jul 15, 2006 8:52 am

We have this neighbor who has 4 dogs and they are all always chained to these trees. They dont have a dog house they are outside when it rains and when it snows. Sometimes they go on vacations and they let them tied there with no food. They are mad animals and when they get loose they go for anyone just because they are angry. Last year we called the animal welfare and they took their dogs away. Then they got more. It seems we keep calling people and no one cares. I do not know what to do. My husband wants to go free them whle they are not home but we know they will just get more.... :(
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Postby miltiades » Sat Jul 15, 2006 9:00 am

UE , Keep the good work going , I still find that overall there has been a vast improvement in animal welfare thanks to people like you. I lived in Cyprus in the 50s and then it was unthinkable to have a dog in the house , it was usually tied up in the Yard whatever the weather. They are many Cypriots who genuinely have dogs as just pets , but unfortunately there are many who do not. You will find that the Cypriots who have lived overseas , mostly in the UK , Australia , USA , are far more likely to be kind and loving towards animals.
In the UK where I live , apart from a very small minority , mostly foreigners , the vast majority are as you say animal friendly .
I , personally when in Cyprus , if I come across some sort of animal cruelty , then I reprimand the person responsible , but of course its much more acceptable if one of their own kind points the finger , rather than a foreigner. I think the Brits are wonderful in giving so much of their time and effort into taking care of the mistreated animals.
Well done and thanks on behalf of all of my compatriots.
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Postby Freddy » Sat Jul 15, 2006 10:56 am

Miltiades, We are retired Brits and living in Cyprus. Your spot on, if any foreigner points a finger its the usual response 'whats the problem!'
Almost every week of the year there are fund raising events around the island, all in the aid of looking after animals that have mistreated or dumped. I run all over the Bondu and everytime I find animals tied up, in particular supposed hunting dogs! Farms built from junk, most with metal roofing, are everywhere and inside they leave sheep, goats, cows and of course dogs! It appears that in recent years the cat problem has almost disappeared. Gone are the days when they were around every restaurant and around the streets of towns and villages, the local poison has done the trick!!!!!
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Postby miltiades » Sat Jul 15, 2006 11:47 am

Lets hope more Brits retire in Cyprus because they contribute so much to not only to animal welfare but also to other good causes , not forgetting the financial aspect either.
The Cypriots on the whole are a very peace loving race , both the Greek and Turkish share this quality , where they ought to improve is their outlook to animals and you the Brits are contributing so much towards animal welfare , I'm proud of being a Cypriot but above all proud to be an Anglo Cypriot .
Keep it up Freddie and hope you also have time to take in some of life's other little pleasures like a cold beer or a chilled glass of wine.
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Postby unique_earthling » Sat Jul 15, 2006 4:48 pm

I have many friends who are english cypriot, south african cypriots and an aussie cypriot and all love animals and are wonderful pet owners so i know its the closed culture of those who have never been anywhere other than here. And all my Cypriot friends from outside abhor the treatment of animals here, so i must give them credit, they too are trying to change the way it is. Also the animal problem goes further than domestic animals, the appalling conditions in slaughter houses, and the treatment of livestock too... The dont care ignorance and mentallity is far reaching. But i would like to thank you all for your support and look forward to the day when you come and visit us, just ask for Lesley.
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Postby miltiades » Sat Jul 15, 2006 8:49 pm

I was born in a small village just outside Paphos , and when I'm next in Cyprus will most definitely pop in .
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Postby unique_earthling » Sat Jul 15, 2006 9:28 pm

Please do miltiades all are welcome, and it will be interesting as have many amazing animals, meet a few of them.Image
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