by unique_earthling » Thu Jul 13, 2006 4:37 pm
Yes snad i too have seen a move forward, and slowly it will change, but i do question why it has taken the foreigners to set the standard in everything whether it be animal welfare, human rights, etc etc, We are working towards change but they are just rules to the locals and untill the mentallity changes, they cant see why its not ok to carry on as they do. They dont see that driving erratically, with a phone attached to their ear and their children jumping around in a car is dangerous, they dont see that high speed kills, they dont understand what all the fuss is about, when i tell them they cant rehome a hunter and stick it in an oven on the back of their truck, they dont understand that foreigners have as much right to equal treatment. So they are really struggling with the new rules, and the laws are made but not implimented. And now the government is trying to give incentives like car seats away to those that have a clean license and a new baby. The only way things will change is more policing and more convictions, when it hits their pocket and their freedom then it will change. Not darn car seats, i really question the logic here. No one wants to upset anyone incase they suffer reprisals.