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Orams Case

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Orams Case

Postby RichardB » Fri Jul 07, 2006 11:09 am

Does anyone have any updated news on the Orams Case which I think is due to be heard in the London appeal court in the next week or so.
I've browsed the net but cannot find any new news or much relavence.

I know the background and am just looking for any updates


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Postby simonwjones » Fri Jul 07, 2006 1:17 pm

This case is just as complexed as the one going on with Juventus Football Club at the moment.

Don't know the answer to your question Richard but if I come accross anything I will let you know.
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Postby simonwjones » Fri Jul 07, 2006 1:21 pm

This case is just as complexed as the one going on with Juventus Football Club at the moment.

Don't know the answer to your question Richard but if I come accross anything I will let you know.
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Postby lysi » Sat Jul 08, 2006 11:02 am

I hope the greedy orams get what they deserve, they knew that there home was built on stolen greek cypriot land but turned a blind eye.
I hope this greedy couple read the posts on this forum :roll:
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Postby theresa » Sat Jul 08, 2006 11:14 am

From Cyprus today:

"The case due to start on July 18th, will decide whether the UK courts can enforce against Linda Oram and David Oram's assets in Britain a South Nicosia court judgement ordering linda Oram to demolish the Lapta house she built on formerly Greek Cypriot owned land and give the land back"

A series of protests and awareness campaigns will take place in Cyprus, England, Turkey and Australia (in support of the Orams) in the run up to the case.

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Postby lysi » Sun Jul 09, 2006 2:03 pm

Tess, why do people want to help the greedy orams ? if someone stole of you tess how would you feel about it ? :roll:
I see the pro-occupation HPG are supporting this greedy couple, if you dont agree with this then contact this gang of thieves to complain to them.
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