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Monthly Bills When Apartment ist Used?

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Monthly Bills When Apartment ist Used?

Postby simonwjones » Wed Jul 05, 2006 9:30 pm

Hello all

I know this has been posted before but I can't find it!!

In England we pay water rates which is a fixed amount, if you go over your allowance you obviously pay more. Electric is similiar but you can decide how much to pay, if you go over you pay more!

Question is, what is the set up in Cyprus? Water and Electric? We will probably use our 1 bed apartment 3 or 4 times a year. Do you pay water rates and electric rates even if your consumption is low?

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Postby Bill » Wed Jul 05, 2006 9:56 pm

Read your post but I'm not sure what you mean by "rates".

If you mean the standing monthly / two monthly charge for supply of electric / water and telephone charged to you before any use is calculated -- then yes you will pay every two months for electric / water and every one month for your telephone.

It's not the utilities company's fault you are not using the product you have asked them to supply.

The only savings that I know of personally you can make if your property is not occupied all the time is for the council rates .

I posted this quite some time ago in respnse to another question but nobody has mentioned yet whether they have succeeded or not.

The normal yearly charge for rates on my two bed apartment is £60 --- but because it's only a holiday home and only occupied a few weeks a year I only pay £40 --- not much agreed but every little helps.

This applies to the Larnaca area ---- one would think it would be the same everywhere else but as this is Cyprus I'll reserve judgement on this one.

Give it a try -- you could be lucky --- you may have to insist or demand the reduction ---- because it won't be offered .

I believe there might be some other reductions if you are a OAP and resident in Cyprus but perhaps someone else can give you advice on this.

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Postby simonwjones » Wed Jul 05, 2006 10:04 pm

Cheers Bill

How much do you pay on electricity and water per two months then?

Sounds like you use your as much as I will.

Also, isnt council tax based on the property value? I thought this was Immovable Property Tax.

I thought England was bad for taxes!
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Postby Bill » Wed Jul 05, 2006 10:15 pm

Actually Simon I couldn't give you an exact figure but it's certainly not more than £4 per two months for each one --- I pay through the bank so I don't really take much notice I just look at the units used section to see if anybody has been using it whilst I've been in the UK.
Council rates -- is very much like the council rates system we used to have in the UK and has nothing to do with the IPTax

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Postby simonwjones » Wed Jul 05, 2006 10:22 pm

2 pounds per month for water and 2 pounds per month for electricity is very cheap. I had put aside a budget of 30 pounds for the combined so I am very happy!
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Postby Pubdog2 » Wed Jul 05, 2006 11:08 pm

My water is CY£8 + VAT = CY£8.40 for two months. Can't remember the leccy. Thats in Deryneia. Council tax equivalent is £50pa
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Postby simonwjones » Wed Jul 05, 2006 11:17 pm

Cheers pubdog!

Its cheaper than I thought.

Who do you use for Leccy and Water, can you give me website or number please!

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Postby Bill » Thu Jul 06, 2006 1:01 am

simonwjones wrote:2 pounds per month for water and 2 pounds per month for electricity is very cheap. I had put aside a budget of 30 pounds for the combined so I am very happy!

I think we have gone way off the mark here .
thats not what I said

Are you asking ( sorry to ask again ) how much the electric and water bills were before calculating the amount used -- ie the standing charge / the charge made every two months to bring the utlity to you without you actually using any .

If so I answered about £4 EACH one --- I'm not sure of the exact price as I don't have the bill in front of me -- but it's around that

For electric if you call it say £4 plus the charge for the amount of electic used -- I have had a bill of £52 for a period of two months last year which was due to my children and grandchildren being there and using the air con and electric cooker.

If I'd got a bigger place and more electric bits and bobs to switch on the bill would have been much bigger :shock:

I think the water bill at this time was also high ( don't you just love grandkids) about £38 for the same two months.

It's all dependant on what you have in your appartment -- i.e. 3 aircons going full blast all night and half the day in August

The telephone costs £6.95 a month plus calls -- This I can remember exactly as I cut it off last year as it was costing too much and I use a "so easy" chip in my mobile which works out cheaper

Simon -- there are NO alternative companies for utilities in Cyprus ( except the phone ) you get your electric from the electric company and your water from the water board

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Postby simonwjones » Thu Jul 06, 2006 11:00 am

Thanks Bill

I guess what I am after some costs of the standing order minimum charge (before use) for electric and water. If we pay £4 for water and electric per month/£8 for two months(when we are not there) that is fine. When we use the apartment then we obviosuly would pay alot more. I'm trying to work out my running costs when its not being used.
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Postby venusdee » Thu Jul 06, 2006 10:28 pm

If all the above is true then I think my kids need to move out I'm spending like £100 on electricity and £69.00 tele...
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