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Postby andri_cy » Wed Jul 05, 2006 4:17 pm

I also like Tess decided to work from home until my daughter at least starts school. I have no family to watch her for me, and with listening what you listen on the news about people I am a bit paranoid about leaving her with anyone. Plus with gas prices and daycare I probably would be making less than I make now.
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Postby littlemiss » Wed Jul 05, 2006 5:39 pm

oh all the wonderful things i have to look forward to!!!! Im gonna have to be a working mum next year i have also seriously thought about the babysitting for others as my job god if i got 1 pound an hour for each child and only looked after 2 i would be on the same money i am on now i will just see if there is a need for it maybe charge an extra 2 pound if they want a meal thrown in.
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Postby raymanuva » Wed Jul 05, 2006 5:44 pm

115 CYP per month..7:30 till 18:00, u can get your baby into a decent kindergarden.
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Postby littlemiss » Wed Jul 05, 2006 5:53 pm

shhh you will ruin my business lol, not as much fun as being with me lol, the reason i would choose to do babysitting is so i can still be with my child but if it comes to it i will have to make alternative arrangements, its sad how mums in cyprus do have to work as its impossible to live on dads wages alone these days i did hear for your first child you get 150cyp a year not really enough to help is it!
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Postby avyixy » Thu Jul 06, 2006 8:19 am

Littlemiss- How much do you get paid? If you charged £1 an hour thats a total of £40 a week, £160 per month. For two children that would be £320. Is that what you are getting now?

That is frightening because I have been at the same job for 10 years now and although the pay was not great, over the years I have managed to get a decent wage.

It is really not going that well now so if I need to look for another job is that what I will start with? If so then it is better for me to stay at home and be with my kids.

However, your prices are a bit over the top. I pay my childminder £90.00 per month and that is with meals thrown in and for 8 hours a day.

The previous one I had (I had to change cause of she became ill) charged £90.00 a month but I had to provide all the child's meals - and she was my aunt!!!

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Postby littlemiss » Thu Jul 06, 2006 2:33 pm

Well im on 2 pound an hour at the mo and work 8 hour days 6 days a week. My god is 1 pound an hour really too much to have your child looked after??? God when i thought about getting a minder for my child i was expecting to pay more than that, how wrong i can be! my friend gives her mum 50 pound a week to look after her daughter and only for a few hours a day as the daughter is at school now he he he i will tell her that her mum is ripping her off lol.
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Postby Niki » Thu Jul 06, 2006 8:10 pm

In the UK it is about £6.5 CYP an hour! I have been paying a fortune for years.

My nanny works 4 afternoons a week for 3 hours and 3 full days a week during school holidays and gets £510CYP per month. This is the norm in the UK. I also supply a car.

Wages are higher granted but the difference is astounding!

Being a working mum is tough but I find it tougher now my girls are 10 and 12 - it gets to you after a while. Not being there when they are sick, not being involved with their school projects as much as you would like etc.
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Postby avyixy » Fri Jul 07, 2006 7:12 am

Yes you are right. The worst part is when they are sick and you can't be by their side and I also belive that the no matter what age they are there is always something for us mums to worry about.

Their demands change with their age and as they get older everything changes cause they have their own ideas and usually disagree with everything we say or want them to do (my two girls are 12 and 14- both very difficult ages!!). So overall toddlers are a bit easier to handle because at that age they are more obediant.

But saying all that, I wouldn't change anything for the world. My kids are my life!!
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Postby theresa » Fri Jul 07, 2006 9:05 am

After my two started school and I started back on my banking career - the school holidays were a problem, which I solved by having a French au-pair for 10 weeks. I am going back 20 yrs - but they worked for 'pocket money' as they were language students. She had every night off and weekends too, and it was a very reasonable (money wise) arrangement. Those sort of student workers also dont need work permits as they only receive bed, board and pocket money, I dont know if summer students from France etc would want to come to Cyprus on a working holiday for the summer?
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Postby Niki » Fri Jul 07, 2006 10:16 am

Maybe you could arrange this through a UK agency?

There is also a website that will arrange this anywhere in the world.

I think a tall blonde swedish male au pair would be good! :D
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