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"Good Greece-Cyprus Relations Essential for Solving Cyp

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"Good Greece-Cyprus Relations Essential for Solving Cyp

Postby Kartal_Aetos » Sun Jul 02, 2006 3:36 am

Nicosia. The good relations between Greece and Cyprus must be “guarded as the apple of one’s eye,” Cypriot party Movement of Social Democrats (EDEK) thinks cited by Cypriot newspaper Simerini.
According to the party the good Greece-Cyprus relations, the harmonic cooperation and the common national strategy of the two countries are necessary prerequisites for the efforts to solve the Cyprus issue to be successful.
This, according to the Cypriot social democrats, in no case means that Athens and Nicosia cannot discuss topics on which they have different positions. ... wsid=91407

what will people realise that unless there are no motherland intervention we will never solve this problem...they have been the ones holding us back, causing propaganda and breeding hatred in our youths all these years yet somehow simerini think they are "essential" for solving cyprus issue...
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Postby michalis5354 » Sun Jul 02, 2006 5:58 am

This is a stupid article! Where did you manage to find it?
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Postby Kartal_Aetos » Sun Jul 02, 2006 1:58 pm

funnily enough, here :)
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Postby michalis5354 » Sun Jul 02, 2006 2:22 pm

I am quite amased on how some of our politicians think! By kissing Greek ass** will we be better off? We have been doing that for the last 32 years and what have we managed to get! Why dont they try to follow a different strategy? The problem is in cyprus!
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Postby Kartal_Aetos » Sun Jul 02, 2006 2:32 pm

well-said michalis...the problem is motherland nationalism...if we can break free of it and teach a unified cypriot patriotism instead where we are cypriots above all else maybe we can look to a brighter future
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Postby Sotos » Mon Jul 03, 2006 2:30 am

Greece is helping us. They are not telling us what to do like Turkey tells to you ;) Without Greece support Cyprus would not join the EU. It is not about motherland but about a friendly country. ;)
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Postby Natty » Mon Jul 03, 2006 2:58 am

hey, this is a tough one, the 'motherland' stuff I think is just silly, when you look back through history, what really is a 'motherland'??? (getting a bit deep there....;))..However I do think that Cyprus should have good relations with both Greece and Turkey.......:)
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Postby michalis5354 » Mon Jul 03, 2006 5:32 am

Sotos wrote:Greece is helping us. They are not telling us what to do like Turkey tells to you ;) Without Greece support Cyprus would not join the EU. It is not about motherland but about a friendly country. ;)

Did Cy enter the EU because of Greece ??? :roll: This is a big Joke. I hope you are not serious. :roll:

By sitting back and having good relations with Greece will the Cy problem be solved ? It is stupid how the politicians think! Do they think that Greece will offer a magic formula? Or are they so scared to deal with the problems.
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Postby Strahd » Mon Jul 03, 2006 8:00 am

michalis5354 wrote:
Sotos wrote:Greece is helping us. They are not telling us what to do like Turkey tells to you ;) Without Greece support Cyprus would not join the EU. It is not about motherland but about a friendly country. ;)

Did Cy enter the EU because of Greece ??? :roll: This is a big Joke. I hope you are not serious. :roll:

By sitting back and having good relations with Greece will the Cy problem be solved ? It is stupid how the politicians think! Do they think that Greece will offer a magic formula? Or are they so scared to deal with the problems.


Once more you show us how ignorant and small minded ideas you have. I will just give you a name and go and look it up... Giannos Kranidiotis

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Postby michalis5354 » Mon Jul 03, 2006 2:30 pm

If Cy did not meet the Copenhagen criteria do you think it would have ever entered the club? The criteria were first met and then other factors were taken into conisideration like the CY problem along with these criteria! It was up to EU to decide not Greece! EU took the decision to alow the CY to enter because at that time it became apparent that the EU membership will assist the Cyprus settlement.

Giving all the credit to Greece and ignoring that other factors ,like the Copenhagen Criteria for entry played a crucial role is a misleading picture.

Obvioulsy at the time when Papadopoulos was elected then the whole idea above has changed.
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