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Architect arrested - does this really help the situation?

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby miltiades » Thu Jul 06, 2006 7:43 pm

Its an absolute disgrace that any one can wear a T-shirt expressing such fascist views , reminiscent of the Nazis in war time Germany openly displaying their intense hatred for the Jews . I only hope that I do not come across such an incident since my fuse is extremely short when faced with such blatantly ignorant behaviour.
Can I just ask datelife who wrote the following , how many children does he have ? I have not across any one in Cyprus having to budget milk , I'm not disputing your statement but are you that poor.

"""but if you too were working 10 to 12 hours a day and were still having to budget the milk you give to your children then i think you would feel much the way i do. """
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Postby Tony-4497 » Thu Jul 06, 2006 7:49 pm

I believe this will indeed help the situation, provided it is applied across the board.

Every single person involved in the exploitation of stolen property should be made to feel the heat and understand that there is no place to hide (other than perhaps the "TRNC" itself and Turkey).

If this is done effectively, it will make it increasingly less attractive for Turks, TCs and foreigners (especially Brits) to deal with stolen land or assist in the process. All involved need to realise that it is not "ok" to help exploit stolen property - it is a crime, those who do it are criminals and should be treated as such.

Greek-Cypriots should not feel "bad" about this - Turks have been occupying 37% of Cyprus through the use of brutal force for 32 years without a trace of sympathy for the refugees they kicked out from their home towns. We should not feel bad for applying the law.
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Postby MR-from-NG » Thu Jul 06, 2006 8:07 pm

I believe this will indeed help the situation, provided it is applied across the board.

Every single person involved in the exploitation of stolen property should be made to feel the heat and understand that there is no place to hide (other than perhaps the "TRNC" itself and Turkey).

If this is done effectively, it will make it increasingly less attractive for Turks, TCs and foreigners (especially Brits) to deal with stolen land or assist in the process. All involved need to realise that it is not "ok" to help exploit stolen property - it is a crime, those who do it are criminals and should be treated as such.

Greek-Cypriots should not feel "bad" about this - Turks have been occupying 37% of Cyprus through the use of brutal force for 32 years without a trace of sympathy for the refugees they kicked out from their home towns. We should not feel bad for applying the law.

Keep this attitude and you will end up with nothing. Are you guys so blind or blinkered that you cannot see beyond the tip of your nose?

All this means the TC yes voters will change to OXI. A six year old can now clearly see that our Greek neighbours are nothing but Turk haters and are the most unreasonable people to deal with. You are screwing yourselves but have your heads up so high up your own backsides you cannot see it. THATS A FACT.
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Postby sadik » Fri Jul 07, 2006 9:53 am

Bananiot wrote:Miltiades, I have no time to play the guessing game. I am prepare to listen to what datalife has to say and if he is a crook, so be it.

Mrfromng, the GC community is going through a very bad period. We are ruled by misanthropists, nationalists and rejectionists who unfortunately have managed to convince many people that this is the way to go about things. You are perfectly correct to say that reunification under the circumstances is not possible. Hopefully things will change, as Piratis says, when you see injustice you fight for justice!

P.S. Yesterday, I was walking downtown in Nicosia and infront of me there was a grown man wearing a t-shirt that said "the only good Turk is a dead Turk", but you also have the Grey Wolves who are no better. Our tragedy is that these people are allowed to exhibit their sick sentiments in an open and "transparent" way almost unchallenged.

Bananiot, I've been to Turkey as well and neither in Turkey nor in Cyprus, I have never seen anyone wearing a "the only good Greek is a dead Greek" t-shirt.

Even in Greece this kind of behavior will not be tolarated. At least, in Greece, the left makes a stance against these Neo-nazis. In Cyprus, there is absolutely no reaction.

I cannot understand this wide tolerance of the GC community towards racism. How long will the events and trauma of 1974 continue to be used as an excuse justifying the acceptance of racism and the inaction against it?

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Postby Kikapu » Fri Jul 07, 2006 10:24 am

Bananiot wrote:P.S. Yesterday, I was walking downtown in Nicosia and infront of me there was a grown man wearing a t-shirt that said "the only good Turk is a dead Turk", but you also have the Grey Wolves who are no better. Our tragedy is that these people are allowed to exhibit their sick sentiments in an open and "transparent" way almost unchallenged.

These are the people who are nothing but cowards and loosers, and the only thing they can do to be recognised, is to display such hatred. I will not, by the actions of few, brand the GC's as TC haters. Turkish military, yes, but not TC's. However, these people need to be confronted by the majority GC's to show that they don't speak for them, because once they remain silent, the cowards take their actions as an endorsment by the majority. What they need, is a good ass kicking by the ROC forces. They can call it a "freedom of expression" contest, to see who can kick the hardest.
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Postby Kifeas » Fri Jul 07, 2006 12:35 pm

Bananiot wrote: P.S. Yesterday, I was walking downtown in Nicosia and infront of me there was a grown man wearing a t-shirt that said "the only good Turk is a dead Turk", but you also have the Grey Wolves who are no better. Our tragedy is that these people are allowed to exhibit their sick sentiments in an open and "transparent" way almost unchallenged.

Bananiot, when I first read the above, I just thought "let's do not waste your time again with Bananiot and his usual undermining and anti-GC agendas. Hopefully no one will take him seriously!" This is what I thought. However, unfortunately some people did indeed take you seriously, even though they shouldn't, and therefore I am compelled to tell you now what I should have said to you yesterday, when I first read the above.

Bananiot, you are a pathetic liar! You did not see anyone wearing such a tee-shirt, unless it was a rare case of someone that just escaped from a mad house. So far, neither I nor anyone I know has ever seen any such a tee-shirt in the market, nor anyone wearing such a tee-shirt.

Nevertheless, if in the unlikely scenario that I personally ever come across such a person (someone that just escaped from the mad house,) I would have simply got the nearest policeman I find, and demand from him to arrest such a person immediately, due to the violation of laws of this country against inciting racial hatred, and hopefully once such a person is arrested they will find the most likelihood that he is a mentally unstable person and take him were he belongs. However, you seem to have just "passed" next to such a most likely fictitious person, did absolutely nothing, and then came here in the forum to exert slanders and undermine your own community, more or less like someone recruited and paid by the ATCA organization would have done! Shame on you!
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Postby Kifeas » Fri Jul 07, 2006 12:47 pm

By the way, before posting the above I had just finished calling about 6-7 friends I know in Nicosia, including one running a snack bar right in the center of the town. I specifically asked these questions: Has it recently become a “fashion” in Nicosia for people to wear T-shirts saying “"the only good Turk is a dead Turk?" Have you seen anyone –even just one person, wearing such a T-shirt anywhere in the town? Have you heard of or seen anywhere the existence of such T-shirts? All the answers I got were just flat “No’s!”
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Postby Tony-4497 » Fri Jul 07, 2006 1:15 pm

Keep this attitude and you will end up with nothing. Are you guys so blind or blinkered that you cannot see beyond the tip of your nose?

Precisely because I am not blind, I tend to consider the available options when faced with making decisions. If by "end up with nothing" you imply that the current situation will remain as opposed to "ending up" with an Annan-plan-type solution, then I would much rather "end up with nothing".

However, Turkey should also realise that if we "end up with nothing", she will also end up forgetting about any chance of ever joining the EU (unless ofcourse you think there is any chance in hell that Cyprus will allow its violent occupier to join the club before the occupation is lifted - in which case you would be completely blind).

All this means the TC yes voters will change to OXI.

What the TC voters think is irrelevant because they will always do as they are told by Ankara, as they have always done in the past - besides, the majority of voters are settlers and they will certainly do as they are told by Ankara. In addition, their Yes is also irrelevant, as it related to a plan that is wholly unacceptable to GC and hence irrelevant.

A six year old can now clearly see that our Greek neighbours are nothing but Turk haters and are the most unreasonable people to deal with.

Erm..Interesting conclusion! So applying the law and trying to stop people from building houses illegally on their own land makes GCs "Turk haters" and "the most unreasonable people to deal with".. I'm sure your argument has some logic somewhere.. but I just can't see (possibly because I am "blind or blinkered").

You are screwing yourselves but have your heads up so high up your own backsides you cannot see it. THATS A FACT.

Aah.. if only the blind GCs got their heads out of their backsides and begged for the Annan-plan to return.. then all the screwing would stop, hey?
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Postby Bananiot » Fri Jul 07, 2006 3:16 pm

Kifeas wants everyone to beleive that I am a liar and thus dismiss in the best way the notion that Greek Cypriot extremists exist at all. He wants every one to beleive that extremism on our side has died tamely away. This is not so and further more, extremism is tolerated at the highest level, much as it was in the 60's when the state itself set up paramilitary organisations run by butchers (Sampson, Yiorgatzis-Papadopoulos, Lissarides) that tried at all costs to unilaterally change the Constitution to which we swore obidience only in 1960. Of course, anyone, according to a sick mind, that challenges the extrimists, is spreading anti Greek propaganda. I leave this to the sane for judgement.

The particular incidence I referred to the other day is quite real and I can reveal more, since I have been challenged. The t-shirt was black and at the back there was a commando (Greek) slitting the throat of a Turkish soldier. The logo went "A good Turk is a dead Turk" and their was a signature that read: Army, Special Forces.

I saw exactly the same t-shirt while waiting in a long queue in a supermarket too, but nobody was injured in the stampede to tell off the person that wore the t-shirt. In fact, such behaviour is supported to some degree or other by many people and in the past only AKEL's members with an ideological background would react, albeit mildly, but now, alas, AKEL has been tied to the bandwagon of the most reactionary figure in Cyprus.

(Kifeas: We lost one helicopter, what's the big deal? The Russians will give us another one. For free.
Michalis Shiakallis's mother: Down with war, we have paid enough).

Michalis Shiakallis was killed in another helicopter crash in 2002, along with the then NG leader, Florakis.
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Postby cypezokyli » Fri Jul 07, 2006 3:47 pm

i cannot recall ever seeing such a t-shirt in the public.
i did saw it though in the army (especially in some commandos units) . and that wasnt too long ago.
whether there is such a fashion or not is irrelevant imo. nevertheless there are a number of studies that i have posted up to now , that show an increased nationalism etc among the young gc generation. that doesnot mean that we have nazi germany kind of effects. but nevertheless i believe in a country with a problem like ours more attention should be given to such tendencies. i believe that these studies need to be taken seriously , even if they are completely wrong.
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