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Postby unique_earthling » Sat Jul 01, 2006 5:31 pm

I did use lemon and it seemed less irritating Biker and i am also a bit wary of putting heavy chemicals on my skin as it does seep through and there is enough contaminants already the world without adding to it... Someone else said skin so soft from avon was good so will try and find that.

Can anyone tell me what good these little blighters do for the eco system, as i wouldnt be sorry if they were obliterated.
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Postby Snad » Sun Jul 02, 2006 11:54 am

unique_earthling wrote:thanks for that, and snad, if i mixed all that up enough to cover exposed skin at night i would need a bucketful... :oops:

Not really I put it in a little spray bottle and it smears quite well, just a couple of sprays on arms, ankle's and legs, it doesn't take much.

There is another one as well, there is a spray bottle in Cyprus called "Keep away" I just add a little Citronella and geranium and Lavender essential oil to it and I don't have much of a problem. 15 drops of each in the bottle. Works a treat :wink:

Remember they only tend to bite at Dusk & Dawn, and if its mozzies its only female ones that bite.

Sorry I couldn't be more help.
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Postby unique_earthling » Sun Jul 02, 2006 5:12 pm

Thanks snad will give it a try, and well.... congrats on your hundreth posts.. :D
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Postby Snad » Sun Jul 02, 2006 6:04 pm

Thank you I really enjoy this forum :D
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Postby michalis5354 » Sun Jul 02, 2006 6:41 pm

Here are some ingredients that repel most insects

Natural ingredients that repel insects -
Mosquitoes: basil, catnip, cedar, citronella, juniper, lemongrass, rosemary.
Flies: basil, citronella, juniper, palmarosa, rose geranium.
Fleas: pennyroyal.
Ants: all varieties of mint.

I ve also read in a book reagrding 87 different herbs that Basil as suggested above was one to be used to repel flies and mosquitos due to the strong smell that it has!! If you have a garden then try planting basil? who knows may it works! :wink: If not then you will have a nice herb to be used in the kitchen but beaware that basil according to my book is believed (since ancient times) to attract scorpions :shock:
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Postby unique_earthling » Mon Jul 03, 2006 6:08 am

SCORPIONS!!!!...............fantastic, i love them, especially the song 'winds of change' ....... ok ok i am being silly now, actually i do have basil growing in a tub with other herbs on one of my balconies. Never met a scorpion here, but seen a few large tarantulas.
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Postby mafiot4e » Mon Jul 03, 2006 2:51 pm

tarantulas?!?!? :shock: :shock:
:cry: :cry: :cry:
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Postby unique_earthling » Mon Jul 03, 2006 4:49 pm

Yes we have a few tarantulas, so if you are thinking of living in the country make sure you check under the bed, sheds and unused areas. And when digging in the garden be careful of the brown widow spider, these little buggers can really do damage if you get bitten. Also the blunt nosed viper isnt the best to run across, so dont gavort in long grass and check anything that has not been used for a while. Snakes are very shy and they dont want to run across you anymore than you do them... :lol:
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Postby mafiot4e » Mon Jul 03, 2006 6:54 pm

:shock: :shock:
im having second thoughts..whether to go to cyprus at all..vacation for now.
is there a chance of meeting such creepy crawlies in ayia napa - no grass, sand and town centre area?.. :shock: im frustrated of the very thought of even seeing such stuff..
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Postby unique_earthling » Mon Jul 03, 2006 8:31 pm

well... i live in the town and in 14 years i have only seen 3 tarantuals in all that time, but i live on the thrid floor of an appartment, but i do know of people who live in villas ad they have met a few more that have crawled in from the garden.. But unless you are really arachnaphobic, then they are not really a problem, you dont die from their bite even if your unlucky enough to get bitten, and they rarely come out for a stroll, they just like dark corners and peace and quiet, a bit like meself really. :)
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