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Non Europeans working in Cyprus

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Non Europeans working in Cyprus

Postby espriterrant » Thu Jun 29, 2006 2:23 am

I would like to get impression from people who are working in Cyprus presently and are not Europeans or Cypriot heritage.
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Postby Sotos » Thu Jun 29, 2006 5:48 am

It is very hard to get a work permit in Cyprus if you are not an EU citizen.
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Re: Non Europeans working in Cyprus

Postby sadik » Thu Jun 29, 2006 8:31 am

espriterrant wrote:I would like to get impression from people who are working in Cyprus presently and are not Europeans or Cypriot heritage.

I have some Indian friends working in Cyprus in the south. They in general are happy, but they also complain that some young people are sometimes acting in a racist manner.
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Postby raymanuva » Thu Jun 29, 2006 9:34 am

not sometimes, always...
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Postby costanza » Thu Jun 29, 2006 11:05 am

for some unknown reason i've only managed to make friends with people who arent from the EU out here. i know a lot of Ghanaians, they are here as students officially so they arent allowed to work here. they work in fields or on construction sites, they said they just hang around the finigouthes and people looking for cheap labour pick them up. i know a few people from bangladesh and india too, they're allowed to work here, but they've got a very anti-cypriot attitude, i guess thats because of the way they've been treated by cypriots. they come into my shop and when they talk to me they'll complain about the cypriots, then appologise a lot when i tell them i'm cypriot too, even though i dont look cypriot and have a london accent. from talking with them though they've told me they cant get decent jobs, one guy is a trained computer technician but he can only get work in a club or a kitchen.
i guess the problem stems from it only being the last 20 or so years that foreigners have been moving to cyprus, and the cypriots havent decided their opinion on it yet. sorry, i think i've gone off topic a bit in this reply, so i'll stop typing now
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Postby Kikapu » Thu Jun 29, 2006 11:22 am

It is absolutely disgusting what the Americans have done with the Mexicans and other latin Americans, using them as"legal slaves" to pay them as little as possible, and now the ROC is doing the same with other foreign nationals. This will only destroy the chance for the Cypriots to make a decent living, rather than the slave wage I have been reading that people make over there. As more EU members with money come to Cyprus, to buy the country from under the feet of Cypriots, you'll see more tension build up against the cheap foreign labour, because the cost of living will rise much, much faster than their wages. Rather than blaming the government, they will blame the poor bastards that were brought there by the ROC to keep the wages low in the first place.
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Re: Non Europeans working in Cyprus

Postby RichardB » Thu Jun 29, 2006 11:49 am

espriterrant wrote:I would like to get impression from people who are working in Cyprus presently and are not Europeans or Cypriot heritage.

As Sotos said it is very difficult for persons from non EU countries to get work permits.
I remember the problems I had many years ago when work was aplenty and employers were crying out for staff, even being married to a cypriot i found it very difficult to get a work permit. so with the employment situation now I know it is a nightmare for non EU citizens to get permits.
Also a very interesting post by kikapu I can see what he says happening in the not so distant future.
In the UK now even though there is a minimum wage in force there are many former 'Eastern bloc' citizens who are from EU countries but will work for less than the minimum wage.
This is causing rifts between them and Uk citizens
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Postby venusdee » Thu Jun 29, 2006 5:05 pm

I quite agree with Kikapu.

But I feel that Cypriot Employers take full advantage of their workers irrelevant of whether they are Cypriots or foreigners, sadly though is that foreigners come here without their families so they can survive on what they earn and can still afford to sent a little back home to their families, but what about the Cypriot worker who is trying to survive with their families here, bearly earning enought to pay rent never mind buy the basics. I saw a similar situation in Africa where people took advantage of their workers paying them very little and expecting them to work 10 to 12 hours.............. but in a first world country you would expect the govt to be more pro active concerning the workers rights and to ensure that the worker earns enough to at least look after their families.
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Postby cadaunovera » Thu Jun 29, 2006 8:49 pm

omgoshhhhh we walk in the streets and they are fekcing staringg like i cant explain like :twisted: omg its annoying and scary they dont seem friendly AT ALL so we dont even look at them anymore :roll:
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Postby RichardB » Thu Jun 29, 2006 8:56 pm

cadaunovera wrote:omgoshhhhh we walk in the streets and they are fekcing staringg like i cant explain like :twisted: omg its annoying and scary they dont seem friendly AT ALL so we dont even look at them anymore :roll:

Maybe its late at night where you are and maybe you've had one too many ....but for the life of me i cant understand what this posting has to do with this thread!!!

Can anybody explaain it to me?
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