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doctors sympathy

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doctors sympathy

Postby jazzy1 » Fri Jun 23, 2006 9:31 am

this is a bit of an essay.... sorry. need some advice and reassurance from any of those who knows somebody that may have gone through this.

When I come out in Cyprus in Aug I will be coming with my sister and other members of family.
My sister is currently being treated for Depression and has been advised that she will need to take her treatment (antidepressants) for approx another 6 months to ensure all is well.
She has regular doctors visits here and is happy with the reletionship she has with him as he is sympathatic and listens to her.
She is worried that when we move and obviously change doctors that they wont listen to her and carry on her treatment for the required time.
she is worried they will tell her to get over it, this is a horrible and scary time for her although she reassures us the move must go on.
The other alternative is she can fly back every 3 months to see the doctor, however if she feels that she will be treated and looked after in cyprus then im sure she will feel fine.

do you think the docs are sympathatic enough

cheers guys, big help
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Postby twinkle » Fri Jun 23, 2006 10:30 am

I was suffering from depression when I came to Cyprus. I went to a recognized psychiatrist in Larnaca. Although he was not very good at listening he changed my tablets from the ones I’d been on in the UK for 3 years and within 8 months I was off them. My advice would be to “shop” around for a good psychiatrist in your area and see him/her regularly. My GP was very good through it all and would often be the one listening if I needed someone. Be warned though antidepressants are very pricey over here. However, if she is that bad perhaps a move isn't a good idea. Let her have the option that she can go back if she wants to. The first year is the toughest.
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Postby jazzy1 » Fri Jun 23, 2006 1:32 pm

thanks twinkle. this is reassuring.
were you referred to the psychiatrist through your gp?
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Postby twinkle » Fri Jun 23, 2006 1:39 pm

Kind of. He was/is regarded as an expert for adult depression (30yo). Went there kicking and screaming with my parents. Your GP can recommend someone although its better to go to a recommendation from a patient.
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Postby dms007 » Fri Jun 23, 2006 2:28 pm

so what is it to be depressed?
what did you do when you were depressed?
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Postby michalis5354 » Fri Jun 23, 2006 3:20 pm

Since your sister has already selected a good pshychoatrist that she trust there is no reason to change him as each one has his own methodology .Be warned that there are pshyciatrist that are willing to have as many appointments with anyone just to earn more money.

I have also suffered from depression and I did not want to take any medicinesl! But at the end I accepted a medication after lots of advice.I found that different pshychiatrist can offer different medication especially from depression.

I stopped the medication by myself and I substituted herbs and vitamins ie herbal tea for depression and I managed to become well after a short time.

It is not good for anyone to change pshychitrist so since your sister has already selected a good pshycitarist in UK that he trust, there is no reason to change him . My advise is to wait until she becomes well and then to come to Cyprus.Otherwise she will end up following different prescriptions or paying unecessary money to doctors in Cyprus.
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Postby michalis5354 » Fri Jun 23, 2006 3:37 pm

She has regular doctors visits here and is happy with the reletionship she has with him as he is sympathatic and listens to her.

This is one reason not to change pshychiatrist. Also the language barrier that she will face in Cyprus assuming she does not speak Greek is another bigger reason.
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Postby twinkle » Fri Jun 23, 2006 4:00 pm

michalis5354 you make alot of sense. I agree. If she is depressed and can stay in the UK don't make her move as that will just add to her anxiety. Making a move such as this takes alot of strength and will power. Something in short supply when you are depressed. :)
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Postby littlemiss » Fri Jun 23, 2006 4:11 pm

I cant say I found many doctors here sympathetic over any illness, maybe it is the language barrier, and they just come across a bit rude i dont know, i have been in hospital a few times since i have been here, the last time i swear was my last unless its life of death, they actually didnt believe me when i was in a ball of pain! After insisting they did something it turned out i had a severe infection, now being pregnant i am again coming across this lack of listening to me, or allowing me to ask questions, it seems most just want they money here. I reccomend she stays with her own doctor who she can trust, especially to over come depression, and if they have such a good relationship already, i really dont think it will be easy to find that here.
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Postby unique_earthling » Fri Jun 23, 2006 9:13 pm

i am inclined to agree, i think the doctors here are mostly motivated with money i have been in hospital a couple of times here and in both sectors, the private and the general, and found in the general an appalling lack of care, very dismissive, and treat you like a child playing up. which basically boils down to them not actually able to empathise and think that women are really stupid and making a fuss over nothing. The private hospital were great in a condescending way, making innuendos and jokes and also treats you like a child but smiles whilst doing so.. but when the treatment is over and they had to wait a while for their money, i was looked upon like a leper. trust me many are motivated by money and not by a real feeling of care., actually i feel this is in all areas here. Sad but true. As a therapist myself, i feel your sister should stay and be with those she trusts as trust is everything in a therapeutic relationship. i wish her all the best and hope she feels better soon.
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