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doctors sympathy

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Postby jazzy1 » Sun Jun 25, 2006 4:23 pm

been away for weekend.
Thanks for the advice guys.

Its funny as I was going to say, do you all find that the private docs are money orientated rather than actually caring more about their patients more. I had a feeling this would be the case

Health is such an important issue, number 1 priorty, this is really my main worry.
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Postby avyixy » Sun Jun 25, 2006 5:17 pm

littlemiss, I have been reading this forum for a while now and know that you are expecting.

I know that most doctors only think of the money and those that have clinics seem to be all too willing to admit you to their clinics for even the slightest pain.

I know this because my eldest daughter had a pain in her side and when we took her to the doctors they kept her in for appendicitis but it just turned out to be period pains (needless to say we were £200 worse off after that!!).

Anyway just to let you know that not all doctors are like this. I have 3 kids and for the 1st and 3rd, I begged the gynacologist to give me a c section cause the pain was unbearable but glad to say they both didn't listen to me (2 different doctors at different clinics) and I delivered naturally, without any sort of pain relief, and everything went well.

Hope everything goes great for you.
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Postby littlemiss » Mon Jun 26, 2006 2:06 pm

Thank you avyixy, i hope in about 3 months i can come back and say how wonderful all the doctors were and take back every bad thing i have said about them, fingers crossed.
Jazzy 1 I hope we have all helped you make the right decision, im sorry if we have scared you off a bit, we are all very good at being brutally honest here, but i think its for the best, i know i would rather know the truth than come and be dissapointed. xx
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Postby miltiades » Mon Jun 26, 2006 3:31 pm

My wife has been fighting cancer for almost five years now , and when she was in remission she came to Cyprus to stay with our daughter who lives in Limassol. She was admitted into the Clinic on 3 occasions and the Doctor that looked after her , though not an oncologist , was absolutely magnificent .The first time she went to the clinic Dr.Demetris had to stabilize her condition in order for her to be able to fly back to the UK {She is under Professor Kay of the Royal Marsden in Sutton } As if this wasn't enough the minute she was well enough she flew back to Cyprus only to find herself admitted once more. This happened once more , and always under the care of Dr.Demetris who was such a caring and gentle professional I can say with first hand experience that he was as good as the Doctors at the Marsden. He has our deepest respect , can pass on his number if any one wants a good general practitioner / diabetic specialist / who speaks excellent English . Nor related , and not known prior to my wife becoming ill.
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Postby littlemiss » Mon Jun 26, 2006 3:55 pm

ah miltiades i hope your wife is better, its good to hear there are some good doctors here, what hospital in cyprus was this? Maybe it would be a good idea to post his number on here, for anyone looking for a good doctor as im sure all of us are. xx
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Postby miltiades » Mon Jun 26, 2006 6:20 pm

It was the POLIKLINIKI in Limassol , Dr.Demetris is on : 99629942 , he has of course his own practice.
As I said earlier Dr Demetris was magnificent , his genuine care stems out of compassion for the patient and he is what all doctors should be. Our experience with him during 3 admissions to the clinic were impressive to say the least , and of course our standard of comparison was the doctors at perhaps the finest hospital in the world , the Royal Marsden in Sutton and Fulham.
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Postby michalis5354 » Mon Jun 26, 2006 7:49 pm

Miltiades I hope your wife gets better! My aunt also had a cancer and she had treatment not only in cyprus but in UK . Now she is well , I dont know exactly how her situation is at the moment but she looks fine.

LitteMiss since you are looking for good doctors I can recommend a good dental polyclinic in case you need any dental care in the future. I know how sensitive you are in finding the right doctor whoi can listen to you and speak proper English try this . I have not had a treatent there yet but I itend to go there in the future for a treatment. The impression I got after a discussion with Dr Taramides DDS, MDS is positive.He was willing to answer many of my queries in a professional manner. I visited many other dentist to compare prices etc before visiting the Nicosia Dental Policlynic and I think its the best so far. See also the webiste to get a better view.

My last dentist was money oriented and he used to make treatment according to his own quidelines.
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Postby mountainman » Mon Jun 26, 2006 9:13 pm

I'm really sorry to read all the negative comments about medical professionals in Cyprus, what a terrible indictment on the profession but unfortunately if your doctor screws up and you die he still gets paid.

Not the same with your average carpenter, plumber etc.
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Postby exemanfire » Tue Jun 27, 2006 10:56 am

As a doctor, i dont think all my colleagues are the same...

like all the other people in different jobs..

and some of the perfect ones just cant find the right vibration with you..

Take it easy.. you can always find a good one here in Cyprus...

may be you will never want to leave again...
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