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Postby rotate » Fri Jun 23, 2006 4:58 pm

lysi wrote:LIOPETRI is famous for a shoot out between EOKA & the BRITISH ARMY during the 1950s struggle for independence from britiain, does anyone know the names of the brave EOKA fighters who to part in the battle ?

The names of the dead EOKA fighters (with apologies for any spelling mistakes),
Christos Samaras
Starou/Stavrou Pittas
Andreas Karios
Elias Papakyriakos

Elias Samaras brother of the leader of the group was later executed on the orders of EOKA leader Colonel George Grivas for giving information to the British leading to the groups entrapment.

Elias Samaras was held at a British detention centre for a month after the Liopetri action and then flown to England. Seventeen days later he returned to Cyprus and surrendered himself to EOKA, unable it was said to bear the pain of his guilt. He confessed and pleaded for his life, saying that he gave way under torture.

Colonel Grivas sent this message to the EOKA area commander
"I see no mitigating circumstances in the treachery of Samaras, he will be executed. The execution will be a lesson to everyone, showing that no one may ask for pardon on the excuse that their treachery was due to torture. The greatness of the fighter lies in not giving way to the violence or physical suffering and in not being countered by enemy bullets. As the leader, because of family spiritual ability, because of the trade to sincere repentance and because he has paid for his crime with death. I shall say no more. Everyone must judge the man for himself".
(translated from the Campaign for the Union of Cyprus with Greece 1955/59, captured papers general orders and war diaries of Colonel George Grivas).
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Postby Sotos » Fri Jun 23, 2006 5:02 pm

Thanks for the info rotate. It is good to know the history of the place you are going to live. But I hope this thread will not turn into another EOKA - British rule thread!!
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Postby Natty » Fri Jun 23, 2006 6:46 pm

Hey, this Grivas guy was kinda, urm whats the word......extreme...yeah thats a good word!

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Postby Natty » Fri Jun 23, 2006 6:48 pm

I know you were only joking Sotos! It's true what you say about villagers, I have to agree....Even though i'm damn proud to be one myself, well kind of one.....;)
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Postby RichardB » Fri Jun 23, 2006 8:07 pm

lysi wrote:LIOPETRI is famous for a shoot out between EOKA & the BRITISH ARMY during the 1950s struggle for independence from britiain, does anyone know the names of the brave EOKA fighters who took part in the battle ?

I believe the fighters who died were Andrea Karyo Xantho, Christos Samara, Elia Papa Kyriakou, and Fotis Stavrou Pitta.

Also killed in action that day Rfn DD Kinsella

The man who betrayed the EOKA men was Elias Samara the brother of one of the EOKA men killed that day.

Lysi can we please leave the politics now to the correct area in the forum all the initial thread was about was what is like to LIVE in Liopetri
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Postby RichardB » Fri Jun 23, 2006 8:09 pm

rotate wrote:
lysi wrote:LIOPETRI is famous for a shoot out between EOKA & the BRITISH ARMY during the 1950s struggle for independence from britiain, does anyone know the names of the brave EOKA fighters who to part in the battle ?

The names of the dead EOKA fighters (with apologies for any spelling mistakes),
Christos Samaras
Starou/Stavrou Pittas
Andreas Karios
Elias Papakyriakos

Elias Samaras brother of the leader of the group was later executed on the orders of EOKA leader Colonel George Grivas for giving information to the British leading to the groups entrapment.

Elias Samaras was held at a British detention centre for a month after the Liopetri action and then flown to England. Seventeen days later he returned to Cyprus and surrendered himself to EOKA, unable it was said to bear the pain of his guilt. He confessed and pleaded for his life, saying that he gave way under torture.

Colonel Grivas sent this message to the EOKA area commander
"I see no mitigating circumstances in the treachery of Samaras, he will be executed. The execution will be a lesson to everyone, showing that no one may ask for pardon on the excuse that their treachery was due to torture. The greatness of the fighter lies in not giving way to the violence or physical suffering and in not being countered by enemy bullets. As the leader, because of family spiritual ability, because of the trade to sincere repentance and because he has paid for his crime with death. I shall say no more. Everyone must judge the man for himself".
(translated from the Campaign for the Union of Cyprus with Greece 1955/59, captured papers general orders and war diaries of Colonel George Grivas).

Sorry rotate I didnt look at second page
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Postby lysi » Sat Jul 01, 2006 10:07 am

RichardB wrote:
lysi wrote:LIOPETRI is famous for a shoot out between EOKA & the BRITISH ARMY during the 1950s struggle for independence from britiain, does anyone know the names of the brave EOKA fighters who took part in the battle ?

I believe the fighters who died were Andrea Karyo Xantho, Christos Samara, Elia Papa Kyriakou, and Fotis Stavrou Pitta.

Also killed in action that day Rfn DD Kinsella

The man who betrayed the EOKA men was Elias Samara the brother of one of the EOKA men killed that day.

Lysi can we please leave the politics now to the correct area in the forum all the initial thread was about was what is like to LIVE in Liopetri

richardb, why should people not be told the history of LIOPETRI ? It was a famous battle between brave cypriots who were trying to gain there independence & the british army of occupation. :roll:
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Postby RichardB » Sat Jul 01, 2006 11:44 am

Of course people may want to know the history of liopetri lysi
But if you want to start a discussion on that then why not start another thread
The initial posting on this one was about living in Liopetri NOW not 50 years ago
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